The Mansion Pt.2

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Mario, Meggy and Toad arrived and looked at the mansion.

Meggy: Whoa.

Toad: There it is. A creepy mansion. There's so much creepy on this island. Alas, there might be a Power Stone in there. Let's go scope things out!

Suddenly, three floating mirrors appeared out of nowhere, startling Mario, Meggy and Toad.

Mirror 1: Hey! Mr. Mustachio! Mushroom Face! Squid Thing! Do you weirdos have an appointment here at the historic Mirage Mansion? Waaait a minute. Looks like Mr. Too Cool to Shave is a tennis player. It's possible he came here to steal THAT. You know what i speak of.

Mirror 2: The queen's mega-important treasure?! What kind of deviant would try to steal such a thing? Criminals!

Mario: -Floating mirrors...?-

Toad: A mega-important treasure? Sounds like...the Power Stone!

The mirrors made some scary noises, startling the three heroes.

Mirror 1: The keepers of Mirage Mansion-that's us-have deemed you three traitors and enemies. You'll regret ever stepping foot in this place! 

Mirror 3: And now that you're here you can NEVER leave! How do ya like them apples? Are they TASTY?!

Mirror 2:  Heh, i wonder how far you'll make it.

Mirror 1: Your first opponent will be our buddy Boo. He'll test out your abilities-make sure you're all 'stache and no smash.

Meggy: Grrr...

Mario: I am gonna shatter you!

Mirror 3: Hmm... The mustache looks like he means business. Let's play a little trick on him!

Mirror 2: Heh, that's my bud's trickery for ya. Well, fun must be had, so count us in too!

Mario: I will break you.

Mario walked onto the court, Boo appeared, and laughed at Mario.

Boo: HA! What can a fatass do? You won't win!

Meggy: No one insults Mario and gets away with it!

Mario grabbed the ball, and whacked it at Boo, the ghost hit it back, Mario used Zone Speed, and hit it, sending it flying past Boo.

Boo: WHAT?!

Meggy: See?

Boo: Shut up, Squidface!

Mario: Oh hell no!

Boo hit the ball with it's racket, Mario used his Special Shot, and the ball went through the Boo.

Boo: T-this has got to be a joke...!

Mario: Do the Mario!

Boo: Ugh, no matter...!

Mario threw the ball in the air, and hit it. Boo hit the ball back, and it hit one of the mirrors.

Boo: Oh, shit...

Mario: Another one for me! Ima lucky boi today!

Meggy: My turn!

Mario kissed Meggy on the cheek, Meggy ran onto the court, and cracked her neck.

Boo: Ready to lose, Squidface...?

Meggy: Call me that again, and you'll gonna regret it.

Boo: Squidface, Squidface, Squidface!

Meggy growled, and her eyes set on fire, this scared the Boo.

Boo: OH!

Mario: You should never piss Meggy off.

Meggy: You've messed up.

Meggy threw the ball in the air, and whacked it with a lot of force. The Boo tried to block it, but this only ended up breaking it's bat.

Boo: M-my bat...

Mirror 1: WHAT?!

Toad: Nice work, Meggy!

Meggy: My anger caused that.

Mario: Meggy, that was badass!

Meggy blushed.

Meggy: Thanks, Mario.

Mirror 1: Unbelievable! Lieutenant Lip Hair just won't back down!

Mirror 3: This is no ordinary hairy man and squid girl! But don't get too full of yourself, 'stache! Winning one match doesn't prove a thing!

Mirror 2: The true horror of Mirage Mansion still awaits. You'll know what i'm talking about.

The mirrors disappeared.

Mario: Man, those mirrors are annoying.

Meggy: Still, i didn't think i would snap like that...jeez.

Mario: They had that coming to them!

Meggy: Y-yeah, they did.

Toad: More adventure awaits, you two! Are you ready?

Mario: Yep! If Luigi was here, he would be shitting his pants.

Meggy: -Giggle- Yeah, he would be!

Mario and Meggy chuckled a little, Toad just groaned in disgust.

(Sorry for not uploading a part yesterday, I was super exhausted because of that MXM fanfic I wrote XD)

Anyways, lata!  

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