Chapter 7

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Lis' POV
I looked at Calum, "Tess has some nice boobs." I muttered shaking my head quickly trying to erase the image from my mind, "Lis, I can explain that, it was from before Amy and I got together. I met Tessa 2 months before Amy and me began. We had a thing and then I met Amy, after that we broke up and just recently she has been snapchatting me again." He said as I stood up, "you could have deleted her off of snapchat." I said walking towards the door way, "I know I should have but like I said nothing has happened until just recently." "So this girl has seen your dick in picture?" I asked, "video as well." He looked down walking past me to the couches, "I can't look at you right now." I turned towards the door, "it's not that bad Lis." He plopped down on the couch, "Idiot, that girl probably has those saved and will probably leak them. Just watch out." I stepped into the bunk area, "Lis, don't tell Amy." He more of stated then asked, "I can't keep secrets from her." I said my back towards him, "She kept us from you." He reminded me, "fine." I said turning around shutting the door.
"Lis?" I turned around to see Luke, "What's up Luke?" I asked leaning against the bunks, "Mikey wants to talk to you. He's in his bunk." Luke said opening the sliding door to the back room and shutting it. I slowly made my way to Mikey's bunk sliding the curtain open to reveal his face, his eyes were closed as silent tears slid down towards the pillow. I wiped them and he opened his eyes. "Do you want some comfortable bottoms?" He asked in a whisper, looking at my jeans and t-shirt, I looked at him confused as to why I would need any but I guess I would end up crashing in one of the bunks so why not. "Yeah." I whispered my hand still on his cheek, "I have some sweats you can borrow in my suitcase underneath the bottom bunk." I smiled sliding the curtain shut and opening the drawer. I found the sweats and shut it quickly standing, stripping and changing, the whole time I hoped no one would see me. I slid my jeans in the bottom drawer, shutting it and sliding the curtain open.
"What do you want to talk to me about?" I asked, "come join me." He slid over patting next to him. I pulled myself up with his help and slid next to him. "Michael?" I asked laying my head on his chest as warmth filled my body, "yes?" I smiled at the sound of his voice, "Can I lay by the wall? Because I'm scared I'll fall out." He laughed rolling me on top of him and switching me spots. "What do you want to talk to me about?" I asked, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I can't stay away from you, I'm sorry I said harsh words so I could try and convince myself to stay away, I'm sorry I'm an idiot, and that I like you so fucking much, you give me this unexplainable feeling and I want to say it's love but I don't want to use that word and scare you away, and I definitely don't want to make you feel something towards me if you don't, and I absolutely do not want you to get sent back to the girls home. You will never mean nothing to me. You will always mean something, and you're just gonna have to get over the fact that you trying to make me stay away from you and not like you will never work. I don't ever want to lose you." He whispered as tears rolled down my face and onto his bare chest. I lifted my head up wiping my tears off his chest and looking at him. I grabbed his face leaning mine towards his, our lips just inches from touching. It was like a fire ignited in me and my whole body heated up in an instant. Then I pulled back our lips never touching. He let out air he was holding in, "You're such a tease." He whispered, "Have you seen the episode of How I Met Your Mother where Victoria came into the picture but wouldn't kiss Ted. She said this thing about the best part to any first kiss is the lead up to it, right before the lips touch, the drumroll, I just want a few drumrolls before my actual first kiss." I smiled up at him, "Take your time then, I'll go through however many drumrolls you need." He closed his eyes and leaned his head down and stopped just before our lips touched and just as my eyes fluttered shut. "Thank you." I whispered opening my eyes as he leaned back and opened his. I laid my head on his chest and got really close to him as he wrapped his arms around me. Victoria was right, the drumroll is the best part, so far.
I opened my eyes and smiled the warmth still circling through my body. I could feel Mikey next to me and it was great. I moved my head to look up at him, his eyes were shut and his mouth was kind of open. I could hear his light snores and it made me smile. Until a loud snore came and I jump. He moved a bit so I sat still until he stopped. Once he did I leaned over and lightly kissed his cheek. A smile formed on his face, it was so cute, he was still asleep but smiling. I heard a phone buzz outside of the bunk but I enjoyed laying in here I didn't want to leave yet. "Hello?" I heard a voice mumble, "Yeah, I'll wake the others and see if they want to get breakfast." I laid my head back on Mikey's chest and listened for a bit before a curtain opened, and then another, "Calum, get up Ash wants breakfast." Luke whispered you could tell he was half awake, I looked up at Mikey and nudged him a bit. He mumbled and scrunched his eyebrows together. "Mikey, get up so we can go get breakfast." I whispered, he opened his eyes and moaned, "I just want to sleep." He mumbled pulling his hands up and covering his eyes with his hands. "Come on, get up, I'm gonna go to the other bus and get ready." I said crawling over him and grabbing the curtain, "Can I please have a drumroll before you leave?" He asked grabbing my hand and intwining his finger as I laid on top of him. I smiled leaning in as he leaned towards me my eyes shut and I could feel how close he was, the same igniting feeling flooded my body and I pulled back opening my eyes and smiling at him. Then I leaned and kissed his cheek, the smile was bigger now that he was awake. He wrapped his arms around me hugging me before letting go. I opened the curtain and hopped out grabbing my jeans and phone from the drawer and waving at Luke and Calum. They looked confused but waved back as I headed for the door stepping outside. We were parked at the venue and I heard screams as I stepped out of the bus. Looking over fans were lined up by a gate waving at me. I waved back before walking over to our bus.
I was finished showering and changing in the venue and I walked down the hall to the dressing rooms area where everyone should be. I opened the door and was greeted by the 1D boys and the 5sos Lads along with my family. "Let's go get food!" I shouted as they all laughed, we normally don't all go out together because there is so much of us but when we do we have a ton of security and we have a great time.
I sat at the end of the long table Mikey sat to my right and Amy to my left. I picked up my menu to read the food choices and felt a foot hook around my right ankle and pull my foot towards them. Looking over my menu Mikey was looking at his smirking. I shook my head and I felt a kick against my left shin causing me to flinch and look at Amy in pain. She mouthed sorry before looking at me and then at Mikey and back to me. I didn't know what to tell her. Me and Mikey weren't together but we can't be just friends so what are we? We aren't in it for sex or money but because we like each other. I'm not sure. I just shrugged and picked up my menu before reaching and hooking my foot around Mikey's ankle and pulling it towards me. He let out a laugh and the others turned to him as I hid behind my menu. "You okay Mikey?" Ash asked, "Just fine, thought of something funny, that's all." He covered for his random out burst.
"It was such a great time mate, wish you could've been there." Niall finished his story smiling at Luke. "Me too, sounds like a great time." He said taking a drink of his pop. I looked at my water and my pop deciding which I wanted to drink more. I bit my lip and looked up again, looking at Mikey who was staring at me. I smiled at him and nudged his foot. This whole meal our feet were linked or by each other. "So, Lis, you and Mikey on speaking terms?" Ash asked, "Yeah, we're good." I looked at Mikey smiling. "That's good, I'm gonna go to the bathroom and pay for the bill. I'll be back." Ash said standing from the table, "We'll come with." Luke and Calum stood following Ashton. "Me and the lads are gonna go get the Cars around front." Harry said standing up the rest of the 1D lads stood following him towards the doors. "I have to go to the rest room, I'll be back." Lily stood walking away. "Well shall we go then?" I asked about to stand, "Lis finish your drink." Marcia stated standing, "I'm gonna go find your guys' dad, Amy come help, you two stay here incase someone comes back." They stood leaving me and Mikey behind at the table, "I don't have a good feeling about this." I said looking at Michael, "Let's go see what they're up to." He stood grabbing my hand to follow him as we rushed to the door.
We got outside in time to see the cars driving off. "They left us, they fucking left us. Now what, what the hell do we do Clifford? We are stuck here I don't remember the way back to the venue." "Hey," he grabbed my face looking into my eyes, "It's going to be fine Lis." He closed his eyes bringing our faces close as I closed mine, we both pulled away as he brought me into a hug. I took a deep breath. "You're right. Maybe they'll tweet something." I pulled out my phone unlocking it and getting on to Twitter I scrolled through my timeline. "Oh Amy, please stay off Twitter." I shut my eyes quickly, "What?" Mikey questioned as I held my phone to him, he scrolled through then handed the phone back. "Calum's dick is a trending topic." He stated in shock.

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