Chapter 15

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After Chuya finished his bath he stuck his head outside the door.  just as you promised, there were some clothes outside the door for him to change into. he picked them up bringing them inside with him. but once he got a good look at them his face twisted into a look of disgust. 

'then again... it is better than nothing.' 

he quickly changed then left the bathroom and went to the living room, to see you begin prepping your ingredients for cooking. he sat down on the couch with the towel  hanging over his shoulders. Dazai was sitting in the chair across the room frowning at him. 


"I'm just thinking I'll have to burn those clothes after you're done wearing them." 

"you think I want to wear your clothes, they suck. they should be burned anyway, just for the lack of taste." 

Chuya looked at the clothes he was wearing. 

"that's enough Osamu. go take a bath." 

you didn't take your eyes off your work of cooking. he just sighed and got up heading to the bathroom, leaving you and Chuya. 

"I want new clothes as soon as possible. just the fact knowing that these are his infuriates me." 

"we'll probably do that today. you need other clothes then your mafia ones. besides, I don't think I could patch them up no matter how hard I try. there's just to much damage. I swear these rips and tares are worse, then when you would come home all beat up." 

"heh weren't those the days." 

a small smile appeared on your face. thinking back to those times the two of you barely could make it by. but you both were incredibly happy. you both were enjoying the comfortable silence, while you continued to cook. when you heard small footsteps coming from the hall. 

"mmmm, good morning..." 

Hana stood in the doorway rubbing the sleep from her eyes. 

"good morning. how did you sleep." 

you smiled. 

"good, I was really tired." 

you turned off the stove walking over to get plates to serve all the food. 

"no surprise there kid. you were going way past your limit, in terms of your strength and endurance in your ability." 

a voice said from the couch. Hana looked over to see  who. 

"Chuya morning." 

Hana frowned looking at him. 

"what's wrong kid?" 

"you're clothes.... they look weird and baggy." 

he sighed and looked down. 

"yeah. I know. they're not actually mine." 

"then who's are they?" 

"those would be mine." 

a voice spoke. Hana turned her head to see her father, standing in the doorway drying his hair with a towel. 

"Osamu, I'm glad to see your out. breakfast is almost ready." 

"it smells good." 

you smile as you continue. Dazai looked over to Hana. 

"good morning. did you sleep well?" 

Hana looked at him for a second, then walked over to where Chuya was sitting on the couch. Dazai's head drooped in sulky way. 

Becoming Whole Again - Dazai X Reader X Chuuya (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now