Chapter 11

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Amy's P.O.V

I was jolted awake as my body flung forward leading me to roll off the car seats that I was laying on "what the fuck!" I said holding my head before climbed back on the seat. "Sorry." Luke said between laughter as Lis joined him. "you can stop laughing now." I mumbled getting my phone out of my pocket and checked the time "how long we got until we're there?" I asked as I rubbed my tired eyes. "We should be at the house in about 5 minutes?" Lis said looking at Luke for reassurance and he nodded in agreement "okay, good because I'm staving!" I muttered "we will need to go to a shop for food as there will be none in the house." Lis said pointing at a sign saying "Walmart this way". I took this time to think about Calum...I know that I should stop thinking about him but I can't. It's like he is some sort of drug that I think about 24/7.


We pulled up at Walmart and we all cheered with excitement....I guess you could say that we are all food lovers. We all scrambled out of the car and towards the shop, as we got through the doors we made are way towards the junk food as we decided to start there.

We started filling the shopping cart with chocolate, crisps, biscuits, sweets, pizzas, chips, burgers and every thing else you could ever dream of "anything else?" Lis as she looked at the piles of food in the cart in front of her "umm I don-" I was interrupted by a squeal from behind us. We all turned to see 3 girls standing there with huge smiles on there faces, one had blonde hair and the other two had brown hair "Oh my god you'''re..." "yes we are." Luke said with a smile making me laugh. "I can't believe you guys are actually here!" the girl with blonde hair squealed "aww aren't you just the cutest." I said in awe. "Would you girls like a picture and an autograph?" Lis asked with a smile. They all stood there with there mouths open and shook there head excitedly, we took photos with each of them and signed what they wanted to be signed "it's been lovely meeting you girls but we must get going." Luke said as he gave them all a hug, "but if you give us your twitter names we will follow you!" I exclaimed.

After they gave us them we said goodbye and headed towards the check out, after waiting in the queue for 30 minutes we finally got to the till and was greeted by a blonde haired girl, who was basically a barbie wannabe. "Sup..." she said uninterested until she saw Luke, she then sat up straight and pushed her boobs out so they were basically in his face and plastered on a fake smile. I chuckled and looked at Lis, she was standing there glaring at the girl....what's that all about? She either hates fake bitches or she likes luke....holy shit Lis likes Luke! As I figured this out excitement bubbled up inside me and I screamed "oh my god!". Everything me around us turned to look at me "oh shit..." I said looking at my feet embarrassed as Lis laughed

The fake bitch glared over at me...I decided to call her the "fake bitch" as I don't know her name and I feel that the name I gave her suited her very well. The fake bitch glared at me making me smile slyly, she was trying so hard to flirt with Luke but he wasn't paying any attention and I found it all hilarious. "so does a sexy man like you have a name?" She asked as she pushed her boobs out even more, I burst out laughing not being able to hold it in anymore and Lis joined me. Luke was trying to hold in his laughter because he didn't like to be rude where as I don't give a fuck, if looks could kill I would be dead because she was giving me biggest glare I have seen. " on." I said as I tried to catch my breath "you're just jealous because boys like him..." She pointed at Luke "don't go for girls like you." she said looking me up and down.

"Hold the fuck up" Lis said as she stepped in front of me "it's cool Lis....I got this" I said as I pulled Lis back so she doesn't punch the fake bitch in the face. "Oh so by that you mean boys go for fake arse bitches like you who put a ton of make up on there faces just to get a guy to even glimpse there way, and you girls act like you have all these boys that love you when really they are only around you because they know that you would spread your legs for anyone. Next time you think about insulting girls because they don't wear a shit load of make up and slutty clothes like you, just think about it and realise that we are more likely to get a guy that actually gives a shit about us but all you will get is some disgusting man who only comes to you for a fuck." I spat as I grabbed my phone and turned away from her.

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