Chapter 9

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The Detective Agency

Dazai was sitting at his desk deep in thought of the note that was sent to Y/n from the mafia. trying to think of the thing that Mori could gain from said key and what it could go to, as well as Y/n herself and how maybe could potentially become a family with addition of a daughter to his life. he was so deep in thought that he didn't even acknowledge his coworkers come in. Atsushi looked too Kunikida. 

"this is starting to freak me out on how focused Dazai has become on this." 

"yeah, he's never put so much focus into any other cases we've had in the past. it makes me worry that this could potentially become bigger than just a kidnapping case." 

"there's definitely a possibility of that happening." 

Dazai said without looking up from where he was staring at his hands. both of them looked a little surprised that he seemed to notice them. 

"what makes you say that?" 

"the note and some other connections." 

"what do you mean by that exactly?" 

"well the key that they're asking for, for one. that key could be anything from information, an actual key or even a lie." 

Kunikida stated. 

"possibly the second and last one, but definitely not the first. I was extremely careful with what I said when I was around her in the past. speaking of Y/n, where is she? I don't see her with you two." 

his eyes narrowed at Kunikida and Atsushi when he looked at them. 

"she's at the cafe downstairs. Kenji is grading her." 

Dazai relaxed a little after he heard that going back too staring at his folded hands thinking again.

 'key, key, key.' 

Atsushi thought for a second. 

"you know I did notice something." 


both detectives turned towards him. 

"I always noticed she has an old cord around her neck holding something. she always keeps it close. when I asked her about it, all she said was that it was left to her a long time ago and has grown attached to it." 

Dazai's eyes widened in realization. he got up quickly and started running down to the cafe ignoring the calls of his coworkers. 


He soon enters the cafe running up to the both that Kenji and Y/n were sitting. he came to a sliding stop in front of them. you looked up at him a little confused. 


You said in a worried tone. 

"I figured it out." 

he said looking at you. 


"I figured out what they want." 

you stand up quickly following Dazai up to the office of the agency.


As soon as you both reach the office Kunikida began yelling. 

"Dazai what did you figure out?" 

Becoming Whole Again - Dazai X Reader X Chuuya (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now