Chapter 5

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With the Port Mafia

It was the third day since Hana was kidnapped and taken by the port Mafia currently Chuuya and Hanna were sitting down in the living room of Chuuya's quarters. Chuuya was drinking a glass of wine while Hanna was reading one of the books that was on Chuuya's shelf, she sighed. 

"what's up kid?" 

"it's just it's boring reading all day. Chuuya isn't there something else we can do?" 

Chuuya was silent for a couple minutes thinking. honestly he wanted to know what she meant by shadows protecting her. maybe she's gifted like him, it wouldn't be a crazy assumption with who her father is. this could be a good opportunity to learn more about her and he must admit he did have a soft spot for the kid not that he'll ever say it out loud. finally he decided, he drank the rest of the wine in the glass and put the bottle away. he got up and started heading for the door, but not without putting on his trademark Fandora that he always wore. 

"come on, we're going out." 

without question Hanna got up and started following after him. they slowly made their way down a long hallway reaching a door near the end of it. he slowly opened the door heading inside Hanna close behind. as she fallowed him she looked around curiously, there were weapons hanging from the walls and and a big mat on the floor, as well as other types of equipment. 

"what is this place?" 

Hanna asked looking around with interest. 

"the training room for most of the higher ups in the mafia." 

"ok but what are we gonna do here?" 

"you said you were tired of reading books, and we can't leave base at the moment so that leaves us with this. I'll teach you how to fight." 

she looked up at Chuuya. 

"but mom said it's bad to fight, and besides if I did get into trouble the shadows will-" 

"you can't always rely on that ability." 

"why not?" 

"you never know when the situation could change or how the battle will go. you have to be prepared for anything. if you were you wouldn't be here right now. Hanna." 

he looked at her, she couldn't deny that it was true. even though she tried to fight back and even though her shadows did protect her for the most part from Akutagawa's attacks, it still wasn't strong enough to prevent her from being taken. she could only nod. Chuuya being satisfied with her understanding spoke again. 

"so what do you say, you want to learn how to fight to be strong?" 

Hanna looked up at him. 

"yeah. I want become strong." 

he couldn't help but smirk at her words. she was like her father in someways, yes. but also different in others. 

'could they be from her mother? or something all her own?' 

 "show me what you can do, and don't hold back." 

he let his black coat that he always wore hanging off his shoulders fall to the ground leaving it at the side of the room and headed to the mat. she fallowed him to the middle of the mat, where he stood. his body relaxed. 

"ok, Hana. when you're ready come at me with everything you got." 

she nodded, after a moment of looking at him she ran straight at him directly.

'A frontal attack? this kids got guts.'

Chuuya was about to block when Hanna pivoted her foot at the last minute. turning almost as if disappearing aiming a kick near the back of his neck. Chuuya grabbed her ankle at the last minute blocking something that could have done a good amount of damage if faster, and with more strength. 

Becoming Whole Again - Dazai X Reader X Chuuya (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now