The Mansion Pt.4

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Toad: Phew! The entrance is still lit, so it looks like we can breathe easy for now.

Mario: Yep.

Meggy: Hey, look!

Boo: Keeheehee!

Toad: Bah! It's Boo!

Boo: Don't be so shy. Look, I even brought you a present! Keehee! 

Toad: A present? For us?

Meggy: -What could it be?-

Boo: It's a racket made of mirrors. I'm sure it will come in handy. But don't think I'm just gonna give it to you for nothing!

Mario: -Sigh-

Boo: Carry on a rally for as long as you can manage. Score enough points, and I'll concede that you meet my standards and gift you this cool racket.

Meggy: Hmm, sounds good!

Boo: You'll get bonus points for 10 consecutive shots. But I'm not gonna take it easy on you! Keehee!

Meggy cracked her neck, and grabbed her racket.

Toad: Show him what you're made of, Mario and Meggy! After all, you'll need lots of rackets to defeat the powerful enemies that await us!

Meggy: Alright, I'll give it a shot!

Meggy walked onto the court, and the Boo laughed a little.

Boo: Keehee! Show me what you got!

The Boo whacked the ball with his racket, and it went flying past Meggy.

Meggy: Hey! I didn't even get a chance!

Mario: You gotta hit the ball 300 times, Meggy! 

Toad: Try your best!

Meggy took a deep breath, and smiled.

Meggy: Let's go!

Meggy and the Boo kept hitting the ball at each other, there was a few close calls, but Meggy managed to get 300 points, and cheered.

Mario: Nice one, Meggy!

Toad: You did it, Meggy!

Meggy: Thanks, you two.

Meggy kissed Mario on the cheek.

Boo: Very impressive. I have no choice. Please accept this mirror racket. 

The Boo flew over to Mario, and gave him the mirror racket.

Mario: Nice!

Meggy: Thank you!

Boo: From now on, I'm on your side. I won't even boo you when you play, keehee!

Meggy: -Giggle-

Mario, Meggy and Toad began to walk away, and entered one final room, known as the Royal Chamber.

Toad: The queen of mirrors is probably close by...Stay on your guard!

Meggy: This room looks cozy.

Suddenly, Madame Mirage levitated down from the ceiling, and a purple mist on the mirror created two eyes.

Mario: Well, looks like we got someone else to deal with!

Toad: I'm just gonna hide behind here! You lovebirds should be fine on your own!

A ball came out of the mirror, and flew at Meggy.

Mario: Meggy, look out!

Meggy whacked the ball back, and one of the smaller mirrors absorbed the ball.

Mario: Huh?

Meggy: Let's try that again.

Mario walked beside Meggy, a ball went flying out of the mirror again, Mario hit it back, and one of the small mirrors absorbed it again.

Mario: Let's keep doing that! Something may happen!

Mario and Meggy kept hitting the ball back at the mirror a few times, then it began to glow red.

Meggy: Mario, try hitting it with a Special Shot!

Mario used his Special Shot, the ball went flying at Madame Mirage, and she made a silent cry of pain.

Meggy: It worked!

Mario: Uh, Meggy? I think we pissed her off.

A few objects started to float, and spun around.

Meggy: Look out!

Meggy pushed Mario out of the way, and got hit by a clock.

Mario: Meggy!

Meggy: OW!

Mario got up, and ran over to Meggy.

Mario: Are you okay?!

Meggy: Yeah, ow...

Mario turned around, and gave Madame Mirage an angry look.

Mario: Grrrr! No one hurts my girlfriend and gets away with it!

Meggy blushed, and slowly got up. Mario protected Meggy from the floating objects, and kept hitting the tennis balls with his racket. Madame Mirage got weakened again shortly afterwards.

Meggy: My turn!

Meggy used her Special Shot, and whacked the ball, which hit Madame Mirage.

Mario: Nice!

Meggy: One more time, and she should go down!

The mirror launched another ball, Mario whacked it with the mirror racket, but it instantly broke.

Meggy: Oh no!

Mario: Agh, stupid piece of crap...!

Mario threw the broken racket aside, and equipped his normal one. Mario and Meggy kept doing the same thing as before, and Madame Mirage was weakened once again.

Meggy: I'll finish her off!

Meggy used her Special Shot for a final time, and Madame Mirage was defeated. She disappeared in a puff of smoke, and a chest appeared.

Mario: Oooooooooooohhhh?

Toad: Look! A treasure chest!

Mario and Meggy opened it to find...the second Power Stone.

Mario: Woohoo!

Meggy: Yes!

Toad: We got another Power Stone! That means there are only three more to find!

Mario and Meggy nodded.

Toad: That opponent was really strong.  It must be the Power Stone that gave the mirrors of Mirage Mansion such power... Anyhow, our next clue is snow, and there's a snowy mountain right near here. Let's head downhill and catch a ride to that mountain!

Meggy: Indeed, let's get out of here.

Mario: This place gives me the chills...

(So sorry for not updating this book in a week! I got busy with college, and I have been dealing with a sore throat, but that's all out of the way now.)

Anyways, lata!

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