Final Game

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Mario, Meggy and Toad arrived at the Bask Ruins, to find a purple mist surrounding the area.

Toad: Whoa...

Mario: Let's finish this once and for all!

Meggy: Right!

The heroes walked into the Temple of Bask Shrine, and found Bowser, who had now had Lucien's power.

Toad: Oh, no!

Bowcien: Bwa ha ha! Glad you could make it, Mario and Meggy! Lucien and I are now one, allowing me to finally achieve absolute power! Sure, you clearly leveled up a bit by going on your silly adventure, but you're no match for the almighty Bowcien!

Mario: Bowser, bring it!

Meggy: We'll kick your butt!

Bowcien: You don't really intend to fight me, do you? Bwa! Fine, I'll happily be your opponent.  Show me what you've got!

Toad: You can do this, Mario and Meggy! Defeat that asshole and restore peace to this island!

Mario and Meggy walked forward, as Bowcien roared.

Meggy: Let's go!

Mario hit the ball, and it hit one of the purple balls floating in front of Bowser.

Meggy: Alrighty, that's the weakness! Let's keep that up!

Mario: You're going down, Bowser!

The couple continued to hit the ball at Bowser, until all of the purple balls floating in front had disappeared, which broke the shield.

Bowcien: Just because my shield broke, doesn't mean I'll allow you to hit me so easily!

Meggy: He's up to something!

Lucien summoned a ball, and Bowcien hit it with his racket. Mario hit it back, as this process continued for a few seconds until Bowcien accidentally hit the ball into the air.

Mario: There's my chance!

Meggy: Get him, Mario!

Mario used his Special Shot, which flipped Bowcien over.

Toad: Nice!

Bowcien: Not bad! But you will not defeat me! 

Meggy: Is that so?

Bowcien got up and held Lucien in the air, as small purple tornadoes started rushing towards Mario and Meggy.

Meggy: Look out!

The couple dodged the small tornadoes, as Bowcien summoned more.

Mario: Crap!

The two did the same, Bowcien started to jump around the court, which created small shock waves.

Meggy: How much stuff have we gotta dodge?!

Mario began to carry Meggy, and jumped into the air to avoid the shock waves slowly slithering across the floor.

Meggy: *Blush* Thanks, Mario.

Mario: You're welcome, Meggy!

Bowcien summoned another shield, and laughed.

Meggy: Same as before!

Mario: Indeed!

Bowcien: You will fall!

Mario and Meggy repeatedly hit the ball back at the shield and it's defenses, as it broke, leaving Bowcien defenseless.

Meggy: Alright!

Mario: Your turn, Meggy!

Meggy and Bowcien hit the ball back to each other a few times, until Meggy used her Special Shot, flipping Bowcien over again.

Mario: Haha!

Meggy stuck her tongue out.

Bowcien: I'm not done yet...!

Lucien summoned a circle of fire on the floor, as it summoned even more tornadoes. Mario and Meggy did the same as the first two times, and avoided the shock waves.

Bowcien: Grrr...

Mario: Aww, is someone a little salty?

Meggy: *Giggle*

Bowcien let out another roar, as he summoned a final shield.

Mario: Let's get this bastard!

After a while of the same process, the final shield broke.

Mario: Together!

Mario and Meggy used their Special Shot, defeating Bowcien and causing Lucien to snap in half.

Bowcien: NOOOOO!

The top half of Lucien went into a pillar, as green lightning started to fly everywhere.

Bowcien: No, what have you done?!

The temple started to collapse.

Meggy: This is not good!

The two were then teleported outside the ruins, and heard a voice.

Aster: You did it, Mario and Meggy! You beat Bowser and Lucien! Now peace will return to this island and the spirit of King Bask can finally rest in peace! Thank you, Mario and Meggy...

Toad: Bowser was able to obtain Lucien's power and, just as the legend foretold, he challenged you both to a once-in-a-lifetime battle against its terrible might. But you two were still able to prevail thanks to the strength  you acquired on your adventure! You beat Bowser!

Mario: Indeed we did.

Meggy: That was chaotic.

Toad: The story of your victory will be told on this island for countless generations. You're a living legend!

Mario: Awesome!

Meggy: I had a lot of fun on our adventure!

Peach: I know it wasn't easy, Mario and Meggy, but you managed to save the day anyway. We are so very grateful to you!

Daisy: I still can't believe a racket like that existed... One that could actually control people.

Wario and Waluigi, who had been turned back to normal, walked up to the heroes.

Wario: Ugh, did we really have to break it? What a waste!

Waluigi: No kidding! We could of been the best players in the world with that thing!

Daisy: Haven't you learned anything?!  Didn't you see Mario and Meggy beat Lucien anyway, despite its terrible power?

Wario/Waluigi: *Sigh*

Toad: In any case, I'm happy we got Luigi back.

Mario: Come here, bro!

The two brothers hugged each other, as Meggy smiled at this.

Peach: It's one thing to work hard and get stronger, but abusing such terrible power is never the right answer. Strength only means anything if you use it to protect others, not to control them. So...hooray for Mario and Meggy! Our heroes!

Meggy: *Giggle* No need to thank us.

Mario: Let's go chill out, Meggy. 

Meggy: Okay, Mario.

The two held hands, and shared a kiss.

Mario: I love you, Meggy.

Meggy: I love you too, Mario.

And so, Lucien, the terrible racket, was defeated, alongside Bowser, who is buried in rubble. Another story for the cutest couple ends yet again.

(Here we are! At the end!)

(I am so sorry for all of the delays! College was a massive problem, but since I'm going on holiday, and things are now super chilled out, I should be able to work on stories WAY more often. Summer holiday is also coming up! WOOHOO!)

(I hope you all enjoyed this! Especially you, Smesh!)

Anyways, lata!

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