Chapter 3

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You fallowed Dazai's instructions after leaving the agency. you quickly packed some extra clothes and other things you needed, as well as some clothes for Hana and a couple of her favorite toys, you also took a photo album of you and her. after you left the house quickly making your way to the agency dorms. letting your self in you put your bag down sitting on a cushion that was next to a low table, sighing. 

'well... it could be worse.' you thought. 

you get out the photo album that you brought with you looking through it. after a couple hours you hear the door open and shut. you look over to see Dazai making his way over. he took a seat next to you. you looked back down at the photo album. 

"did you find anything?" 

he kept his eyes glued to the table as he spoke. 

"yes and no... I figured out who took her, it was definitely the port mafia. I could tell by the marks that were left on your wall that it was also an old subordinate of mine. unfortunately for now that's all I managed to pick up. I still will have to do some more research to figure out more." 

you nodded. 

"as long as you get her back." 

"Y/n I think we should tell them everything." 

you immediately knew what he was referring to, you looked at him. 

"are you sure you want to? I don't want to make trouble for you. are you sure you want them to know about your past?" 

'even at a time like this you're thinking about others more than yourself it's one of the things I love about you.' 

"yeah I'm sure. they already know that I used to be in the mafia, but that's about it. besides they would figure it out eventually with the way things are going. I'd rather it come from me telling them, then them finding it while investigating." 

"the boy with the silver hair.... Atsushi right? he overheard us didn't he..." 

"yeah he did. although I put him under strict orders that he wasn't to say a word. not until we decided what to do at least." 

"I see... we should probably tell them tomorrow then." 

he nodded in agreement. he looked back down at the table noticing the photo album. he pulled it towards him looking at the different pictures of Hana and you together. some just of Hana. he looked at one picture that had her grinning holding up a piece sign with with her in her kindergarten uniform with her backpack on. Dazai traced the picture of her. 

"she's beautiful." 

you smiled at the picture. 

"yes she is." 

"what's she like?" 

you sat back thinking for a moment before you spoke. 

"she's kind and smart. she got most of your looks as you can see. she loves crab, it's honestly probably her favorite food. she can have a smart mouth and doesn't know when to shut up sometimes. she got more traits from you than from me." 

he looked over to you from the picture. 

"I'm sorry I-" 

"it's getting late and we have a big day tomorrow." 

you grabbed your and Hana's stuff heading to the guest room you found while looking around the house earlier. you weren't ready for this conversation quite yet. you still needed time to take stuff in. he nodded. 



he heard the door shut to the guest room. he sighed and got up going over to the cabinet taking out a bottle of sake and a cup going back over to the table, setting them down and poring himself a drink. he started looking through the album of you and Hana. his eyes stopped at a picture of you smiling holding Hana in your arms. he should have expected that reaction to what he was about to say. it was probably to soon to have this conversation. but he really truly wanted you to understand it was all to protect you. but to most people it would sound like an excuse, he knew you would see the meaning in why he made the decision, but it was still to soon to bring up. especially with all the things that happened. he just sighed, drinking the rest of the alcohol in his glass and heading to bed for the night knowing that it would be a long day tomorrow.

Becoming Whole Again - Dazai X Reader X Chuuya (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now