Chapter 7

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With the Port Mafia

Chuuya watched as Hana was practicing the basic martial arts moves he taught her. she got tired of being in his apartment reading. he could see why, he wouldn't want to be trapped inside a room doing the same thing over and over again each day. but it's not like he could take her out either, since she was a high priority hostage. he sighed to himself. 

'geez... when did I start thinking about how to make children happy 24/7?' 

suddenly an idea popped into his head. 

"hey Hana." 

she stopped to look over at him. 

"what do you think of Onee san?" 

"I like her. she's really nice and pretty and so graceful. she's also really polite and listens to people when they're talking." 

"would you wanna visit her some time?" 


"maybe, let me call her and see. besides I'll be heading to a meeting for the boss anyway, and I figure this would be better than reading books at my place for a good half a day." 

she nodded in agreement to his sentence. 

"alright then, I'll call her later today." 

"yay, thank you so much Chuuya!" 

Hana ran over to him and hugged him tightly. his eyes widened at the sudden show of affection, but soon recovered. wrapping his arms around her as well hugging her tightly. he retracted his arms and she pulled back. 

"alright let's go back home and I'll call Kouyou." 


she grabbed his hand and pulled him in the direction of his apartment. 

"come on! the sooner we get home, the sooner you can call her!" 

'home?.... what the hell am I saying?! she's a hostage! not a member of the mafia!' 

he thought to himself as she dragged him by his sleeve.


Once they got back Chuuya called up Koyo. asking if she could look after Hana for the day, due to him going on a mission and being away for a while, and would probably get bored just waiting around in his apartment until he got back. she agreed. with that Chuuya hung up the phone heading over to Hana. 

"well it's done. you'll be going to see koyo tomorrow while I'll be away for a mission." 


Hana through up her hands in excitement, Chuuya couldn't help but smile a bit. but she put her hands down, a frown starting to form on her face. 

"hmmmm, what's wrong?" 

she looked up at him. 

"you'll be ok right?... on the mission I mean.... I heard that they can be dangerous sometimes." 

 his eyes softened a bit, he put his hand on her head and smiled down at her. 

"I promise I'll be back without a scratch." 

she nodded. 

"good girl. now time for dinner." 

he started making his way to the kitchen to start cooking as Hana went to go get two plates, and utensils to set the table. it's starting to become a routine now. and after dinner he would read to her before putting her to bed. then having some wine, then going to bed himself. 

Becoming Whole Again - Dazai X Reader X Chuuya (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now