Chapter 10

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Dazai left the infirmary heading over to his desk. in the most bottom left drawer, he kept the most common weapons he uses in cases. a hand gun with extra amo and a hunting knife he stole from Chuuya a while back. putting both items in his inner coat pockets, he turned around to head for the door. only to find Atsushi standing there. 

"you're really going to do this?" 

"yes. there's nothing you can say that will stop me. besides if some of the people they have, have at least a small amount of intelligence they would know better then to fight me. in addition they would still need my ability for Q if he ever got out of control again. so they can't kill me even if they wanted. just take care of Y/n while I'm gone. this will be over quickly." 

Atsushi looked at Dazai. he had a expiration on his face that was absolutely terrifying. Dazai's eyes were dark, the promise of death clear to anyone who would stand in his way. blood lust coming off him in waves that would make you fall to the floor. and that's just what Atsushi did. Dazai just continued through the door and in the detection of the mafia. not saying a single word to anyone.


Chuuya and Hana were both in the training room. Chuuya was training some of the newer men that the mafia just got. Mori said that they showed some promise and thought it would be good to test their skill against Chuuya. Hana on the other hand was on the other side of the room from Chuuya, watching him with some building blocks in front of her that she was trying to stack one on top of the other using her ability. Chuuya gave her the blocks and said 

'that this would be a good way to learn how to control her gift, in how she would want to use it. plus the benefit of giving her something to do while he tested the new recruits so she wouldn't get bored. but would also be productive for her.' 

besides she wasn't allowed to leave his side anyway, due to being a hostage. besides he knew she wouldn't run away from him either, so it was safe to take her with him when he trained his men. or was in one of the buildings. 

"ok, that's enough for today. your dismissed." 

"yes sir!" 

all the men said, then left the room. he walked over to Hana and squatted in front of her, who was slowly building a wall with the blocks. 

"you seem to be doing well." 

"yeah. I was trying to think of something I could make using all the blocks without it falling down. I thought about a tower, but then I realized it could easily lose balance if it got to tall and make a mess. besides when it falls it would probably make noise and cause people to get distracted and that would cause problems for you." 

"smart girl." 

he patted her head. 

"besides, look at this." 


one of the shadows reached out wrapping around one of the blocks and lifting it. and stretched out and set the block down on the other side of the room and returned to Hana. 

"nice job." 

"the only thing is... that the farther it goes away from me, the thinner the shadow gets. and I'm not able to hold it very long." 

she frowned at the statement. 

"don't worry. all abilities have at least one draw back. mine included." 

she looked at him. 

"don't worry it's fine. you just have to learn how to compensate for it." 

Becoming Whole Again - Dazai X Reader X Chuuya (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now