Chapter 13

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A/N: ok I was thinking about the story and I know I decided on a love triangle between the three. I was wondering how many of you would want to have two endings. one for Chuya and one for Dazai. let me know what you think of that in the comments. also this will probably be the last chapter I'll post before school starts. 

After leaving the two with that one last comment, he headed towards Hana's room. as much as he hated too except it. Chuya was a part of her life, and he would have to except it no matter what. he didn't like leaving her alone with him but, he knew they needed some time to talk. especially after all the things that happened recently. besides they would all be having a talk together soon. he stopped in front of Hana's room, and very quietly slid the door open just enough for him to slip inside and close the door behind him. he took a seat next to her futon, looking down at her. she was completely knocked out. it wasn't surprising, with all that happened not to mention she managed to keep her ability active and under control for a good amount of time. it definitely was impressive. she really did look like him. he stroked her hair gently as she slept. 


she moved her head closer to his touch. he looked at her not entirely sure what to feel. he never really dealt with kids much. sure he acted like one a lot of the time but, this this is totally and completely new. 

"a father, huh. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. but I'll try my best for you and your mother. after all we're gonna be a family." 

he got up from where he was and headed for the door. before he left he took one last look at her and smiled. then left as silently as he came in.


After leaving Dazai looked to the door that led to the living room. 

'I suppose it's time for us all to get everything in the open.' 

he cracked open the door that led to the living room, to see the two hugging. you had a smile on his face as he nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck. Dazai's eyebrow twitched, a couple irk marks appearing on his four head. 

'that little-!' 

Dazai quietly made his way into the living room as to not be noticed. then quickly grabbed Y/n. sitting down in the process pulling her into his lap, wrapping his arms around her. you looked up to see Dazai who just gave you a happy go lucky smile. he looked at Chuya his smile still in place, although his eyes said something completely different. 

(don't touch what's mine!) 

Chuya narrowed his eyes at him. 

(don't think she's yours!) 

it was a silent show of dominance, you could almost feel sparks in the air between the two. you sighed. 


you got out of Dazai's hold and took a seat between the two of them and spoke. 

"so I think I have good understanding of how you to know each other. Thank you for filling me in on things." 

"of course." 

Dazai decided to ignore Chuya for now, instead in favor of getting information. 

"Chuya you have any idea what Mori wants?" 

"not a clue. the only thing he let slip that he was looking something, and kidnapping Hana was a good way to get it." 

"so not even telling his higher ups about what he wants. it seems that whatever he wants is either really valuable or powerful." 

"you think he knows about Hana, being an exception to your ability?"  

"probably. you know Mori, he probably would look at getting Hana and you back as a bonus, in whatever he's planning. now that he knows about her capability and you for your cunning and sneakiness." 

"wait, what do you mean mean she's the exception to your ability? you said that there were none Osamu." 

"we both thought that, until now. man this is gonna be a pain." 

Chuya leaned back a little looking at the sealing. 

"are you saying that my daughter is a pain Chuya." 

"no. actually I was referring to you, you suicidal maniac." 

"That's rich coming from a chibi like you." 

"what you say?! I'll beat the shit out of you!" 

"both of you stop. Hana is sleeping, I don't want to wake her. also it's getting late and we should be getting too bed. we have a long day tomorrow." 

"well you heard her Chuya.~ you should go find a place to sleep." 

Dazai waved his hand at Chuya in a dismissive manner. 



"Chuya is staying with us." 


"Chuya is very important to me, and is a part of my life and always will be. if he really did quite the mafia, then people will be after him. I want him to stay with us. he's a part of our family. and family is there for each other no matter what. not to mention he's Hana's godfather." 

Dazai took a breath knowing he would lose this argument. and besides he was the one that wanted them to be a family together, and have another chance. he let out his breath and turned around. 

"fine... Chuya you get the couch. Y/n let's get in bed~" 

he held out his arms expectedly. 


Chuya looked at Dazai his eyebrow twitched as he stared at Dazai. 

"no, I'm gonna sleep with Hana tonight." 


he looked at her a bit surprised. 

"I just really missed her, and I just want her near me right now, to know that she's safe." 

after saying that Y/n gave a smile and walked off into Hana's room closing the door behind her. Chuya looked at Dazai with an annoyed look, then turned and went over to the couch laying down on it. Dazai just walked to the shared room you and he had, well..... possibly not anymore now that Chuya was here. his eyebrow twitched at the thought. 

'damn it! out of things why him!'


Later that night when you and Hana were fast asleep. Dazai went to the living room where Chuya was sitting on the couch still awake, looking at the sealing. 

"I see you're still up." 

"of course, I knew you'd be coming out. besides it's time for us to have a chat, you bastard!" 

Chuya cracked his knuckles. Dazai just smirked.

Becoming Whole Again - Dazai X Reader X Chuuya (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now