Chapter 5

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Amy's P.O.V

I woke up to a lot of noise and my arms wrapped around Lily and Lis, I looked up and realised that we left the tv on meaning that 'the school of rock' has been playing over and over all night. I sat up and unraveled myself from the girls without waking them and climbed off the bed to turn the tv off, now the only thing that could be heard in the room was the light snores coming from the girls.

I sat for a bit just looking through my phone and then decided to get ready for the day, So I showered, got dressed and let my hair down, My hair is naturally wavy so I never really do much with it. By the time i was finished it was 8:30, wow I am never up this earlier! I normally sleep until like 11. I was going to wake the girls up but decided against because Lis gets really moody if you wake her up.

I had a pounding headache so I thought that getting some fresh air would help, I was sat on the balcony of are hotel room messing around with my guitar when I heard people shouting and laughing, they were so loud that they were going to wake the girls up. I got up to investigate where the sounds was coming from, I open the door of our hotel room and looked out hearing the noise increase.

"Can who ever it is making all that noise shut up! People are trying to sleep!" I yelled holding my head as my headache was getting worse, I took some tablets and sat on the end of the bed, the people stopped for a while before starting again only 10 minutes later.

Sighing I rested my head in my hands trying to block them out, the noise made its way the hallway before stopping right out side the door. I got up and marched towards it; I could no longer take it! Grabbing the handle I swung it open "I told you to keep it the fuck down!" I screamed before opening my eyes to see Calum, Michael, Luke and the 1D boys staring back at me.

"Well hello to you too." Niall said with a laugh, I felt my cheeks heat up as I looked down at my feet with embarrassment, even know I am friends with the 1D boys, every time I see them I get nervous! I don't know why? Maybe it's because I used to...and sort of still do have a massive crush on them. " guys." I stuttered my eyes not leaving the floor "damn gurl, you can shout." Louis said in a sassy voice, I looked up at him with a grin "god I've missed you Louis." I said bundling him in to a hug, I finished hug all of them before asking them why they were here "I love seeing you guys but why are you here?".

"We are here because we missed you obviously." Zayn smirked "oh now I understand, I mean...I would miss me too." I smirked making them laugh "so where are you guys off to?" I questioned "we are going out for coffee, wanna come?" Calum asked with a smile "I would love to!" I grinned heading back into the room to grabbed my phone and bag, I made sure I wrote a note to the girls so they wouldn't worry when they woke up.


We were now sitting in a vintage little coffee shop in the middle of a small unknown town, I was sitting in the middle of Calum and Harry as the boys talked about football or something, I don't really know as I wasn't really paying attention. I got a text from Lis saying that she was up and bored as lily was out with mum so I text her the address of the cafe and she would be here any minute, thank god! I don't know how much longer I could listen to all this boy talk!

"So Amy I saw you in all the magazines hanging out with Tyler posey; are you two a thing now?" Harry asked turning everyone's attention to me. "Oh me and Tyler are just good friends; there is absolutely nothing between us!" I explained, I meet Tyler at an award show and we hit it off right away. "So you're single?" Harry questions, I felt Calum tense up beside me as my face began to heat up "Y-Yes-I...I'm single." I stuttered looking down at my phone to see I had a text. "What! A beautiful girl like you doesn't have a boyfriend?" Harry exclaimed with a fake gasp, I laughed and looked up at him "you have a cute laugh, you know that." he said as he pinched my cheek "and you have cute dimples." I said reaching over to poke them.

He laughed and grabbed my hand which was still poking at his dimples, I chuckled before looking down, Harry used his hand to tilt my chin upwards so we were now eye to eye. Me and Harry got snapped out of the moment when Niall coughed, I turned and looked at him and realised that everyone was staring at us "you two need to seriously get a room." Louis smirked making me shoot him a playful glare.

"You guys would be adorable. Harry mate; you need to take her out on a date." Liam suggested making Harry look at me "well that's only if Amy's up for it..." he smiled as I looked over at Calum awkwardly. His jaw was clenched and so were his hands; he was about to burst, I want to say something to him but the sound of the cafe door made me jump. I looked up to see Lis coming towards us, grabbing my purse and phone I quickly jumped up "it's been lovely seeing you all but me and Lis have plans." I said grabbing my coffee off the table.

"Well we will probably see you later anyway." Niall shrugged "yeah, of course!...okay bye guys." I yelled grabbing Lis's hand and pulling her back towards the door "Amy, what are you doing?" Lis said confused. "don't forget about that date." Harry said with a wink "date?" Lis asked as we were now outside the shop and was walking toward her car "I will explain later".


Me and Lis were now backstage at the arena eating ice cream, we weren't really saying much because we did a lot of talking in the car, I explain about the whole date thing to her and she didn't really say much? It was like she had something on her mind.
That's when I remembered back to last night, Lis came in last night when we were watching 'the school of rock' and I knew that she had been crying, I could tell by the way her eyes were red and puffy and by the way she held on to me so tight. "Lid" I said pulling her attention away from her phone "why were you upset last night?" I asked, she locked her phone and sat up facing me, It looked like she was having a mental battle with herself; not knowing whether to tell me or not.

It was silent for a while before finally deciding to tell me "how do you do it Amy?" She sighed "do what?" I questioned furrowing my eyebrows "how do you handle the whole 'secret relationship thing'?" Oh that's what's going on...."this is about you and Mikey isn't it." I said sitting up in my seat.

"How do you k-" "it's obvious that you two are crazy about each other." I explained "really...." She whispered sinking back into her seat "Yes! Lis I know you are afraid at what will happen if you get with him but you've got to think about yourself for once!" "It's more complicated than that." She exclaimed. "You have grown up going in and out of orphanages, where you have been pushed around and told what to do and where to go. It's your turn to make your own decision....would you rather get with Michael and be happy or would you rather regret not get with him when you had the chance." I said watching her run her fingers through her hair.

I could tell that my words triggered something within her and thought I would give her some time alone to think.

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