Chapter 11

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"Hey! Chuya!" 

"Hana, can you do me a favor and wrap one of your shadows around his mouth to shut him up." 



"thank you, he was driving me crazy." 

Chuya sighed as he jumped from building to building, with Hana on his back holding on tight, with Dazai wrapped up in shadows hanging from Hana. 

"Hey, Chuuya where are we going?" 

"a place called the armed detective agency." 

"what's that?" 

"it's where this guy is from. also your moms probably there too. she probably went there after you got kidnapped to ask for help to get you back." 

"why are you taking me there, aren't you supposed to be with the others?" 

"the circumstances have changed. this is more important." 

"I don't understand." 

"don't worry about it. everything will be ok. besides you'll get to see your mother soon." 


"yeah. so for now let's hurry and get there. also be sure to stop talking, I don't want you biting your tongue by accident. it'll hurt, so keep it zipped and hold on tight got it." 

Hana nodded and gripped onto Chuya tighter. 

"good girl. let's go, we're almost there." 

Chuya continued to jump from building to building using his ability till they landed on a roof. the red glow around his body stopped. 

"were here. you wanna get down or stay on my back?" 

"Stay on your back." 

"ok, well let's go inside." 

they started towards the door dragging Dazai behind them.


Meanwhile in the detective agency infirmary Y/n had woken up and was with Kunikida and Atsushi. 

"let me out of these ropes, right now!" 

you said, looking straight at Kunikida and Atsushi giving your best threatening look. Atsushi flinched at your gaze. Kunikida just adjusted his glasses and sighed. 

"I'm afraid we can not do that. if we did, you would instantly go running off to the mafia." 

"damn right, I would! he's going in all by himself to get her. that's basically suicide." 

the two detectives looked at her blankly. 

"ok, ok. not the best choice of words but my point still stands, damn it! now let me out of these ropes!" 

right as she finished that sentence they heard a door slam open and footsteps heading this way, the door opened. Chuya standing there. 

"Chuya what are you-" 

there was the sounds of guns being pointed at him. 

"take one step and you're dead." 

Kunikida warned. Chuya raises his hands in the air. 

"I have no intentions of fighting you." 

the air was tense, Silent. no one daring to make a move. Y/n was very confused as to why her childhood friend that always took care of her had guns pointed at him. finally something broke the silence. 

Becoming Whole Again - Dazai X Reader X Chuuya (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now