Chapter 16

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Lis' POV
We boarded the flight and I was sat next to Luke. We were an hour in to our 10 hour long flight back to LA. We were gonna head back to the vacation home and Harry contacted the others ann we'd all meet there to spend the remainder of this crazy week. I thought back to mine and Amp's conversation, If I have to tell him then it might as well be now. I took a deep breath and stared at him. He pulled down his headphones and turned looking at me. "Luke, I need to talk to you." He continued staring at me, "It's about last night, and the kiss." I sighed and he nodded, "I can't hurt Mikey." Luke said reading my thoughts, "Me either, it felt good though, it was amazing, I couldn't have asked for a better first kiss." I smiled grabbing his hand and linking it with mine. "I'm glad you enjoyed it." He smiled kissing my forehead, "thanks for making this talk easier." I leaned my head on his shoulder, "I just feel stupid that I asked you out and that I did what I did. I just didn't want Mikey to bring you down the whole week off." He unlinked our hands and moved to wrap his arm around me, I readjusted myself and put a pillow on his chest. "I'm glad you did, you're the greatest person I know and I'm glad I got to experience my first date and first kiss with you." He laughed, "I'm glad we can maintain our relationship for a long time." I could hear his smile, "Me too." I agreed, "One of my biggest fears is losing you." He whispered, "Hard to lose me when I'm going to be by your side all the time." I replied in a whisper. "I love you Lis." He said as I closed my eyes, "I love you too Luke." And that was it, my first I love you, sure it wasn't the same type of love I feel towards Mikey but it still means a lot to me. It's good to know I'll always have Luke in my life along with Amy.
When we landed at around 8 in the morning I slept most of the flight so I'm not that tired. As we started filing off the plane security guards entered and rounded up the four of us to escort us to luggage claim. I didn't understand why we needed security. Until we stepped out of the terminal and heard screams from across the way. "Can we say hi please!?" I bounced, "it's 8 am and they came all this way to see us, let go say hi!" I yelled, I tried running over to the fans making them all scream louder, before I could get to them the security guard wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me back. "Let go of me you dumb fuck! I'm going to say hi!" I yelled, "I love you guys so much!" I screamed to the fans even though they weren't mine I still loved all of them, they were all so cool. "We love you Lis!" I heard them yelling back, "I want to come say hi but dumb fuck won't let me!" I shouted to them as I heard Luke, Amy, and Harry crack up laughing, we were standing still in a straight line across from the fans. After saying that I heard mumbling and every now and then could form "let her go dumb fuck." I realized the guard was waiting impatiently with the other and they began trying to drag us away. The other three gave in and began walking with sad faces. I pushed my guards hand away and we started walking. When my guard got a foot in front of me I ran as fast as I could towards the fans who began laughing.
"Please tell me some one taped that!?" I laughed trying to catch my breath as two girl in the front of the barricade raised there hands. "Miss. Irwin, please go back to your guard, you are not safe." One of the barricade guards stated, "How the fuck am I not safe?" I asked, "yeah we aren't going to hurt her, there is only 14 of us." One girl who was holding up her camera towards me stated, "There is going to be pushing and shoving and we're responsible for any injuries." He stated grabbing my arm tightly, "Let go of me fuck twat have them line up there is 14 people here I have time to talk it's not like I had somewhere important to be." I yanked my arm back, "don't handle her like that you dip shit." One of the girls said, "you guys need to shut up before I have you all escorted off the property." He threatened, "don't threaten them like that, maybe we should all get escorted off that way we can go somewhere better to take pictures, quit acting like your so fucking cool dude, you're airport security, I can have me and my friends complain and you'll all get fired." I threatened this time, "the fans are better security guards." I turned back to them, "Okay, line up guys, please remove all weapons and things harmful to me." I said in a monotone voice trying to sound like the guards. All the girls began pretending to take out stuff and I laughed as the guard rolled his eyes. I opened the barricade and walked in as the girls come up to me and took pictures with me. I spent 20 minutes with them before saying my goodbyes and taking the paper with all their users written down. I waved bye to security and headed off to the luggage claim.
I couldn't find my suitcase or anyone I was with not even the guards. I went to the front of the airport and exited and spotted Luke and Harry walking off in the distance I ran over to them and seen Luke carrying my items with his. "Thanks pal." I took the suitcase and put my backpack back on. "you're welcome." He smiled as we all continued on our way to the car rental, we turned in the other car when we left. "How was the fans?" Amy asked, "Good, look I got users!" I said excitedly, "they all say hello by the way so you all are personally going to tweet them saying hi back okay?" I scolded, "yes Ma'am." Harry laughed as we finally approached the car rental kiosk.
We were sitting in the house on our phones and the other three tweeted the fans. My legs were propped up on Luke's lap as I hummed to myself. There was a knock on the door, "They're here already." I frowned, "Well, Lis, considering they had ten hours to get here they probably have been for a while now." Amy laughed walking over to answer the door, once she opened it she came back and sat down in her original spot with a weird look on her face. "I missed you both so much!" Lily yelled running over and hugging me and Amy before hugging Luke and Harry. "How much trouble are we in?" I asked out loud not turning to look at everyone yet, "A ton." Marcia said as she walked around me and gave me and Amy a hug. I took my legs off Luke and stood up to say hi to everyone else, my heart beat got faster and faster at the thought of seeing Mikey.
Ash came and hugged me before I could see everyone else. Finally I turned a bit and caught sight of Calum and a girl with blonde hair. "Who's this bitch?" "Lis." Marcia scolded, "Sorry." I sighed, Calum walked towards me arms open to hug me and I stepped back. "Get the fuck away from me." I glared as his hands dropped back to his sides, "This is Tess by the way." Calum stated grabbing her hand, "Hi." She rolled her eyes, "slut." "What the fuck did you just call me, do you want to fight?" She said with her high pitched annoying voice, "you see Calum's lip and bruised cheek? I did that, come at me bitch." I stepped towards her as I felt arms around me pulling me back. "Lis, calm down please?" Luke asked, I chilled out and turned to Mikey, he was talking to a short brunette, "Oh, for fuck's sake." I shook my head and walked as Michael walked towards me like Calum did. "So who is she now?" I asked as tears built up in my eyes, I ignored them trying to push them back. "This is Tanya." Mikey gestured to her. I shook my head and began walking to the main door. I stopped turning around and gestured to everyone, "This was a fucked up idea. You should have left me in the girl's home, or let us stay in England." I shook my head as Amy sat quietly tears streaming down her face. I guess some were coming down mine to but I continued to ignore them. "Luke, Amy, Lily, Harry. Would you like to join me on my dramatic exit?" I asked, Luke hurried over and the others followed behind. "No one call us, because we won't be answering." And with that the five of us left and right outside the door, my heart shattered and I began crying uncontrollably.
It's been 2 hours since we walked out of the house Amy has stopped crying. But I still had silent tears running down my face. I was too late, he found someone better. I regret not taking all the chances I had, there was numerous chances. I wanted to tell him what I felt but I always seemed to hesitate. I don't want to hurt him, I want to make him happy. But now I'm too fucking late. We were sitting at a park waiting for Marcia to show up in the van. We gave in and called her, It was time to go face everyone. But I'd eventually just go into my room. "Where do you think I can get a guitar around here?" I asked wiping away my tears, "We brought everything back with us." Lily said kicking at a rock next to the park bench, "How have you been Lily?" I asked wiping at my eyes again. "I've been good, I made this friend on Twitter." She mentioned sitting down on the bench, "oh, how nice maybe we can meet them soon." I smiled, "Yeah, They're really nice, it's nice to know someone my age that can give me a break from school stuff and their whole fame thing and what not." She pulled on a loose thread on her shirt, I smiled and looked back down at the ground wiping at some more tears.
It's been almost an hour since we got a hold of Marcia, I just want to get home so I can lock myself in my room and not have to deal with them. I wiped at some tears that were coming down my face, I groaned, "Why the fuck am I still crying?" I stomped a foot on the ground, "You're heart broken; it's what happens." Harry said as he stop, "Let's start walking back to the house." "Yeah, let's go." Amy pulled out her phone, more than likely to text Marcia. Lily and Luke followed and I finally stood slowly going behind them. Luke turned around and waited for me. When I got next to him he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close wiping at the tears. "Lis, stop crying okay? For me?" He asked, "I'll try." I whispered as I put together random words in my head to get my mind off of this. "We'll get through this together." He stated, "Luke, no offense but your heart isn't broken." I stated, "It's more damaged than you think." He whispered and then I realized, he flung into this band thing and then caught a big break and is running with it complete loneliness and then here I come pulling at his heart strings, agreeing to a date, kissing him, and then breaking it off. "I'm a bitch, I deserve this, I'm so sorry, I didn't want this to hurt you and I didn't even ask you on the plane how you felt about it, I'm such a jerk." I shook my head and he stopped me from shaking it as made me look at him. "You, are amazing and you don't deserve this, I don't regret anything that has happened Lis, nothing. You will get through this, don't let a boy bring you down," he trailed off as we began walking again, "plus you still have me." He nudged playfully and in that moment I realized I was happy, I stopped crying and I was smiling. "Thank you." I smiled, as we both rushed to catch up with the others.
I walked into the house and found everyone sitting in the living room watching tv. "Hey, Lis, can I talk to you?" Michael asked standing up, I looked at Luke for help. "What was it you wanted to show me? That thing in your room?" Luke asked, "Yeah the thing with the closet, let's go look. Sorry Michael." I looked at him no emotion as he sat down and watched Luke drag me up the steps because I lost the ability to walk or breath normally once I stepped through the door.
"How long are you going to hide in here?" Luke asked as he arranged his cards carefully, "do you have a 4?" I asked, "Go fish." He stated, "I'm not sure, until we tour again I guess." I grabbed a card adding it to my hand of the five cards, "do you have a 7?" He asked, I frowned flicking my card at him as he laughed, "I'll bring you food. Do you have a 10?" He stared at the numbers on his cards, "Thanks, Go fish." I whispered scanning the numbers. There was a knock on the door as Luke grabbed his card from the pond cards. He stood and walked over opening it, "Brought you guys up some burgers and fries." I heard Amy say as I looked through the pond cards planning a way to cheat because I was currently losing. "How is she?" I heard her whisper, "Come have a burger and get some cards and you'll find out." I raised my voice so she could here me as I looked at the door. She walked in and Luke handed me one of the three bags as Amy took the other. We sat down and ate our burger and fries, playing go fish one game after the other.
I woke up and I was laying in the middle of Luke and Amy. I don't remember what time we fell asleep, I slid off the bed and stood checking the time 3 am. I grabbed my phone, opening Twitter as I walked out the room and down the stairs. I made my way to the kitchen scrolling through the timelines of people I follow. Once I made it to the kitchen I sat my phone down grabbing a cup from the cupboard. Something didn't feel right but I ignored it filling up my cup with water from the water dispenser thing. I laughed at the bubbling sound it made and then leaned against the counter drinking my water and scrolling through Twitter I went through my notifications and there were a ton of 'I'm sorry' and 'I hope you're okay'. Out of confusion and curiosity I searched deeper for the meaning of these tweets. Like they say, curiosity killed the cat. I dropped my cup and water splashed everywhere as the plastic thudded against the ground. I threw my phone and dropped to the ground, "No!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, "It's not true! Don't be true!" I screamed in the direction of my phone, I heard foot steps coming from all direction as I let out a loud sob and tears poured down my face. Michael entered the kitchen first. "Lis, are you okay?" He asked stepping towards me and opening his arms to hug me. "It's not true!" I shouted standing up and hitting the fridge with my fist. "Lis, what's wrong?" I heard Amy's voice come through my haze of tears and sadness. I turned and Michael held his arms open again for me to hug him. I ran towards him and his eyes lightened up and then I ran right past him and threw myself at Luke as his arms wrapped around me and Amy joined the hug as I sobbed. "Lis, I'm sorry, we were going to tell you." Ash said as he approached us, "What's wrong?" Amy asked again, "Mrs. Rodgers, the woman who lived next door to Lis' girls home, was found dead in her house." Ash whispered as I stood in silence not believing a single word he just said, I haven't seen Mrs. Rodgers for three years, she would come see me everyday, the actual reason why this hurts me so much is before Ash and Marcia showed up and adopted me, the same day Mrs. Rodgers promised to gather together stuff for paperwork and to get a better job to help take care of me, so her and Mr. Rodgers could adopt me. The only people who know about that is Marcia and Ash, but they still insisted to adopt me. "What's the connection? And how did people know to tweet Lis?" Michael asked, "Word spreads fast on social media, someone in the group home who new Lis, tweeted and asked to get the word to Lis." Marcia said, "how long did you know?" I whispered, "we found out when we were on our way here, thought we'd tell you in private." Ash half smiled to lighten the mood and rubbed my arm, "So why is she so important?" Michael asked again, "She just is." I whispered as Luke squeezed me a bit.

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