Savage Sea Pt.2

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As the ship continued to travel through the horrendous storm, Toad noticed something strange beside the boat.

Mario: Zzz...

Meggy: Zzz...

Toad: Um...Mario? Meggy?

Mario: Huh?

Meggy: -Yawn- Yes, Toad?

Toad: There's an extremely enormous  shadow beside the boat!

Meggy: Wait, what?

The three heroes heard a loud noise,  which caused the ship to shake.

Mario: Whoa!

Toad: Oh no! That must be the REAL sea monster! The ship can't take much more of this!

The loud noise returned, which made the heroes stumble.

Meggy: Jeez! I almost fell over!

Toad: Give it your all, Mario and Meggy!

Mario and Meggy grabbed their rackets, a Gooper Blooper fell from the sky and let out a roar.


Meggy: Ready, Mario?

Mario: Yep! Let's do this!

The Gooper Blooper slammed one of it's tentacles on the ship, and spat out a ball of ink.

Meggy: Hit the ink back!

Mario: Okie dokie!

Mario hit the ink back at the Gooper Blooper, which hurt the oversized Blooper.

Meggy: Nice! My turn!

Mario and Meggy repeated this process for a while, until the Gooper Blooper slammed one of it's tentacles on the ship again, almost hitting Mario.

Mario: That was close!

Meggy: Take this, you freak!

Meggy hit the ink back, which went into the Gooper Blooper's eye.

Gooper Blooper: Aw hell noooo!

Mario: Meggy, look out!

Mario pushed Meggy out of the way, the Gooper Blooper then hit Mario with it's tentacles.

Meggy: Mario! You okay?!

Mario: Oof...yeah!

Meggy: You'll pay for that!

Meggy kept dodging the Gooper Blooper's attacks, and hit the ink back, which stunned the Gooper Blooper.

Toad: The mouth!

Meggy: Got it!

Meggy used her Special Shot, and the ball went flying into the Gooper Blooper's mouth, hurting it and making it more angry.

Mario: Ooooooh, very scary!

Toad: On your feet, Mario!

Mario: Yep!

Mario quickly got up, and ran beside Meggy.

Meggy: Phew, you okay Mario?

Mario: Yes! Take a break for now, I've got this!

Meggy took a few steps back, as Mario walked in front of the Gooper Blooper.

Mario: Ready to die?

The Gooper Blooper let out another loud roar.

Mario: I'll take that as a yes.

The Gooper Blooper started slamming it's tentacles onto the ship, Mario dodged the attacks, and stuck his middle fingers up.

Gooper Blooper: -TRIGGERED-

Mario: Haha!

The Gooper Blooper spat out more ink, as Mario kept deflecting it with his racket.

Meggy: Go Mario! Go Mario! Go Mario!

Mario: -Chuckle- Meggy's my cheerleader! 

Mario used his Special Shot, which stunned the Gooper Blooper.

Toad: The mouth again!

Mario whacked the ball, and it hit the Gooper Blooper's mouth, making it even more angry.

Toad: This Blooper is very ANGERY!

Meggy: Let's take this guy down!

Meggy stepped onto the court, and kissed Mario on the lips.

Mario: -Blush-

Toad: Guys! Now's not the time to make out!

Mario: Shut up, Toad!

Toad: Okay...

Meggy: Alright, let's get him!

Mario and Meggy started to dodge the Gooper Blooper's attacks, Mario hit some ink back, which hit the Gooper Blooper in the eye.

Meggy: Nice one!

Meggy used her Special Shot on the Gooper Blooper, which greatly damaged it.

Toad: Finish him!

Mario and Meggy whacked the ball at the same time, and it hit the Gooper Blooper in the mouth and defeating it.

Mario & Meggy: Yahoo!

Toad: We beat the sea monster, but there's still no sign of the Power Stone... What could this mean?

???: Wahahaha! Waheeheehee!

Mario: It's that creepy ass laughter again!

A blimp appeared out of nowhere, and flew beside the ship.

Waluigi: Wahahaha! Too slow, Mario!

Wario: The treasure to end all treasures is ours! First come, first served!

Meggy: Agh...

Waluigi: Next stop, the summit of Inferno Island!

Wario: Wahahaha!

The blimp started to fly off towards Inferno Island.

Toad: Oh no! So that's why the sea monster was so angry. They took its Power Stone! I...I won't stand for it! NOT THIS TOAD! Let's hurry to Inferno Island!

Mario: Let's go, cap'n!

Koopa: Got it! Off we go to Inferno Island!

(Waluigi: Waheeheeheehee! TOO BAD!)

Anyways, lata!

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