Snowfall Mountain Pt.2

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Mario stepped onto the court, and cracked his neck.

Meggy: Brrr...wearing clothes like these in cold weather is not a good idea...

Shy Guy: Stop the bickering, bitch! Let's play already!

Mario: Hey! Don't talk to her like that!

Shy Guy: Shut yo mouth!

Mario threw the ball into the air and whacked it, the Shy Guy hit it back and almost scored a point, but Mario was able to hit the ball back in time and it went past the Shy Guy.

Shy Guy: Dammit!

Mario: Woohoo! That's what you get!

Meggy: Keep going, Mario!

The Shy Guy grabbed the ball and hit it, Mario hit it back.

Shy Guy: Eat this, fatass!

The Shy Guy whacked the ball, the ball then went flying into Mario's mouth.

Mario: O-OH GOD! -Cough- ACK!

Meggy: Mario!

Meggy ran over to Mario, and helped him spit the ball out.

Mario: Ugh...thanks, Meggy...

Meggy: No problem, Mario. Kick the Shy Guy's butt!

Mario picked the ball up, and hit it, the ball hit the Shy Guy's mask, making it crack.

Shy Guy: AGH!

Mario: That's payback, you little asshole!

Mario grabbed the ball again, and hit it, which went flying past the Shy Guy.


Meggy stuck her tongue out at the Shy Guy.

Shy Guy: Screw you, squid bitch!

Mario threw his racket at the Shy Guy, making him scream in pain.

Mario: What did I say earlier?

Shy Guy: Oh, shit! My mask is gonna break...ugh...fine! I'll tell you what's going on at the Snowfall Mountain summit. I cannot reveal my identity...

Toad: Let's hear it.

Shy Guy: There's an excavation site of some sort up there. I saw a gorgeous treasure chest there, but then a snowstorm hit, so I had to flee.

Meggy: Oh?

Toad: A treasure chest? That must be the Power Stone! Hurry, Mario and Meggy! Let's head for the summit!

Mario: Okie dokie!

Shy Guy: You should know that a fellow Shy Guy reported seeing a snow ogre out in the snowstorm. Watch your back out there.

Meggy: Snow ogre?!


Toad: An snow ogre?! I hate snow ogres! (Francis: I hate vans. I hate helicopters...and doctors, and lawyers, and cops...)

Shy Guy: Same. That's why we had to go back to help our friends who were frozen up there, even if it meant stealing a train. We're shy, but we're not heartless.

Meggy: -Oh, so that's why they stole the train...-

Shy Guy: Since you're capable, I have a favor to ask. Go to the summit and investigate. Please.

Mario: Okie dokie, then! Let's go!

Penguin: Good job on clearing the problem! 

Meggy: Thanks, Pingu!

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