Chapter 2

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After Kunikida and Atsushi left the two of you alone there was a awkward silence. he looked at you. 

"we should talk...." 


he started walking over to one of the meeting rooms with you fallowing after him. once you were inside he closed the door, you took a seat in one of the chairs, he sat down across from you. you look down not meeting his eyes. 

"so.... I guess the first thing I should ask, she-" 

"is she yours?-" 

you finished the sentence for him. 

"yeah she is. I found out a little later after that night." 

"I see... I'm sorry, I didn't know-" 

"how could you. you left without a word." 

he looked down ashamed, you were right. he did leave out of the blue without a word. 

"Y/n listen, I know what I did was unforgivable. but I did it to protect you. I didn't want to bring danger to you." 

"and yet it still came. listen Osamu, she has an ability." 


"it can control shadows. it only just awakened, she can't control it. it comes to life when she's scared. if that letter is from who you think it is. I fear for her even more. I don't want her to be used as a weapon. I just want her back in my arms. so just this once... please, please bring her back to me." 

you got up and bowing your head to him. he got up walking over to you placing a hand on your shoulder. 

"you don't need to bow to me Y/n. don't worry I'll get our daughter back. but in the meantime, I don't think you should stay at your place. you said that there was sines of forced entry. correct?" 

you nod. 

"for now stay with me." 

"I don't know.... I was already thinking of staying with friends." 

"Y/n. it's my past that has come calling. Y/n, I never told you this but I was one of the five executives. I've defected from that life now. but it also means that they'll be sending stronger people. if they send more, I'll be able to protect you better if you're near by. in addition you should take some time off of work as well to lay low. there's more that we need to talk about too." 

he dug around in his pockets for a second pulling out a note pad, pen and a key. he wrote down his address, as well as a map to the agency dormitory handing it to you as well as the key. 

"these are detections to my place as well as the key. go back to your place and get what you need. then head straight there. be quick." 

you nod turning to leave. 

"oh and Y/n." 


you looked over at him. 

"there hasn't been a single day that I haven't thought of you." 

you looked away staying silent, but nodded in acknowledgment. turning back opening the door only to be met with the falling silver haired boy. who tumbled to the floor looking up at you. 

"uh... hi." 

he said awkwardly. 


he looked over to the other side of you tensing up. you looked over to where he was looking to see Dazai with a somewhat weird aura around him. 

Becoming Whole Again - Dazai X Reader X Chuuya (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now