Lucien Cup Finals

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Mario and Meggy walked onto the court, and waved at the crowd.

Red Toad: We're coming at you live from Marina Stadium! It's finally time for the Lucien Cup to begin! This tournament came out of nowhere, but the stadium is jam-packed with eager tennis fans!

Blue Toad: That's right! Legend has it that Lucien is a mystical racket that has laid claim to this very island!

Red Toad: Now Team Mario and Team Luigi have put their mighty Power Stones from the Kingdom of Bask on the line. History is about to be made, people!

Blue Toad: As for Lucien, this magical racket reportedly has the power to control people! Team Luigi has apparently been powered up by Lucien and is essentially unstoppable!

Red Toad: Team Mario, on the other hand, has...well, Mario and Meggy! They're back from a wild adventure on this fair island and they look confident as ever! As for the doubles match, Wario and Waluigi will be taking on...ooh, this is unexpected...actual royalty! Princess Peach and Princess Daisy!

Blue Toad: I don't know about you, but I have no idea how this will shake out! It's anyone's game!

Red Toad: Finally! It seems the athletes competing in the doubles match have arrived!

Blue Toad: OK then! Let's take a look inside the stadium!

The crowd was going wild, cheering and screaming.

Red Toad: Which team will make their presence known first?

Wario suddenly fell from the sky, and laughed, as people booed at him.

Blue Toad: Look at that! Wario is the first to enter! His detestable past antics have earned him a hearty boo from the crowd!

People started to cheer, as Princess Daisy stepped onto the court and spun around.

Red Toad: Next we have Princess Daisy!  This peppy princess is making quite the entrance!

Mario: Boring!

Meggy: *Giggle*

Daisy: Hey, SHUT UP!

Waluigi fell from the sky, and he too was booed by the crowd.

Blue Toad: The audience is booing wildly once again as Waluigi makes his entrance! He's as nasty as he is lanky!

Princess Peach walked onto the court, with two pink toads carrying her racket.

Red Toad: Capping off the exciting entrances is our very own Princess Peach! What a splendid lady! The crowd gives her a warm welcome!

Princess Peach grabbed her racket, and winked.

Red Toad: Now it's time for the doubles match portion of the Lucien Cup. It's Princess Peach and Princess Daisy against Wario and Waluigi!

Blue Toad: How will this unprecedented match play out? We're about to find out!

Peach grabbed the ball, and started to play.

Mario: Lalalala, hm! La,lala, hm hm hm hm...

Meggy: Hopefully Peach and Daisy win this...

Mario: If they do, then I'll forgive Peach for what she did to me at the start of all this.

Meggy: What?!

Mario: Just joking with ya, Meggy.

Meggy: Oh, okay. *Giggle*

After a while, Mario and Meggy started to get bored.

Mario: Oh, imma tired!

Meggy: Me too... I think I'm gonna sleep. We'll need our energy for when we play.

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