Chapter 39

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Lis' POV

I looked over at Luke who was eating his pizza with a serious look on his face. He picked off a pepperoni and was inspecting it before popping it into his mouth. The corners of my mouth turned up into a smile. I looked at Michael and he was staring back at me doing the same thing I was doing to Luke seconds ago. He had the same smile of his face and when he realized I was looking he looked away. I stood up and looked at the movie. It was almost over.

"I'm gonna head to bed." I said and everyone nodded with a chorus of good nights. I adjusted my shorts and walked up into my bedroom. My room was simple, it had the fairy lights around by the ceiling and the ones wrapped around the curtain rod since I was 14 and we first got this house. I had a wall with pictures of family. There was no friends on it because we weren't home often and making friends was more of Amy's thing than mine. My record player sat on a stand next to my huge bookshelf along with some records laying on top of it. All my instruments were found underneath the wall book shelf. My room has stayed the same since we moved the only difference is about a year ago I painted my bookshelf wall lime green. I threw myself down on my bed and flipped of so I was looking at the ceiling. It was just a kiss I need to get over it. But every time I look at him I just picture Amy. I let out a sigh as someone knocked on the door and then proceeded to open it.

"Can we talk?" Luke said entering the room anyways and shutting the door leaving us in dark ness. I plugged the lights in around my curtain rod for a little light. "Things are still weird between us. I know it'll never be the same but please just hear me out. I used to have a huge crush on Amy and then Calum got her."

"Oh that makes me feel good." I said sarcastically.

"I was feeling really really bummed about it. I remember feeling like my heart broke and she wasn't ever mine which was strange. And one day when I was on the verge of tears you walked outside and sat down my the pool in the back yard next to me dipping your feet in the water next to mine. You looked at me and smiled you on the verge of tears as well. I never took the time or thought to ask if you were all right. But you wiped at your eyes and you looked at me and said. 'Hey now, we can cry about our problems and not solve anything and think about them more. Or I can push you into this pool and you can drag me in with you and we can pretend like everything is alright in the world.' And I knew my problems weren't that bad anyways so I smiled at you let you push me in clothes and all minus cell phone and I grabbed your extend hand that you held out to me and pulled you in with me. That same day was the first time I gave you hug, the first time I fell in love with brown eyes because I seen them as golden, and the day you took my heart and ran with it." I smiled at him, that day I was feeling home sick, I get that feeling a lot when we come back home. I love touring America because I get to be close to home and although I don't get to go back it makes me feel better. That day I wrote a good bye letter to everyone and a special one to Amy. I had my bags packed and I stole some money from the bank of parents. I was gonna go home back to the girls' home. I looked out the window that showed the back yard located in the living room and seen luke wiping at his eyes with his feet dunked into the pool. I had a few minutes until my flight left so I went outside with tears in my eyes and sat next to him.

"Amy kissed me because even though you had my heart the residue of the feelings I had for her were still there. She kissed me to prove that they weren't and that was it we went to sleep. She wanted to keep it a secret because she knew it would hurt you but I knew it would hurt you more if you found out further down the road. So I went and told you and then you left."

"You didn't come for me." I whispered as I thought back to it. "I walked in the hot sun for hours crying and I was dehydrated and you stayed at the house. All of you did." I whispered as I shook my head and then laid down. He moved around and then was laying facing me.

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