Chapter 16

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A/N: So I know I haven't been updating much.... Mostly because of writers block which sucks a lot. But if you have any thoughts on ideas that would go with the story I'd love to hear them in the comment section. And hopefully my writers block will end soon. Again sorry for not updating in a while. And thanks for taking the time to read this. Hope you guys are doing great.
-Kiki out!

Everyone looked at Hana surprised at what she just said. 

"excuse me?" 

Kunikida looked at her a bit confused. 

"I know you! I've seen you before. I couldn't quite tell before, but now I recognize you! you used to work at my school but in the older kids building. everyone of the students who had your class, they always came out after your class looking like some form of the walking dead. and whenever anybody asked what happened? or what was wrong? they always said that they just went through hell. that was called a class with a teacher that was a demon. then one day he just stopped coming to school. we all just thought he was fired because of how mean he was to the students but... the demon is here." 

Hana looked straight at Kunikida when saying that last word. Kunikida was just stunned at the description of the reputation he seemed to have gotten from his previous students, that seemed to have spread to the younger classes. Dazai was trying to hold back from laughing at his friend and partner, who was slowly coming back to his senses. 

"Hana that's not very nice. you should apologize." 

"but mom, don't send me to study with a demon. please. I'm begging you, please." 

"I'm sorry but you do have to study. it's important for your future." 

"that's right. you don't want to end up like Chuya over here." 

Dazai pointed to Chuya who was still sitting at the meeting table. 

"you trying to start something Dazai?" 

"noooo~ of course not. why would you possibly get that idea~" 

"if you wanna fight-" 

"both of you stop that right now!" 

you snap at them in an tone that commanded their attention. causing both of them to freeze and look at you. you turn back to Hana sighing. 

"please Hana it's really important. and I'm sure you're new teacher isn't a demon at all. I'm sure he's actually very nice and kind. but is also strict with your work because he cares and wants the best for you. so can you give it a try?" 

Hana reluctantly nodded. 

"good girl." 

Kunikida blushed a little at your kind words. after a moment he took Hana's wrist and led her down the hall. 

"come on, there's much work to be done. I need to see what you're capable of before really getting started." 

after those words the door to the room they went into shut. there was a moment of silence then the door cracked open and Kunikida stuck his head out. looking straight at Dazai before saying. 

"be sure to actually do your work. I expect all your paperwork finished and on my desk by the end of the day." 

after those words were said the door closed once again. Dazai sighed then slowly walked to his desk. Atsushi already sitting at his and working. 

"oh, right. Osamu." 


"me and Chuya will be going to the shopping district for a bit." 

"what? but it's dangerous-" 

" don't worry, I'll have Chuya with me. so it will be no problem. plus I can always defend myself too." 

you held up your fist to emphasize your point. 

"Chuya is an awesome guard. I trust him with my life. so you don't have to worry one bit."

'that's not the bit I'm worried about.'

Dazai frowned as Chuya was smirking. Dazai's eyebrow twitched slightly as he smiled. 

"well be sure to have fun. and be back before it gets dark. that's the mafias favorite time of day you know." 

"don't worry we'll be fine." 

you turned around and heading out the door Chuya right behind you.


you looked around you at all the shops, to see all sorts of clothes and items. you spot one shop of men's clothes. you take Chuya's hand dragging him inside. not that he put up much of a fight in the first place, seeing as he would like to get rid of Dazai's clothes as fast as possible. you looked through the clothing rack, seeing if you could find anything that now fit Chuya's taste. finally you found a dark red button up shirt. that was the color of wine. you bring it over to him along with some black pants and a black coat that went down to his thigh. well less of a coat and more of a blazer. 

"try these, I think you'll like them. besides they should be comfortable and easy to move in. and if you like them, we can get a couple of different colors so that you have some verity for different days." 

he just turned and started trying out the clothes. you were right they did look good and were easy to move in. he smiled to himself. you always did have an eye for this stuff. he changed back, then headed over to you with the clothes and nodded. 

"great I'm gonna get some extra pairs for you. then we can start heading back." 


Chuya looked around a bit more, to see a flower hair pin. similar to yours but smaller. he nodded to himself and went to the register,  paying for it. he saw you one line over, and decided to wait for you at the door. you soon finished and joined him. he noticed you were carrying an extra box  along with the bag of cloths, you two got for him. 

"what's that?" 

"it's a surprise. you'll find out later on. besides what's that in your pocket." 

"I don't know what you're talking about." 

"don't play dumb. I saw you at the register."  

"not telling." 

he smirked. 

"you want to get some food before going back?" 

"sure, I need to get some things for dinner and other meals too." 

"sounds like a plan." 

 you both head into a café for a quick bite, then headed to the grocery store for ingredients for dinner. Chuya got wine. due to the fact that all Dazai had was saké. and it's not like he was gonna share it anytime soon either. after you both were done. you head back to the agency to meet up with everyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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