Chapter 34

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Lis' POV

I thought it'd be cool for me and Amy to get some bonding going again, we've been feeling distant so I took her out back of the hotel away from the paparazzi and fans. Dragging her with me we went to the parking lot and before reaching our destination I made her cover her eyes.

"Lis where are you taking me?" she laughed trying to look around with the bandana over her eyes. I just laughed and kept dragging her to the location and then put her in the perfect position.

"Here we are!" I shouted taking the bandana off, "I rented us an RV for the next trip and one of the crew members said they would drive and it's gonna be super great!" I bounced over to the door and then turned to Amy who gave me a sad look.

"Has no one told you?" She asked walking over and handing me the bandana.

"Told me what?" I asked her taking the bandana and leaning against the RV door.

"I moved into the One Direction lads bus." Amy replied looking down at the ground.

"So you can't take one trip with me your sister!?" I shouted and then stopped shaking me head slowly. "I'm to tired to argue with you about anything anymore. Someone wanted to show me something so I'm just gonna go check it out." I stated knowing it was a complete lie. I've been trying to avoid Calum so Amy wouldn't be mad and I've been avoiding Michael and Luke because of obvious reasons and everyone else has just been too busy.

I walked into the empty hangout room plopped down on the couch. Realization of how alone I am washed over me and I buried my face into my arms that were resting in my knees.

"Hey what's wrong?" A voice rang out from the door and soon the couch dipped in. I picked my head up and wiped at my tears turning and looking at Calum.

"Nothing, I'm fine, hey do you want to travel with me to the next stop in an RV?" I asked turning and looking at the tv, "if not that's cool I don't want to make Amy mad I can just travel alone, I've been feeling pretty alone." I mumbled the last part still looking at the tv.

"I'd love too, and you're not alone, I've been trying to hang out with you but I kept missing you." He answered his arm found a resting place around me and his hand was placed on my shoulder. I gave in and leaned into him cuddling up and we watched tv. I liked me and Calum being friends, I need to figure out a way to get Amy to understand that.

"What are you doing?" Someone asked, I sat up and looked around seeing Luke's blonde hair first and then looking into his sad blue eyes.

"Luke, we were just,"

"No, no it's whatever, really sick that you are taking Amy's sloppy seconds though, some sister you are." He stated turning for the door and leaving.

"This is why I was avoiding you." I stated looking at Cal and he shrugged and I looked at him confused.

"If you want to get over them you have to let them get over you Lis. Is Lis your real name?" He asked catching me off guard. Every time I thought of my real name is brought back memories of someone I once was in the past. "I was just wondering bc you told Ash and Marcia that was your name and you always introduce yourself as that." He said looking away like he asked something he shouldn't have.

"No it's not, it's a nickname, I don't like anyone knowing my real name unless they know me," I said putting emphasis on know, "it's just something I like to keep in the past, only Amy knows it but I don't think she remembers it." I stated looking away from him and back at the tv. "I should go talk to Luke." I turned and looked at him once more and he was staring back at me with sad eyes. "Don't look at me like that okay." I stated still staring at him.

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