no need to swear

69 5 1

Unknown number: night shift here i come,,,another day,,, another time to cri

Unknown number: its been 2 hours,,, someone did set themselves on fire tonight,,,not nearly as exciting at i thot

Unknown number: like at all

Me: how surprising

Unknown number: dude its like 5AM why aint u asleep.

Unknown number: do u ever sleep???!?

Me: yes

Unknown number: just not at normal times

Me: says u

Unknown number: mines for wokr!!!

Me: shut up

Unknown number: nah

Unknown number: im gonna keep talking bc i still have an hour or so,,,,b4 i can fukcing sleep

Unknown number: we got a total of 2 calls today both of them to the same party for the same reason

Unknown number: tonight*

Unknown number: nvm i cant tell anymore

Unknown number: so i did go to a party!! twice

Me: thats really sad

Unknown number: i did better than u

Unknown number: what did u do this weekend????

Me: cleaned, cooked.

Unknown number: i win

Me: get fucked

Unknown number: someones grumpy

Unknown number: a very v grumpy boi

Me: i hate this

Unknown number: i think ure loving this

Unknown number: this is amazing

Katsuki opens Kaede’s door to find her ready, backpack packed, she doesn’t look at him, he opens and closes his mouth like a fool a few times, before closing the door softly.

He eats quickly, putting his barista hat on. When they shuffle out the door he keeps to himself, a few steps ahead of her. Drop off is quiet, the drive to work is unsettling, no thoughts to occupy him.

Katsuki’s worried, of course, their longest fight only being a few hours, that had been nothing like this.

Work is busy but slow all the same. His ears ringing for the last hour, missing more orders, headache beating behind his eyes. Enough for him to get moved from the counter to being station only behind the machines.

No calls from the school, which is a blessing but also unsettles him. He’s checking his phone every moment he has a free second, a habit he hopes won’t stick.

His boss giving him a look when he catches him in the act.

Co-workers giving him worried glances, he can’t tell if it’s because he looks like literal hell, or cause the amount he checks his phone.

It could be both. The last hour drags, he’s jumpy as well as nauseous. He’s given up on checking his phone, only a few messages from unknown number interrupting his wallpaper.

When the end of his shift rolls around, he sits in his car, drinking the bottled water that had been sitting in his bag for over a week, trying to quell the nausea. The babysitter should be picking Kaede soon. Two ticking by, he sighs. The windows fogging up, he turns the key, the car coming to a start.

The library isn’t far from the coffeeshop, farther from home. Parking he has a few minutes to spare, he shrugs on his hoodie, running a hand through his hat hair, not that it matters what he looks like, It hasn’t for a while.

He ignores his co-workers at the desk, heading right for the backroom, and signing in. He starts returning the romance books to their places, cart overfilled.

Five hours later, he’s stood outside, eyes closed, leaning against the building. Times like these he wished he still smoked.

He quit young and started even younger, but it still burns at the back of his mind. Breath leaving in small plums meeting the night sky.

His phone vibrates on his thigh, he reluctantly pulls it out. 
Something could’ve happened to Kaede.

1:30 PM
Unknown number: didya know im bored???

1:45 PM

Unknown number: already working,,,,what a busy busy little man.

2:48 PM
Unknown number: sometimes i miss u

Unknown number: when u dont reply

Unknown number: its probs the boredom getting to my head,,,my roommate tripped over our coffeetable today,,,

Unknown number: absolute doofus. 
3:56 PM

Unknown number: got tackled into a coffeetable today.

Unknown number: i should probably get up and stop texting u

Unknown number: coffeetables arent comfy believe it or not.

8:35 PM

Unknown number: another night shift, annotherrr nitee alonneee 
Unknown number: u off work yet.

Me: no

Unknown number: ok

8:46 PM
Unknown number: wait…

Me: fuck

Unknown number: where u @???

Me: work

Unknown number: ure still working??

Me: no, i’m standing outside.

Unknown number: waiting for a drive? 
Me: no

Unknown number: why the fuck then???

Me: i don’t have to be back home for another 
20 mins

Unknown number: shouldnt u be driving

Me: how do you know i’m not.

Unknown number: u better not be mister!!!

Me: mister?

Unknown number: i panicked.

Unknown number: ure not driving right?

Me: no. but i am now, dont fucking text me

Unknown number: no need to swear

9:30 PM
Unknown number: home yet????

Unknown number: maybe well get a call tonight

Unknown number: ud think this would be the time wed be getting all the murders,,,, fires,,, and car crashes.

Unknown number: but no this place is boring af

Unknown number: u know ure not very chatty

Unknown number: or do you just not care about my job

Unknown number: it could be that

Unknown number: or well get a call about a car crash bc u were texting ur mom even tho u said u couldnt text me

Unknown number: hope its not the last one 

Unknown number: hm

2:45 AM
Unknown number: hello????

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