The Mansion Pt.3

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Mario, Meggy, and Toad took a 15 minute break, then got back to work.

Toad: Wait...

Mario: What is it, Toad?

Toad: Mario, Meggy! Check out those panels lined up at the entrance. Those defiantly weren't there before!

Meggy: Yeah, they weren't...where did they come from?

Boo: Keehee! You guys are awfully good at tennis.

The Boo startled everyone, it made Meggy jump into the air and land in Mario's arms.

Boo: If you win my game, maybe i'll teach you something useful... It's a reaaaally important tip for getting to the far end of the mansion. So...wanna play?

Mario: Hmm...

Meggy: -Should we trust the Boo?-

Boo: If you're not interested, feel free to ignore this once-in-a-lifetime offer. Just don't blame me for your regrets. Keehee!

Mario: Meh...

Meggy: ...

Boo: The game is simple. Knock down the panels within the time limit to score a certain number of points. Easy, right? So whaddaya say?

Toad: Mario, Meggy... We really have no idea what to expect beyond this point. We might as well play the game and try to score a good hit.

Mario: You have a point.

Meggy: Alright then. Let's do it!

Boo: Nice! Game...start!

Mario walked onto the court, threw the ball into the air, and whacked it. The ball hit a few of the panels, Mario kept repeating this process until he got 250 points.

Mario: Your turn, Meggy!

Meggy: Let's go!

Meggy grabbed her racket, and hit the ball. She did the exact same thing, they managed to get 500 points just before time ran out.

Mario: Woohoo!

Meggy: Another job done!

Toad: You did it, lovebirds!

Mario and Meggy blushed.

Boo: Impressive. And a tad infuriating. I suppose i'll tell you that hint now.

Meggy: Go on...

Boo: When you find the room with the giant mirror, pay close attention to the sounds and vibrations that come from the mirror when you hit it.

Mario: Mm hmm.

Boo: And remember this... You'll never get out unless you find the truth among the lies!

Meggy: -Huh?-

Toad: Anyways, thank you for the hint!

Mario: Bye!

The Boo waved, and faded away. The heroes turned around and went into a dark room.

Toad: We made it through the a very dark room. Helpful. No telling what's in here with us, so let's be extra careful.

Meggy: Okay!

The three mirrors from before appeared out of nowhere.

Mirror 1: So, you made it to the Reflection Room. Too bad for you it's a dead end!

Mirror 3: You won't be able to escape this room until you unravel it's mysteries! Which you NEVER will!

Mirror 2: Marvel at the overwhelming power of our beloved queen, the mistress of darkness and light!

Mario: Bring it, ugly!

Mirror 1: You do realize you just called yourself ugly, right?

Meggy: Huh- Oh, i get it...not cool.

The mirrors disappeared, and a few circles appeared on the mirror, which began to move.

Mario: Great, now we got to deal with this...

Toad: See if you two lovebirds can figure this out!

Meggy grabbed a tennis ball on the floor, and hit it with her racket. The ball hit one of the circles, and it glowed a little.

Meggy: Huh?

Mario: Wait, try using your Special Shot!

Meggy used her Special Shot, the ball hit one of the circles, and it disappeared.

Mario: My turn!

Mario used his Special Shot as well, it hit one of the other circles, and the remaining two disappeared.

Meggy: Hmm...

Four more circles then appeared on the mirror.

Mario: Shet!

Mario and Meggy kept using Special Shots, which seemed effective. After all of the circles disappeared, there was a white flash, and Mario and Meggy heard a familiar voice.

Mirror 1: I never imagined you'd find the light of truth. But you've yet to behold the queen's true terror. I admire your skill in getting this far, but your adventure ends here. The final puzzle is a marvel of mirrors. Can you make it through? I think not.

A purple, glowing clock appeared on the giant mirror, along with two blue cogs which spiraled the clock.

Mario: Dafuq?

Meggy: Same drill as before!

Mario and Meggy used more Special Shots, the cogs disappeared, and more appeared out of nowhere.

Mario: This is making my brain hurt a little.

Mario and Meggy destroyed all of the cogs, the clock's purple aura disappeared.

Meggy: Now!

The couple used their Special Shots a final time, and the clock was destroyed. The room lit up.

Mario: Yay!

Meggy: Yippie!

Mirror 1: I can't believe they got past the Reflection Room...Everything i thought i knew is in question now...

Mirror 3: This is bad! Sooo bad! Her highness will be furious! She'll rain down curses on all of us. Just you wait!

Mirror 2: B-but...we tried... It wasn't our-

???: USELESS FOOLS! Away with you!

The mirrors disappeared in a flash, making everyone get startled.

Madame Mirage: How annoying.  I see you've broken through my lovely barrier. I am Madame Mirage, the queen of mirrors.

Mario: Queen of mirrors...?

Meggy: -Giggle- -What a joke...-

Madame Mirage: No need to introduce yourselves. I already know who you are. You're thieves who are after the source of my power! Just because you can play a little tennis, you think you can just barge into my domain in a sad attempt to humiliate me?! If you're truly unafraid, i dare you to come hither. I'll gladly show you how terrifying the queen of mirrors can be!

Mario: Bring it, queen of mirrors my ass!

The voice disappeared.

Meggy: Ready, Mario?

Mario: Yep!

The three continued on, still searching for the second Power Stone.

(Queen of Mirrors...don't make me laugh...)

Anyways, lata!

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