The Tournament Begins

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Mario: Ahh, Spaghetti...ahh, Ravioli...Ahh, Mama Mia...

Meggy: Mario! Wake up!

Mario: H-huh? Meggy?

Meggy: The tournament starts in one hour! We gotta get ready!

Mario: Okie-dokie!

Mario ran into his room and started to get changed into his Tennis gear.

Meggy: I'm so excited for the tournament...! It's gonna be so much fun!

SMG4: Good luck, you two!

Meggy: Thanks, SMG4.

Mario: Alright, i'm ready!

Meggy: Let's go!

Mario and Meggy got into a car, and began their journey to the tennis stadium.

Mario: I wonder what we get when we win? Spaghetti?

Meggy giggled.

Meggy: Maybe, but we'll have to see and find out!

Mario: Okie-dokie!

The two eventually arrived at the tennis stadium, it was crowded.

Mario: Wow.

Meggy: This is gonna be a big tournament!

Toad: Ah, are you here to play in the tournament?

Meggy: Yep!

Toad: Awesome! Just sign this paper, please.

Mario and Meggy put their names on the paper.

Toad: Alright! You two are officially in and you will be playing soon! Good luck!

Mario and Meggy walked into the stadium, the seats were completely filled with tennis fans.


Meggy: Alright, so who is on first?

Luigi: Hello, bro!

Daisy: Hi, guys!

Mario: Hey, bro!

Meggy: Oh, hey Daisy! Who's playing first?

Daisy: Ah, me and Luigi are going up against Wario and Waluigi for round one!

Meggy: I hope you win!

Mario: Kick their asses.

Luigi: We will!

Red Toad spoke over a loudspeaker.

Red Toad: Welcome everybody, to Marina Stadium! This is gonna be a big tournament! 

Blue: Indeed it is, Red! And for our first game in the first round... We have Luigi and Daisy, versus Wario and Waluigi!

Waluigi: Wah!

Wario: We're gonna destroy you!

Luigi: Bring it, Wario!

Mario and Meggy sat on the bench, and watched the game.

Mario: Want some popcorn?

Meggy: Thanks, Mario!

The two shared popcorn together, after ten minutes, the game finished and Luigi and Daisy had won.

Luigi: WOOHOO!

Daisy: YES!

Wario: WAH?!


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