Inferno Island Pt.1

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The heroes arrived at Inferno Island, and hopped off the ship.

Meggy: Whoa...

Mario: Man, it's spicy here!

Toad: There it is! I can see the airship hovering over the top of Inferno Island!

Mario: Oooooh.

Toad: That means there's still hope! Probably! Let's hurry to the top!

Meggy: Right! Let's go get that Power Stone before they do!

Mario: Let's a go!

The heroes walked up a long series of stairs, and through the gate.

Toad: Wow.

Boom Boom: MARIO!

Meggy: AH!

Mario: Huh? What do you want?

Boom Boom: This is Lord Bowser's island! Boom Boom says SCRAM!

Toad: I'm afraid talking isn't Boom Boom's strong suit. We'll have to beat him before we can pass through. And by we... I mean you.

Meggy: Oh...

Toad: You got this, lovebirds!

Mario stepped onto the court, and stuck his middle finger up at Boom Boom.

Boom Boom: Wha?! Me no like you! Boom Boom will beat you!

Boom Boom whacked the ball, Mario hit it back and scored.

Mario: Haha!

Boom Boom: No! Boom Boom win! You lose!

Meggy: We won't lose!

Mario: Yeah, you're going down, tubby!

Boom Boom: T-tubby? (EMOTIONAL HIT)

Meggy: I think you just-

Boom Boom started to cry.

Mario: Well...that was easy.

Toad: Nice insult, Mario.

Mario: Thank you!

Boom Boom: Waaaaaahhhhhh!


Boom Boom hit Toad, sending him flying into the wall.

Meggy: Uh oh.


Boom Boom: Boom Boom made mistake!


Mario: Well, this is gonna be painful to watch.

-Seven slaps across the ass later...- (Ow)


Toad: That's what you get!

Meggy: Let's progress.

The heroes walked past the crying Boom Boom, and arrived at the gate.

Toad: That gigantic. And Bowser's minions are guarding it. What should we do?

Mario: Smesh their asses! (-Chuckle-)

Meggy: Let's do this the old fashioned way! A good butt kicking!

Toad: We somehow made it this far, so let's keep pushing forward until we reach the castle!

Mario and Meggy walked forward, as a group of Hammer Bros jumped into the castle and prepared to attack.

Mario: Ready, Meggy?

Meggy: Yeah!

Mario and Meggy shared a kiss.

Hammer Bro 1: Aww...

Hammer Bro 2: HEY! Focus, you idiot!

Hammer Bro 1: S-sorry, boss!

The Hammer Bros began to throw their hammers.

Mario: Deflect them!

Meggy hit one of the hammers back, and it hit a Hammer Bro in the face.

Mario: Nice one!

Meggy: Thanks!

Mario and Meggy continued to battle the Hammer Bros until they were all defeated.

Meggy: Alright! We did it!

Fire Bros: SIKE, BIOTCH!

Mario: Huh?

A group of Fire Bros appeared out of nowhere, and threw fireballs at the couple.

Meggy: Watch out!

Meggy pushed Mario out of the way, as a fireball burned her.

Mario: Meggy!

Meggy: OW! HOT, HOT, HOT!

Mario: You're gonna pay for that!

Fire Bros: Oh, yeah?!

Mario: Hmm...

Mario then got an idea in his head.

Meggy: Huh?

Mario: I'VE GOT AN IDEA! (Junkrat approves)

Mario turned around, as the Fire Bros continued to throw fireballs.

Meggy: Mario, what are you doing-

Mario let out a fart, which got ignited by the fireballs.

Fire Bro 1: OH SHIT!

Fire Bro 2: Clever bastard-

The Fire Bros got incinerated by Mario's fire fart. (That was actually smart)

Mario: Wow!

Meggy burst into laughter.

Meggy: You never fail to make me laugh, Mario. -Giggle-

Mario: -Chuckle-

Meggy hugged Mario tightly.

Toad: Ech...that was disgusting...

A Whomp fell from the sky.

Mario: Looks like we're not done!

Meggy: Look out! Bullet Bills!

Mario quickly turned around and whacked two Bullet Bills at the Whomp, which damaged it.

Whomp: OW!

Meggy: Keep deflecting the Bullet Bills!

Mario and Meggy continued to hit the Bullet Bills, and eventually defeated the Whomp.

Toad:  You did it, Mario and Meggy! I should of known you could get us past the gate! I only doubted you for a bit. Five minutes, tops. Let's head on in!

Mario and Meggy shared another kiss, and ran into the castle with Toad.

(Wow. That place is going to stink for a while. XD)

Anyways, lata!

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