Chapter 1

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It was a quiet day in the detective agency, not much was happening and hardly any cases to work on. Dazai lazed back in his chair looking at the sealing. 

'I wonder what how Y/n is doing?' 

there hasn't been a day that has gone by where he hasn't wondered what or how you've been doing. 


he was snapped out of his thoughts of you when he heard Kunikida's voice. he looked over to his side to see the blonde bespectacled man tapping his foot on the ground in an annoyed manner. 

"what is it Kunikida?" 

"Dazai you've been doing nothing for hours!" 

"that's because there is nothing to do. not even a new case." 

"really? cause I happen to see a bunch of undone paper work that you've been neglecting!" 

Dazai looked at the piles of ignored paper work that he pushed to the side. 

"don't feel like it." 

he turned away from his partner as he began to yell. tuning him out as he looked out the window thinking of you and wondering if you were thinking of him. 


Currently you were walking around the city in search of a certain detective agency, to ask for their help. you looked at the sheet of paper where the address was written. 

"well this is the place." 

you looked up at a tall red brick building. you went inside on the first floor was a cafe. you stopped at the entrance for a second. 

"ummm... excuse me, I'm really sorry to bother you but is this truly the building where the detective agency is?" 

one of the waitresses looked up. 

"oh. yes it's on the fourth floor." 

"thank you so much, I promise to stop by on my way out." 

the waitress smiled at you nodding. you headed for the elevator pressing the button for the fourth floor. soon the elevator doors open showing a hallway with one door at the end. you could only assume that that had to be the detective agency. you walked up to the the door right as you were about to open it you stopped, hearing a familiar voice you haven't heard in 6 years nor did you expect to hear ever again. 

"Kunikida~ I'll do it in a bit." 

"that's what you've been saying for 3 months now!!!" 

you felt frozen, you felt the key hanging around your neck, the one he left all those years ago. you thought of getting rid of it but just couldn't. you wanted to runaway, you didn't want to see him. then the face of your daughter came to mind. 

'no! that doesn't matter right now! all that matters is her right now and getting her back safe and sound! that's all that matters!' 

you take a deep breath calming your nerves. you turn the knob of the door walking inside. 

"ummm... excuse me but is this the armed detective agency?" 

there was a couple of people in the room one was a blonde man wearing glasses and holding a note book. another was a boy with choppy silver hair and golden and purple eyes. and the last person you knew too well, although he looked a bit different then when you last saw him. he no longer had the black attire of the mafia, instead he was wearing brighter colors he had a long tan trench coat. he was staring at you with wide eyes but soon regained his composure. the man with glasses cleared his throat addressing you. 

"yes we are, is there something we can help you with miss?" 

"yes, I need your help." 

"right this way." 

he led you around the corner where there were two couches and a table in between. 

"please take a seat." 

you nodded sitting down, the other three took a seat on the couch across from you. 

"now what manner of problem do you need our help with?" 

"it's my daughter she's been kidnapped." 

Dazai shifted a little. 

"when I came back from work the house was a mess, there were signs of forced entry, also there was this." 

you take out a note.Kunikida picked up the note reading it through, he frowned.


If you want the girl back alive, bring us the key you hold. 

"The key? what does that mean?" 

the boy with silver hair asked curiously. 

"I'm not sure..." 

you looked down at the table. 

"why come to us with this case? why not go to the police?" Kunikida asked. 

"I tried. but the moment they saw the note they refused to help." 

Dazai took the note from Kunikida examining it. 

"I see... so the poison of the Mafia has begun to run that deep, has it..." 

"do you have a picture of your daughter, also what's her name?" Kunikida continued ignoring Dazai's comment. 


you took out a picture of your daughter, the minute Dazai's eyes saw the picture they widened in surprise. 

"her name is Hana, please..." 

you bow your head to them. 

"please... help me find her and bring her back safe. she's the most important person in my life. I'll do anything!" 

Dazai spoke first. "we'll take the case." 

the other two looked at him in surprise. 

"you won't have to worry, we'll get her back safe." 

'I'll get her back!' he thought the last part to himself. 

"thank you so much!" 

you bowed again to them. 

"I should introduce myself. my name is Y/n L/n." 

"pardon our late introduction. I'm Doppo Kunikida, this is Atsushi Nakajima,-" he gestured to the boy with the choppy silver hair, who bowed politely to you. "and this is Dazai Osamu." 

he offered you one of his goofy smiles to you. if you were being honest with yourself you sometimes missed it. but now was not the time for those thoughts! you nodded to him. 

"thank you again!" 

"well... we should get started. do you mind if we keep this picture of your daughter and the note for the time being?" 

"it's fine. I'll do anything if it will help you find her." 

Kunikida nodded. "well, we'll be getting started. brat you come help me gather some information." 

Kunikida walked away and over towards the office with Atsushi trailing after him, leaving you and Dazai alone...

Becoming Whole Again - Dazai X Reader X Chuuya (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now