The Forest Pt.1

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Toad: This is awful! We've got to gather those Power Stones before Luigi and the others beat us to it! Five Power Stones hidden in the island's different regions... Well, no sense dawdling. Let's start with the forest.

Mario: Okie-dokie! 

Meggy: Let's do it!

Mario, Meggy, and Toad left Bask Ruins, and went to Piranha Plant Forest, Donkey Kong was up ahead.

Meggy: Oh, it's DK!

Mario: -Not the monkey again...-

Toad: Hello, Donkey Kong! We'd really, really like to enter the forest about now. But...

Donkey Kong shook his head.

Toad: You won't let us through because it's dangerous. Isn't that right? Yeah, thought so. What should we do, Mario and Meggy? There doesn't seem to be any way around this.

Mario: I suggest we FUCK HIM UP!

Meggy: No! How about we try and convince him to let us pass?

Donkey Kong gave a thumbs up.

Toad: WHAT? If we really want to enter the forest, we have to show off our tennis skills first?

Donkey Kong nodded.

Toad: Mario, Meggy, look at that! There's a tennis court here in the forest!

Mario: Ooh!

Toad: And the court seems to have pipes on it. Huh! I wonder what Donkey Kong has in store for us... He's not monkeying around this time.  We have no choice. Do your best, Mario and Meggy! Use the powerful Zone Shots and Special Shots that Aster taught you, and try to earn a KO win by breaking their racket!

Meggy: Let's go, DK!

Mario: Let's a do this!

Mario stepped onto the court, DK grabbed the tennis ball, and hit it with his racket. Mario did a Zone Shot, and the ball went flying past DK.

Meggy: Nice one, Mario!

Mario threw the ball into the air, and hit it. DK hit it back, Mario used Zone Speed, and time slowed down. Mario hit the ball, and it flew past DK.

Meggy: Yay! Go, Mario!

Toad: It's not over yet!

DK hit the ball with his racket, Mario whacked the ball, DK then hit it back, and Mario used his Special Shot. The ball went flying into DK's dong. (OWCH)


Donkey Kong collapsed, and began to cry.

Meggy: Ow. That's gotta sting.

Toad: C-can we pass?

Donkey Kong gave a thumbs up, then passed out. Mario, Meggy and Toad took a left, they found a tennis court, but also a dead end.

Toad: Looks like this way is a dead end.

Meggy: Yeah.

Toad: Oh? It seems there's a tennis court here! That's handy. Maybe you can swing some tennis matches against stronger opponents here. OH! Or maybe you could practice rallying with me? Yeah! Let's try to keep a rally going until we reach a certain number of points!

Meggy: I would love to, Toad, but we gotta keep moving.

Mario: Yeah. We can't let that crazy racket take those Power Stones!

Toad: Aw, okay. Maybe later.

Mario, Meggy and Toad left the tennis court, and entered a dark part of the forest.

Toad: It's so dark here. And damp. And spooky. Basically your run-of-the-mill dark, damp, spooky forest. This is no place for a city Toad like me.

Meggy: Wait...

Mario: Uh oh.

Toad: Oh no... Mario, Meggy! We've accidentally wandered into Piranha Plant territory! You two better watch out for their fireballs and defeat the Piranha Plants quickly! 

Meggy: We got this! Stand back, Toad.

Toad: Okay!

Toad hid behind a tree, Meggy threw her racket in the air, and caught it.

Mario: Let's do this!

Mario and Meggy got their rackets ready, the Piranha Plants started firing fireballs out of their mouths. Mario and Meggy hit the fireballs back, some missed, while others hit a few Piranha Plants. The couple managed to defeat thirty Piranha Plants, and were able to proceed.

Toad: You're amazing, Mario and Meggy! Now...onward!

Mario: Okie dokie!

Meggy gave Mario a kiss on the cheek, making him blush.

Meggy: Let's go.

(So, just a note. You may of noticed this chapter is shorter than the others, well, I'll tell you why. The original set of chapters for this was gonna be 15, but due to these Power Stones, it may be longer than I thought. So, for each region, I will do parts.)

Anyways, lata!

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