Chapter 3

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Lis' POV
I was laying in the hotel bed next to Amy. In the other bed Mom and Lily were sound asleep. I couldn't bring myself to even close my eyes. It's been like this ever since I was adopted. Flying to different countries leads to having sleepless nights. Everything now, was so much more strange then when I was at the girl's home. I could hear the fans outside singing different songs and that was sort of soothing but it also kept me up. I don't know how Amy handles sleeping so well.
I closed my eyes and took some deep breaths rolling on my side and facing the window. I heard some noise and the bed started moving. Amy must be rolling over. I pretended to be sleeping with my eyes open a tiny bit. The lamp turned on and I felt weight leave the bed. The bathroom door shut and then silence. Soon I heard it open and some quiet shuffling. The lamp shut off and the shuffling turned into quiet steps walking away. The main door clicked opened and I heard her whisper a hello. Where is she going?
I slid on pants, a hoodie, and my vans. Quietly tiptoeing to the door trying not wake Mom and Lily. I looked out the peep hole. It's been at least a minute and a half since Amy left. I opened the door checking that I have a key with me before the hotel door shut. Walking down the hall I could hear Amy's voice but it was far ahead. "I forgot my phone." I heard the other voice say, "let's go back and get it." Their footsteps were coming closer to me. I was looking for a place to hide when a hand grabbed me and pulled me into a room. I looked at the person who dragged me in. "Michael?" He held his finger to his mouth motioning for me to stay quiet. He ran over to his bed and motioned for me to get in. I was gonna ask why when he pointed to the other one. It was empty, the only contents was a black phone. I ran over and quickly got in the bed and he turned the lamp off. Covering me up and pulling me close to keep me hidden we laid there in silence.
The door clicked opened. "Quiet, Mikey is sleeping." I heard Calum's voice say. Calum? What are those two doing? I heard footsteps entering the room and shuffling around. They got by where the lamp is and Michael pulled me closer to him. Out of fear of getting caught in bed with Michael Clifford I pressed my back closer to his chest and grabbed his hand lightly squeezing it like it was gonna turn me invisible. Instead of turning on the lamp they grabbed something and then the footsteps started again. The main door opened and then seconds later it shut. I laid there in silence my hand still holding on to Michael's. It occurred to me that we were pretty much spooning and his arms were wrapped around me as I held his hand. I felt safe, like I could finally close my eyes and sleep. But it's wrong. I can't feel like this about my Dad's best friend. No matter the age range. It's wrong for Amy and Calum too. I slowly released Michael's hand not wanting to get rid of the warmth I was feeling. I tore myself from his embrace and slid out of the bed. Instant coldness seeped back into my body. "Thanks for keeping me hidden Michael." I said before turning for the door. "Where are you going?" He asked, "To see what my sister is up to with Calum." I reached for the handle, "Wait, I'm coming with you."
We watched from a far as they got into the elevator. How do they expect to leave with all the fans around? "How are we gonna get to the first floor to see where they go?" Michael asked, "stairs." I said, as the doors shut I ran to the stair way. "Don't leave me." Michael whisper yelled, "Well then hurry up Michael!" I held the door open as he caught up to me, "Why do you call us by our Full names? Why not our nicknames?" He asked as we made our way down the steps. I stopped and looked at him, "Because that would imply that we are friends, and no offense but I don't want to be friends with my Dad's best friends." I continued making my way down, "He's not your real Dad, you know that right? I mean look at the age difference." Michael followed close behind, "Yeah, but he's the closest thing I have to a Dad." I stepped down the last step and looked out the little window on the door. The elevators were across from us.
I watched as the doors slowly opened to reveal Calum, Amy, and some people who must have got on at another floor. Calum grabbed Amy's hand and dragged her towards a door that read employees only. They were taking the back way. After they went through the door I exited from the stair way and motioned for Michael to follow. We went over to the door and I slowly and quietly opened it. There was a long hallway leading down to the back way and a few doors that branched off to offices. I motioned for him to quietly follow me and I pointed to the room closest to us. He slid in the door and gently shut it and we were in plain view, so they could turn around and catch us at any time.
I slipped into the room and turned expecting Michael to come when I heard a loud bang and watched as a roll of tape flew into the room and not the faded red head that was following me. Idiot. "Mikey?" I heard Calum's confused voice, "Were you following us?" He asked his voice getting closer, "Uhm, yes." He said grabbing the door handle to "help" him up. He pulled the door shut leaving it open just a crack. "Why?" Amy asked her and Calum was right next to the door. "I wanted to know where you guys were going. Amy, it's past curfew and Ash will be upset if he finds out you were out after curfew." Michael answered, "When am I not in trouble with him? Plus how will he find out?" I tried to peek through the small crack but keep my distance at the same time, "I'll tell him. I know you guys want some thing to happen here," His voice trailed off, "but it's wrong considering how Ash places us." He finished with a hint of sadness in his voice, what's that about? "Mikey, please don't, I'll get sent back to the orphanage and I really like Cal-" "leave them alone Mikey." I said opening the door, "Lis, what are you doing?" Amy crossed her arms, "I could ask you the same thing. When someone leaves quietly in the middle of the night it sparks interest." I crossed my arms mocking her, "leave them alone, eventually they'll get caught," I said looking at Calum and Amy, "and either way you'll get sent back. If you guys wanted to be together, you wouldn't be so naive and stupid sneaking around." I snapped and turned for the door, "Lis, you're suppose to be my sister." I could feel the hurt, I'm so used to it but it still gives a little sting. The question is, Is it mine or Amy's? "You're suppose to be mine." I twisted the knob and walked through the door to the elevator.
"Wait, what is that suppose to mean?" Amy shouted stomping out behind me. "It means you should have told me when I asked. It means that instead of doing all this rebellious stuff you would take it down a notch and listen once in a while. It means if you really cared about me like the way you make it seem you do, you will stop being so irresponsible, that way we don't get separated because I have never wanted someone to stay in my life so badly before the day I met you, and you're willing to sneak around and break us apart and I can't loose anymore people that mean something to me!" I shouted tears forming in my eyes, "Lis, calm down." Mikey said from behind Amy, I blinked causing a tear to slid down and I wiped it away. I looked at Amy who was trying to blink back tears to put on the front that she doesn't care. "Would you stop? If you're going to cry then fucking cry. You can't be a badass all the damn time. Who's gonna fucking judge you?" I said wiping another tear away, "Mikey, you said you would help if this ever happened." Amy whispered, "You knew?" I shouted at him, "It's not a big deal Lis." He said stepping towards me. "It's a huge fucking deal to me. He knew before I did?" I asked Amy, she blinked a few more times and a tear slid down, she quickly wiped it away. "He found out a few days ago." She said, "What do you have to say? Anything?" I looked at Calum, "Lis, we wanted to let you know we just didn't know if we could trust you....." He whispered the ending, "Me? You didn't think you could trust me? You two were the ones- you know what? Forget it. I didn't see anything. This night and the day before never happened. None of you speak to me." I turned and pressed the elevator button. The doors opened right away, luckily. "Lis, please just listen!" Amy yelled, I pressed the close door button and they shut without anyone trying to stop them.
Was I out of line? Am I really someone that they can't trust? Maybe I'm the bad sister. Why can't I be good at anything ever? I always screw something up. The tears flowed freely and I let them. The elevator doors opened and our floor was revealed. I stepped out and instead of going to the room I went to a ballroom that was on our floor. A piano was in the corner and there was some chairs around. I went and sat down and ran my fingers across the keys. "You're gonna have to apologize soon." I whispered to myself. "You're gonna have to get over it." I played a song that normally Amy would sing as I played. Instead of playing it in piano I played it in forte. Slamming down and releasing my anger on the keys. Then Amy's voice filled the room. I ignored it and continued playing as loud as I could without breaking the piano and she got closer and closer to me. Her voice getting louder and louder. "Give me therapy.
I'm a walking travesty but I'm smiling at everything. Therapy... You were never a friend to me and you can keep all your misery." I stopped playing and ran to hug her. Her tears soaked my sweater and mine soaked hers. "We're a mess." She laughed through her tears, "when were we ever not a mess." I smiled linking arms with her. "It's three in the morning. Let's head to bed." I nodded as we walked together to our room.
We laid next to each other, arms still linked. We didn't say a word, just laid there in silence listening to the quiet breathing of Mom and Lily. "I'm sorry I'm a terrible sister." I whispered, "I'm sorry for not telling you. I knew I could trust you but I was scared you would judge me." She whispered scooting closer. "I'm just as much a mess as you, we covered this. Why would I judge you?" I asked scooting towards her. "Because, you think liking one of them is bad. Like a disease. Calum's great Lid." I smiled at the nickname, "If you really like him I wouldn't judge you, I know he is great for you Amp." I smiled at the nickname I gave her. "Now shut up, I'm sleeping." I said as she laughed quietly at me. We're no where near perfect. Completely deranged and drained. We were a mess and not of the beautiful kind. Not to ourselves anyways. For now that was fine with us. But we knew eventually we'll break if separated. Before drifting off we tightened our linked arms.

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