Chapter 26

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Lis' POV

I woke up and looked over at Amy who was still asleep next to me. I sat up and grabbed my phone. I had a missed call and a text from Luke. They were on the east coast so it was a 4 hour difference and it was 8 in the morning here. I checked the text, 'Lis, just texting to let you know we landed, it's so cool here you would love it. I miss you and Amy running around and being crazy. I hope you guys meet up with us quick. I love and miss you. Talk to you soon. x' I smiled at the text and slid out of my bed and quietly left my room shutting the door to let Amy sleep. I made my way down the hall and went into Luke's room.

It was cooler than mine and it felt empty. I walked over and laid on his made bed going to the phone app I clicked his name in my recents and brought the phone to my ear. "Hello?" His voice came through after a few rings, "What's up loser?" I smiled as he laughed, "Nothing walking around the venue, I just came back in I went outside to say hi to the fans." I could hear Calum call to him. "One second." Luke yelled back, "Are you guys busy? I can call back later." I said picking up a random guitar pick layjng on his night stand. "No, it's fine, how's everything back at the vacation home?" He asked, "It's good, feels empty with you all gone. A lot less drama, I think Marcia is making breakfast." I continued playing with the pick flipping it around in my hand. "Write a new song yet?" He asked I could hear him lift something, "Well, you left not even 24 hours ago so no. I did manage to eat a full bag of Doritos in one sitting however." I laughed and he joined me, "what flavor?" He asked, "does it matter it's still impressive." "I'll be more impressed if you tell me the flavor." "Blazin' buffalo and ranch." "That is impressive." "It was impressive alone!" I laughed sitting up in opening the drawer to his night stand to put the pick in there. My eyes landed on an envelope that had my name on it. "I have to go help Calum with something. I'll call you back in a bit alright?" He spoke and I sat staring at the envelope, "Lis?" He questioned, "Yeah, that's fine, I'll talk to you later." "Okay, I miss you." "I miss you too." "I love you." He whispered, by what Amy told me last night he meant it in more than a friend way, even the first time he said it, "I love you too." But do I mean it a more than a friend way?

After hanging up I put the pick in the drawer and lifted up the envelope. There were others under it, about 3 more and they all had my name on them. The adhesive was already licked and the envelopes were shut. But they were blugging with papers that were folded and shoved into them. I stared at all four of the letters the other three had my birthday on it, my 15th, my 16th, and my 17th. The one that I seen first that laid on the top had the date from the day after we got back from London. The temptation to open them was at an extreme high. I stuck them back in the drawer and picked up the guitar pick before standing up and walking out of the room. I walked down the stairs tucking the pick into my pajama shorts pocket. When I stepped down from the last step the scent of pancakes and bacon hit me. I headed into the kitchen and Lily and Marcia were sat at the table eating. "Lily, I was thinking, we should buy your friend a plane ticket and fly them out from where ever they are to the next concert we can attend." I walked toward the table grabbing a plate and sitting down. "That sounds great, but I don't think Dad with allow it. You see my friend is a guy not a girl fan." Lily looked down at her plate swirling a pancake around in syrup. I looked over and seen waffles so I grabbed a few. "He's just going to have to deal with it. Me and Amy break the rules. If you wanna rock you gotta break the rules." I laughed at me quoting school of rock and took a bite of my waffles. "As your Mother I give you permission to have your friend come to us." Marcia stated, "So after breakfast we can go and see if he's up for it and I'll help you book a flight and buy a ticket." She smiled at me all big and continued eating her food as Marcia gave me a smile aswell. "Are those waffles?" Amy's tired voice asked, "Yes they are, good morning sunshine." Marcia stated in a weird voice and I laughed as Amy joined sitting down and filling her plate with food. "I talked to the guys, they're at the venue, they said you'd guys would love it there." Marcia stated, I thought back to my conversation with Luke and touched my pocket feeling the pick through the thin fabric. "When will we be able to see them again?" Amy asked, "in about two to four days. The doctors want to make sure your stitches are well and healed enough so you don't have any problems when on the road and they want to make sure Lis doesn't have any more panic attacks or anything." Marcia answered, my bruise on my eye is slowly fading and the ones on my neck are too. I haven't had a panic attack since Tessa put her hands around my neck. But I also haven't went to Amy's room yet either. I don't know when I'll be ready to go in there. "Lily, you should message your friend and see what his answer is." I changed the subject, "What, your friend's a he?" Amy asked eating some of the fruit on the table. "Yeah, and I already did, he said he was up for it but his mom will only let him come if he can bring his adopted sister along." She frowned, "Well, it's a damn good thing we have enough money for two plane tickets then." I smiled at her before finishing my waffles and taking a bite of some bacon.

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