Chapter 4

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It was early in the morning when Y/n got up. you looked around the room still half asleep slowly you remember what happened. how you were staying with Dazai for now. you got out of bed stretching, you get dressed and head for the kitchen. you start making breakfast thinking of Hana and where she might be.

Dazai woke up by the smell of food being cooked and some shuffling noises in his kitchen. he got up getting dressed walking in to see you putting the plates of food down. he took a seat at the table, he picked up his chopsticks. 

"thank you for the food." 

you both began eating silently until you pause braking the silence. 

"are you sure you want to tell them everything?" 

he nodded. 

"it'll be fine. besides I have you beside me right." 

he gave you one of his goofy smiles. 

"yeah, you're right." 

you close your eyes giving a smile of your own. but soon his face turned serious. 

"Y/n you know why I did, what I did. right...?" 

you close your eyes sighing. 

"I do. but that doesn't mean that I'm not mad at you for doing it." 

"yeah I know.... do you think you'll ever be able to forgive me....?"  

"honestly I don't know, right now I just want Hana back...." 

'yeah and I want you back.' 

he thought the last part to himself. 

"we should get going." 

he nodded you both get up and start making your way to the detective agency.


Soon you reach the building, you both walk up the stairs to the forth floor, Dazai opened the door. 

"good morning~" 

he said in his usual sing song voice. 

"it's about damn time you got here!!!" 

Kunikida turned to look at Dazai annoyed. 

"sorry, we meant to be here earlier."

 you say as Kunikida's gaze turns to you curiously. Dazai stepped forward. 

"she'll be staying by my side through this investigation. also there are some things that you need to know about this case." 

he turned heading to the conference room you fallowing behind.


Soon you were all gathered in the conference room Kunikida looking a bit inpatient while Atsushi was nervous. you sat down looking at the table. 

"so what do you need to tell us?" 

Dazai looked straight at Kunikida. 

"it's about this case. it's connected to me personally, or more specifically my past as well as some things that I neglected to tell you, due to some reasons that only came to light recently." 

Kunikida narrowed his eyes. 

"what do you mean by that exactly?" 

Dazai looked over to you. 

Becoming Whole Again - Dazai X Reader X Chuuya (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now