Snowfall Mountain Pt.1

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Mario, Meggy and Toad walked out of the mansion, and walked down the hill to the train.

Meggy: Alright, here we are!


Penguin: This station is for travel to Snowfall Mountain. But you can't board the train right now!

Mario: Huh?

Toad: What? Why not?

Penguin: A bunch of Shy Guys came down from the mountain and took control of the train. If those Shy Guys would just leave us alone, we could resume our scheduled trip up to Snowfall Mountain...

Meggy: Shy Guys? 

Mario: Kinda brings back some memories of the Toast Fairy.

Toad: You heard him, Mario and Meggy! Let's shoo those Shy Guys away! Oh, but keep in mind that Special Shots are super powerful and not remotely train-safe. So don't use any Special Shots!

Mario: Got it!

Meggy: Let's teach those Shy Guys a lesson!

Shy Guy: Hey! Get your asses out of here!

The Shy Guys began to throw snowballs.

Mario: Meggy! Hit them back with your racket!

Meggy: Got it!

Meggy hit one of the snowballs back, which hit a Shy Guy in the face.

Shy Guy: OW!

Mario: Nice one! Let's destroy these little fuckers!

The Shy Guys continued to throw snowballs at Mario and Meggy, which they kept hitting back.

Meggy: Your snow won't hurt me! (Unless if it melts)

Mario hit two snowballs with his racket, one hit a Shy Guy in the pingas.


Meggy: Haha!

Mario: Take-a-this!

Mario whacked three snowballs back, all of which hit multiple Shy Guys. After a while, the Shy Guys were defeated.

Meggy: Looks like we got rid of them.

Toad: Not yet! There's a few more!

The train moved a little, and more Shy Guys appeared.

Mario: Shit!

Meggy: No matter! Same drill as before!

Shy Guy: Eat this!

The Shy Guy threw a snowball at Mario, which hit him in the face.

Mario: Oof!

Meggy: You're gonna pay for that, you masked midgets! 

Mario: -Chuckle- Masked it.

Meggy kept hitting snowballs back, and the train moved again.

Toad: A few more, and that should be it!

Mario: Let's-a-go!

Shy Guy: Your gonna die!

Meggy: What are you gonna do? Use your stubby arms to punch us?

Shy Guy: Oh, that's it!

The Shy Guy threw a snowball at Meggy, she smiled and hit it back.

Shy Guy: NANI?!

The snowball hit the Shy Guy, sending him flying into space.

Mario: That's what you get!

Mario and Meggy finished off the rest of the Shy Guys, and cheered.

Penguin: Hooray! The Shy Guys are gone! Now we can finally get this train back on track! (Was that supposed to be a joke? Cus you know...track...)

Mario: Glad we could help!

Penguin: We'll be passing through the town at the foot of the mountain. From there, it's a short trip to the Snowfall Mountain summit. All aboard!

Mario, Meggy, and Toad got onto the train.

Penguin: Here we go!

The penguin started the train, Mario and Meggy shared a kiss.

Toad: -Ech!-

Mario: I love you, Meggy.

Meggy: I love you too, Mario.

The train suddenly stopped.

Mario: Huh?

Toad: That's odd. The train seems to have stopped. We'd better ask what the holdup is.

Meggy: Yep!

Mario, Meggy and Toad walked to the front of the train.

Toad: Excuse me! We noticed that the train has stalled. Is everything OK?

Penguin: Oh... You guys... You won't believe this.

Meggy: Uh oh.

Penguin: Details are in short supply, but there's something going on at the summit of Snowfall Mountain. We're waiting to see how things play out.

A Shy Guy then appeared out of nowhere.

Mario: AH!

Shy Guy: Are you two trying to get to the summit of Snowfall Mountain?

Toad: A Shy Guy! Don't panic! DO NOT PANIC!

Meggy: I'm not panicking!

Shy Guy: I'll take that as a yes. Here's the deal. If you beat me at...oh, I dunno...a game of tennis, I'll tell you what's happening at the summit.

Mario: Guess we have to.

Toad: Well, this train isn't going anywhere unless we get to the bottom of this. The answer is clear. Let's beat that Shy Guy!

(Insert To Be Continued Meme)

Anyways, lata!

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