Savage Sea Pt.1

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Mario, Meggy and Toad went down to the docks, and stopped in front of a ship.

Mario: You okay, Meggy?

Meggy: Y-yeah...still cold, bu-but I'm fine...

Toad: Well, let's head onto the ship-

Koopa: Stop right there, strangers. I can spot an out-of towner a mile away. It's a gift. Anyhow, what brings you here?

Toad: Yes, hello! Sorry, but...what are you talking about? Don't you remember us from the forest?

Mario: I wanted to ask that as well.

Koopa: Ah, you must be an acquaintance of my li'l bro. He and I run this ship together. Yes, I know. The resemblance is striking.  

Meggy: O-oh...

Toad: I see... Well, if it's not too much trouble, would you consider setting sail for us? 

Koopa: You must be the strangest stranger I've ever met. Don't you know there's a raging storm out there? Taking the boat off now would be insane.

Toad: I'm sure we'll manage somehow, with your expertise on our side. Please! We've got to find the next Power Stone before Luigi and the others!

Meggy: I-it's super important!

Koopa: -Sigh- I have no idea what a "Power Stone" or a "Luigi" are, but no can do. They say a giant sea monster has been causing trouble lately. It's way too dangerous.

Mario: Mamaf--ker!

Koopa: Legend has it there's some ancient sunken treasure in the water round these parts. Monsters love treasure. It's basic math, fella. 

Mario: Ooooh, very scary!

Koopa: Locals believe that nasty sea monster guards the treasure. And that it gets angry and causes awful, ship-sinking turbulence if anyone tries to take it.

Meggy: That's not good.

Koopa: Any poor soul who tries messing with that monster is bound to end up in it's belly.

Mario & Meggy: -Gulp-

Toad: An ancient sunken treasure... That's just gotta be the Power Stone! Luigi and the others must be trying to steal it! Look, we'll take care of that sea monster somehow.  I beg of you! Please take us out on your boat!

Koopa: Hmm...

Meggy did her puppy eyes.

Meggy: Pppllleeeaaassseee?

Koopa: -Shit...too cute! Fuck it.- Huh. You're really serious about this. Well, if you're sure. But if it gets too dangerous, I'm turning back.

Meggy: Yay! Thank you so much!

Koopa: Don't mention it, squiddo. Hop on!

Mario, Meggy and Toad got onto the ship, the Koopa grabbed the wheel, and started going through the sea.

Toad: Yikes! The storm is intense!

Meggy: feels like acid...ow!

Mario: Here, Meggy.

Mario gave Meggy an umbrella.

Meggy: Aw, thanks, Mario.

Meggy kissed Mario on the lips.

Mario: -Blush- Hehe.

The three heard a strange noise, then a Blooper jumped onto the ship.

Blooper: -Strange squeaking noises-

Meggy: Uhhh...

Toad: A Blooper? The sea monster is a Blooper?!

Mario: -I wonder if Meggy is related to these? Probably not...-

Toad: We have no choice, Mario and Meggy! Let's take down that aquatic menace!

Meggy: Bring it!

Mario: Meggy, do you feel better now?

Meggy: Yep!

Mario: Okie dokie!

Meggy grabbed her racket and stepped onto the court.

Blooper: -More squeaking noises-

Meggy: I don't know what you're saying, but game on!

Meggy whacked the ball, the Blooper hit it back.

Mario: Get em, Meggy!

Meggy used her Special Shot, and the Blooper failed to hit the ball back.

Blooper: -Angry squeaking noises-

Toad: I think this thing is trying to be a mouse.

Mario: Nice shot, Meggy!

The Blooper picked the ball up, and hit it at Meggy.

Toad: Watch it!

Meggy turned around and hit the ball, the Blooper got angry and whacked it.

Meggy: Off the ship you go, you freak!

Blooper: -Confused squeaking noises-

Meggy used her Special Shot again, the ball went flying into the Blooper's face, sending it flying and squeaking off the ship.

Mario: Awesome, Meggy!

Toad: You did it! We still have the storm to contend with, but it's a relief to know that you can protect us from any Blooper-related danger!

Mario gave Meggy a hug.

Toad: -Ech!-  Speaking of, let's find the Blooper that's guarding the Power Stone!

Mario: Okie dokie!

The Koopa started the ship again, as the heroes continued their journey through the raging storm.

(I'm surprised no one has gotten seasick yet.)

Anyways, lata!

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