Temple of Bask

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Mario and Meggy walked into the temple, the inside was completely covered in spider webs.

Meggy: Ew.

Mario: Looks like we gotta go in there.

Meggy: Yeah-

The wall suddenly closed in front of them.

Mario: Hey, what the fuck?!

Meggy: Why did that happen?

They heard a voice.

???: Visitors to the Temple of Bask... Before all else, i require a display of skill.

Meggy: Who was that...?

A part of the wall opened up, and revealed four circles. The one on the right was glowing.

Mario: Are you okay now, Meggy?

Meggy: Yeah, my leg is better. Let me give this a shot.

Meggy grabbed her racket, and cracked her neck.

A small cannon lifted up from the ground, and fired a tennis ball at Meggy, she whacked it, and the ball hit the glowing circle.

Mario: Nice!

The wall closed, and another part of the wall opened, revealing four blue circles, this time the bottom circle was glowing.

Meggy: Oh.

Another cannon fired a tennis ball, Meggy hit it, the ball hit the glowing circle, the wall closed, and another part opened, revealing four purple circles. The left was glowing.

Mario: Again?

Meggy: -Sigh- Can we just pass? I don't want to deal with any ghosts.

???: But... I want to see your amazing s-

Meggy: Please?

Meggy did her puppy eyes.

???: Okay, fine.

The wall fully opened, Mario and Meggy walked through. They saw a tennis court.

Meggy: Huh?

Toad: Wow. This looks awesome!

???: Master Mario and Meggy! I have been waiting your most fated of arrivals. 

Meggy: -Here we go again.-

Aster: I am Aster, humble guardian of the noble King Bask. It is my duty to watch over the one called Lucien. Lucien, as you almost certainly know, is the name of an almighty racket. It is a dangerous being with the power to control people! King Bask, who once ruled this kingdom, was awed by the racket's power and took it as his own. In the end...it destroyed the entire kingdom. But with the last of his power, our king somehow managed to seal Lucien away.

Mario: -Mario's head hurts.-

Meggy: -Wow, did i just go back to school?-

Aster: King Bask stripped the racket of it's power. He then divided said power between five Power Stones, which he hid in different areas of this island. To ensure no one could ever restore Lucien's power to control people against their will, he hid the racket away in a secret room in this very temple. Since then, many ages have passed. Time took it's toll, and that room fell to ruin, breaking the seal. That's when the racket fell into new hands. 

Toad: Oh boy. So Wario and Waluigi heard the myth of the almighty racket and stole it for themselves! That's...not good.

Aster: Lucien had no trouble at all controlling two men so wholly motivated by greed. I am certain that fell racket will try to gather the five Power Stones and reclaim its original power. Our only hope is for you to gather the five Power Stones before Lucien does! It can surely sense where its power resides. At some point in your journey, i am afraid you will have to face those who wield Lucien's might.

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