Chapter 8

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Chuuya continued walking down the street getting closer to the book store Y/n owned. 

'I wonder how she is? she seemed a bit agitated the last time I saw her. I hope nothing to bad happened. either way I'm sure she'll have something she can recommend to me for Hana.' 

soon he stopped in front of the shop, it was closed. 

"huh, that's weird. usually it's open at this time." 

Chuuya knew the hours you kept for the bookstore. after all you are best friends. even though the thought of the word 'friend' left a bitter taste in his mouth. He sighed at the thought. the sound of the door of the shop next to the bookstore opened. a small old woman walked out. Chuuya recognized her as the owner. she looked at him. 

"is there something I can help you with young man?" 

"oh, umm.. yes. I was wondering why the bookstore is closed, it's normally open at this time." 

"oh yes Y/n. she told me she would be closing the shop for a bit, due to some personal problems she needs to take care of. I hope the girl is ok. she always works so hard." 

the old women looked at the bookstore with a worried look, then turned back to Chuuya. 

"is there something in particular you needed from her? I told her that if any customers came with a special orders, I'd be sure to write them down for her." 

"oh no, it's nothing like that. it's just she's an old and very dear friend of mine, and I wanted to see how she is. but I suppose I'll come back another time." 

the old woman smiled at Chuuya. 

"I'm glad she has people like you looking after her well being. especially when she works so hard to give her daughter a good life, after the father left her behind to raise her on her own." 

Chuuya's eyes widen for a moment but returned to normal before the old woman could notice. 

"well thank you." 

"it's nothing. when you see her please give her my greetings." 

"of course." 

Chuuya gave a short bow, and started walking again. 

'damn it Y/n! I told you to let me know if you needed anything. I would have stayed by your side through everything! but then again knowing you. you knew I would do that and wouldn't want to cause me trouble, so you didn't tell me. always thinking of others before yourself. I wish you would learn on me more. like you did in the past....' 

Chuuya sighed as he walked past more shops. as he got closer and closer to the mafia headquarters. he was close to the end of the shopping district when something caught his eye. a small necklace that had a small red gem stone on it. 

'Hana would love.' 

this smiling softly as he thought of the young girls face. he bought the necklace and resumed making his way back to the mafia. 

on his way he thought back to the time he once bought Y/n a hair pin when they were younger. he remembered asking the maker to engrave the first letter of her name as well as his. it was a birthday present from him to her, right after he joined the mafia. he remembered telling her that he wouldn't be able to see her as much, but that he would always be by her side, even if they wouldn't be able to see each other as much as before. but promised that he'd take care of her no matter what. 

he sighed at the memory then pushed it out of his mind. 

'now's not the time for these thoughts. for now I better get back to Hana.' 

Becoming Whole Again - Dazai X Reader X Chuuya (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now