The Mansion Pt.1

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Toad: We can't get there without a seagoing boat. Toads don't float. We just don't. Luckily, that ship there should do the trick! Let's ask if they'd be willing to take us across the water. 

Meggy: Phew. 

Mario: Oh look, a Koopa!

Koopa: What do YOU want? We're all done ferrying people for the day.

Meggy: Oh.

Toad: Hello to you too, kind sir! Sorry, but we're in a big rush to get to the opposite shore. Could you please set sail just once more today?

Koopa: Oh, i see how it is. You got some big, important shindig to get to? That right? 

Mario: Yep!

Koopa: I'll tell you what. I was feeling overly bored anyway, so i'm open to shipping out. But ONLY if you can beat me in...wait for it...a game of tennis! Let's go with best of three sets, yeah?

Meggy: Hmm, alright then.

Toad: But where... Oh! Look, Mario! There's a tennis court on the deck of the ship. That's convenient. 

Mario: Huh, it is.

Toad: Playing on a ship deck isn't exactly standard practice, but we're tennis rebels of a sort. You're on, buddy!

Mario: Bring it, turtle!

Koopa: Let's do this!

Meggy and the Koopa stepped onto the court, Meggy grabbed the ball, and cracked her neck.

Meggy: Ready?

Koopa: Yep!

Meggy hit the ball with her racket, the Koopa hit it back, Meggy used Zone Speed and whacked the ball, which went flying past the Koopa.

Meggy: Yes!

Mario: Good one, Meggy!

Koopa: Not bad. 

The Koopa grabbed the ball and hit it, Meggy hit the ball back, the Koopa hit the ball, but it bounced off the mast and hit the Koopa in the face.

Koopa: Ow.

Mario: Haha!

Koopa: It's not over, yet!

The Koopa whacked the ball, Meggy didn't have enough time to react, as it went past her.

Meggy: Shoot!

Mario: Don't worry, Meggy! You got this in the bag!

Koopa: You shall lose!

Meggy threw her racket into the air, and caught it.

Meggy: Come on, stop talking and play!

The Koopa whacked the ball with his racket, Meggy used her Special Shot, making the ball go flying off the ship.

Koopa: Aw, shit.

Mario: Nice one, Meggy! My turn.

Mario walked onto the court.

Koopa: Prepare to have your fatass beat!

Mario: Want to say that again, fucker?

Mario hit the ball, the Koopa hit it back, Mario smiled and quickly whacked the ball, which went flying off the ship again.

Koopa: Really?

Mario: That's two gone off the ship.

Meggy: Get em, Mario!

The Koopa hit the ball with his racket, Mario jumped in front of it and hit it back, the ball went past the Koopa again.

Koopa: -Sigh- Today is not my lucky day...

Mario: Hmm?

Koopa: Tell you what, i concede.

Meggy: Huh? That was unexpected.

Koopa: I know you two are going to beat me. As agreed, i'll take you where you need to go.

Mario: Yippie!

Meggy: Thank you so much!

Toad: Huzzah! Good work, Mario and Meggy!

The three got onto the ship. The Koopa started the ship up, and it began to fly over the sea.

Mario: This is relaxing.

Meggy: Indeed it is, Mario.

Mario and Meggy shared a kiss.

Mario: I love you, Meggy.

Meggy: I love you too, Mario.

Toad: -Ech...-

The three eventually arrived at the other shore, and walked up the hill, where they met a penguin.

Penguin: This station is for travel to Snowfall Mountain. You should know it'll be quite a while before the train makes it back down from there.

Toad: Welp, nothing we can do about that. Let's visit the mansion at the top of the hill!

Meggy: Okay.

The three turned around, and continued walking up the hill. They eventually reached the mansion, it was raining, and there was tons of fog.

Mario: Oh, very scary.

Meggy: I don't like this...

Mario then held Meggy's hand, making her blush.

Mario: Don't worry, Meggy. I'm here.

Meggy: Okay, Mario.

Meggy gave Mario a hug, then the three walked into the mansion.


Anyways, lata!

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