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Peach: Hey, Mario!

Mario: Yyyeeesss?

Peach: There is a Tennis competition coming up! I want you to help me train!

Mario: Nah. I'd rather eat spaghetti!

Mario went back to eating his spaghetti, Peach's eyes set on fire.

Peach: Mario...

Mario: Bitch, do it look like i care? No...

Peach grabbed the plate of spaghetti, and pointed a gun at it.

Peach: If you don't help me, then say goodbye to your loved one!


Peach: Thank you, Mario. Now, there is a Tennis court not too far from here, so we'll train there!

Mario: Okie dokie!

Peach: Mario, you are not wearing that. You'd just make the place wreak of BO.

Mario: Ugh, fine!

Peach threw a hat, vest, shorts, and trainers at Mario. He got naked and began to change.

Peach: -Disgusting...-

SMG4: What's with the shouting out here- OH GOD!

SMG4 quickly slammed the door, not wanting to see more of Mario's naked body. After a few minutes, Mario got dressed.

Peach: You look awesome, Mario!

Mario: Pingas.

Peach: Anyways, Toadsworth?

Toadsworth: Yes, princess?

Peach: Could you drive us to the Tennis court not too far from here? I want to enter a tournament with Mario!

Toadsworth: Sure, princess! Come outside.

Peach and Mario followed Toadsworth, a limo was outside. Toadsworth got into the driver's seat and honked the horn.

Peach: Come on, Mario!

Peach grabbed Mario, and threw him into the limo. Peach got in, and Toadsworth started the limo.

Mario: Oh, I'm gonna be so exhausted after all of this.

Peach: It's gonna be fun, Mario!

Toadsworth: Plus, it's exercise!

Mario's eyes widened, then he began to scream.


Toadsworth: HEY! Princess, could you do something-

Peach knocked Mario out with a Frying Pan.

Toadsworth: Thank you.

After a while, Toadsworth pulled up at the Tennis court, Peach struggled to get Mario out of the car.


Peach: Mario, if you help me, i'll give you a truckload of spaghetti! (You are a lying bitch, Peach...)

Mario turned around, and put some sunglasses on.

Mario: Let's do this.

Toadsworth: Have fun! I'm going to pick Frankie up from school.

Toadsworth drove off in his limo. Mario grabbed a Racket, and swung it around a few times.

Mario: Oooooooooooohhhhh...

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