Chapter 18

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Lis' POV
I was laying in my bed it was almost 8 and everyone was helping set up for the party. I was nervous for tonight. I played with my freshly dyed hair that me and Amp finished redying a few minutes ago. Neither of us mentioned anything about the party the whole time we were together. I heard a knock on the door and I stopped scrolling. "Who is it?" I asked, "It's me." I heard Amp say from the other side of the door, "come in!" I said in a sing songy voice, I put the hood down on my onesie and sat up in my bed, "We made a magazine!" Amp shouted shutting my door and throwing it down, I looked at the cover and seen us walking together it looks like we were in the UK airport. I flipped to the two pages dedicated to us and looked at the the head line, "Irwin sisters, double trouble." I smiled, "That's what Louis and Niall were talking about earlier." Amp excitedly plopped down on my bed, "The two sassy sisters are going viral between Lis' secret sound check performance and Amy's bump in with a snobby cashier." I laughed at the description introduction sentence, "Wow, we're like the Kardashians and Jenners." I laughed, "Well without the sex tape though." Amy laughed punching me lightly in the arm before sitting down, "What if he shows up?" She asked looking worried, "Then I'll kill him." I stated seriously closing the magazine, "What if he kills you first?" I could feel his hands around my neck, "He won't, I'm going to keep you protected, he won't show up and he won't kill anyone." I stood and walked out of my room leaving the door open.
I made my way down stairs and walked into the living room looking around. "Wow." I whispered at how nice the house looked with the different colored lights and all the furniture moved around differently. These guys and the One Direction lads new how to do it up, I walked past a long table pushed against the wall with snacks on it and grabbed some gummy worms and a handful of m&ms. "Really Lis, the party doesn't start for another hour." I heard Michael say, "Shut it Clifford, where's your girlfriend, the oh so amazing Tanya?" I asked taking a bite of the gummy worm, "I don't know, where's your boyfriend, the amazing Luke?" He asked, "Luke isn't my boyfriend, yet." I teased walking away, "You're a bitch." He stated, "and You're an asshole." I replied, eating another gummy worm and walking out to the back yard.
Tanya and Tessa were sitting at one of the two picnic tables, "Hi, how are you?" I asked sitting next to them, "Why are you being nice to us?" Tanya said with evident confusion, "Why would I be mean to you?" I questioned, "You were the other day." After finding out about the death of Mrs. Rodgers I've been overly happy, overly protective, and overly sassy. I'm trying to block out any sadness so I'm filling its space with every other emotion. Marcia said she would take me back for the funeral in a few days, she wouldn't take no for an answer, it'll be nice to just be alone to cry with Marcia by my side. "I must have forgotten to take my meds." I said smiling big, they rolled their eyes then got up and walked away from me as I began laughing. "You seem happy." I heard Niall say, "I'm everything but sad." I smiled, "I'm sorry, I heard." He whispered sitting down taking a drink from the beer in his hand, "nah it's fine, everyone dies eventually." I shrugged, "did you grieve? Mourn your loss, she sounded like she meant a lot." "For a few hours, so how are you?" I changed the subject, "i'm good; especially now that i have a drink in my hand" He laughed before he took a sip of his beer, "Can I have a drink?" I asked biting my lip, "Sure, but if Marcia asks I didn't give it to you." He laughed handing my the bottle of corona. I looked at the lime floating around inside before I put it up to my lips and tilt my head back. The disgusting flavor filled my mouth and I swallowed it quickly making a disgusted face, "That's sick Horan." I spat and he laughed at me, "You learn to not mind the taste after a few drinks." He smiled as I took another swig before handing the bottle back, I watched as all the liquid disappeared into his mouth. "I'll go get us another one." He stood walking away from me as I nodded.
"Lis I don't see you as a whore." I heard Michael's joking voice come from behind me, "Mikey, I don't see you as an asshole." I smirked as he came and sat next to me. I grabbed the beer from out of his hand and took a drink ignoring the taste and then handed him the bottle back. "If you give me mono I swear." I nudged him, "I would be honored to catch something from you other than the cold shoulder." He took a drink of his beer before holding it to me, I took and took a drink. "You realize Niall has mine and Luke's mouth germs, and now you have all three of ours." I laughed handing it back to him. "Did Luke drink some of his beer? He normally doesn't drink." Mikey said with confusion and I realized what I just said, in that moment I just stopped caring, maybe it was the alcohol but something just made me stop and I liked it. "I made out with Luke in our hotel room in London, but I thought about you the whole time." I teased, "Well maybe you should kiss me then instead of kissing someone else and thinking of me." He retorted bringing his face closer, "You have Tanya, take it easy." I smirked bring his face closer to mine. I looked down at the beer in his hand grabbing it and chugging down the rest. "Tanya is Tessa's friend I don't give a shit about her." He whispered I could smell the alcohol on his breath but neither of us were fully drunk yet. I pressed my lips on to his mouth and within a second everything heated up. The kiss went from gentle and passionate to heated and sloppy but I could still feel the passion in it. "Michael!" I heard Tanya's voice shriek, I pulled away as everyone smiled at us except Tanya and Tessa. "Have fun at the party Clifford." I stood up and made my way to Amy and Luke as Tanya began arguing with Michael.
The party began and I was sitting up in my room listening to the music through the walls. We were in more of a secluded part so we didn't have much for neighbors. We invited some friends from here in LA. There was one security guard by the door and and one by both of the entrances to the back yard. It seems safe so I just sat in my room relaxing and Niall or Luke would bring me up a beer when I ran out. I stared at the two empty bottles and picked up my phone texting Luke telling him to bring me up a shot. I never had vodka but while I'm drinking might as well explore. He responded asking if I was sure. I replied with an of course you idiot and he sent back an okay.
I heard a knocking sound on my door and Luke came in with a shot glass and some vodka. He sat the glass down on the end table filling it up and then turned to leave. "I'm done bringing you drinks and so is Niall. You want more leave the room and come have fun." "Where's Amy?" I asked standing, "She's hanging out with Harry and Everyone." "Is everything going okay down there?" I picked up the shot glass and took it tipping my head back and letting the liquid burn my throat it was painful but I ignored it listening to what Luke had to say, I coughed a bit before setting the glass down. "Yeah, everything is fine." "let's go then." I answered walked out the door and dragged Luke by his hand behind me.
The living room was crowded and the kitchen too. I looked amongst all the the people and spotted Calum coming towards me. "It's about time you decided to come down and party." He laughed, "Where's Amy?" I slurred Blinking a couple times and was beginning to get bothered by my blurry vision. "She's outside, hey, some guy was asking for you." He stated I looked around and suddenly the buzz I had going was gone and I started to panic. He looked at me worriedly, "I'll take her to Amy." He said to Luke as he wrapped his arm around me and walked me towards the door outside. "What's going on Lis?" He asked I decided to tell him. If there is a possibility of me dying tonight I want someone to keep Amy protected.
"Amy!" I shouted across the lawn and once she heard the sound of my voice and seen my face she dropped her red cup and got a panicked look. "Calum, I need to you stay quit about what I told you. Don't tell anyone, remember your promise. If something happens to me tonight," I looked over at Amy as she watched us, "Take care of Amy and keep her safe, Always." He finished with a sad look, "Don't be sad okay, if something happens it's because I was keeping Amy safe, the description you gave me sound like he got bigger, if me and Amy disappear come looking for her. If I'm unconscious and you can't help me, just leave me and get Amy out of there." Tears formed in my eyes and one slipped down my face. "I'm trusting you Calum." I wiped it away and calmed down walking over to Amy.
Me and Amy were dancing around the living room with the tons of others around us. It's about midnight and taxis have been coming and going all night. Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around seeing it was Tanya. "Keep your lips off my guy." She stated the smell of booze seeping from her, "What are you gonna do if you don't?" I asked, "you have seen Twitter? We're official now, you're too late as always." She smirked, "What do you mean?" I asked, "You know when you have your chance you should take it instead of hesitate, you could have got him today, but now he's mine." I turned to look at Amy and but she was gone. I looked all around the living room and took off to the kitchen asking everyone where she is. She would have screamed or made a noise if she was taken by him. Where is she?
I was upstairs and I was looking in every room. I made it to the end of the hall and flung the door open. There he was, "Jesse." I stated coldly, he turned and looked at me from his position on top of Amy. They were still fully clothed thank goodness. "Lis, it's been awhile, Sorry to hear about Mrs. Rodgers." He said climbing off the bed as Amy laid tied to it. Tears were streaming down her face as she tried to break free to get to me. "How did you know about that?" I asked stepping into the room, "Social Media is a great friend of mine." He said, "Let Amy go, you didn't get her last time this happened and you won't get her again." I stepped towards the bed, "Yeah, but last time I was weaker and could be taken down by you. This time however will be a different story." He stepped towards me slowly, I ran at him. Swinging at his face I scratched my fingers across it making sure to get his DNA. If no one catches him tonight they will soon if there is DNA and at least one surviving victim. He swung back his fist colliding against my cheek and eye. I grabbed my face and lunged forward looping my leg around the back of his knee and pulling forward but he reacted fast and caught me and himself. He flipped me around so my back pressed against him and he wrapped his hand around my neck and Amy tried to let out some muffled screams. She was staring right at us and before I did anything else I licked my lips making them get wet and then moved my eyebrow telling her to lick her lips and the tape. If the adhesive gets wet enough it won't stick. She nodded and his grip tightened as I kicked at him. I pulled at his hand and then took a second to kick again hitting him in the balls and we went down to the ground as he winced in pain. He kept his hand on my neck and got on top of me on the ground straddling me. He put both hands on my neck and I kept fighting. I scratched him a couple times and pulled at his kind of long hair to get some of it. This aggravated him and he tightened his grip more. I have to keep fighting against him. My vision started getting blurry and black dots started showing up. I mustered up all the air I could get, "I love you Amy." I stated through my fight. Tears started coming out of my eyes and I tried to punch him in the face but I was slowing down and he pulled back. I could hear Amy trying to scream and get the tape of and get out. My vision grew darker and darker and suddenly I heard Amy's scream come through my darkening haze. I smiled in relief as she kept screaming letting the darkness take and I felt his hands leave my neck.

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