Chapter 6

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Y/n was standing in Dazai's kitchen cooking dinner as she waited for Dazai to come home from the agency. he's been working nonstop in trying to figure out how to get Hana back in the safest way possible hardly taking any brakes. she heard the door open accompanied with an "I'm home" from Dazai. 

"welcome back, any progress?" 

"no, not yet. I have to figure out what Mori is after otherwise we'll have no leverage on the situation." 

you sigh. looking down at your cooking worries of Hana's safety coming in your mind full force. you feel a hand rest on your shoulder. 

"hey it's gonna be ok. I'll get her back. I promise." 

you nod you put the food on plates and put it on the table for you and Dazai. after you both ate you brought the the dishes back to the kitchen and started washing them, while Dazai made his way to the living room couch. spreading out all the evidence from the case on the small table in the living room. 

Dazai POV

I looked over at Y/n seeing her humming as she dose the dishes. this has started to become a routine for us since she started staying with me. since the investigation started you were  still a bit distant. 

'but I could tell she was slowly opening up to me once again. it wasn't quite like before but still it's progress.' 

I remembered the conversation between her and Kunikida. I felt better knowing she understood why I did, what I did and would never hate me. but I knew that it'll take time for her to forgive me and maybe even start loving me again. 

'as much as I love her.' 

I felt for once at ease. it was almost like when she was here it took all tension away from my body. knowing she was ok after what happened. well as ok as she could be after what I did. she put the last dish away then looked at me. 

"what is it, Osamu?" 

I had a lazy smile playing on my lips. 

"it's nothing. it's just I missed you." 

she seemed to be at a loss for words and just smiled. I got up from where I was sitting and walked over to her, taking her in my arms. 


she looked at me curiously, her head tilted to the side in the most adorable way. I wrapped her arms around my neck and placed my hands on her hips. and began to lightly sway while humming a bit. she seemed to catch on to what I was doing and giggled a bit, while moving with me in a slow dance. after a couple minutes I felt her lean her head against my chest. I smiled to myself. 

"you remembered the first time we danced like this?" 

I ask her. 

"of course. you were drunk, and when you heard a song that the radio was playing you suddenly took me and stated dancing." 

"I wasn't drunk." 

I said. 

"really? could have fooled me." 

"and it seems I did a good job at it too." 

I said teasingly. I looked down at her. she had her eyes closed, her head resting on my chest. 

"I missed you too." 

she said in a voice so soft that I could barely hear. but I heard it. I still heard it. I couldn't help giving her a small kiss on her head. 

Becoming Whole Again - Dazai X Reader X Chuuya (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now