Chapter 14

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AN: many people who said they wanted two endings one for each main love interest I will be writing two besides I don't think I have it in me to do that to Chuya I really hate braking hearts it makes me cry also Character deaths but that aside thanks so much for sticking with me this long and I hope to have more chapters out soon

Chuya and Dazai walked to an abandoned lot down the road as to not be disturbed by anyone. they just stood there staring at each other. finally after a long while until Chūya came running straight at Dazai punching him straight in the face, leaving a bruise on his check  and a little bit of blood on his lip, he smirked. 

"heh, I see we're gonna do this then talk." 

"I definitely can't talk to you, let alone look at you right now without punching your face in, for what you did." 

"I suppose I should have expected it but...." 

he paused and grabbed Chuya's arm pulling him towards him, as he aimed at punch at Chuya's stomach making him double over then jump back out of range. still bent over slightly. 

"we are adults. and adults are supposed to talk and not use violence. it sets a bad example ~" 

he had a happy go lucky smile on his face. 

"quit the act already. we wouldn't be all the way out here if we were only gonna talk. besides it never mattered to us if we're kids or adults. we would still do this and you knew that, which is why we're here now." 

Dazai lowered his head his bangs shadowing his eyes as his happy smile turned into a sinister smirk. 

"very true, now.... let's get this over with." 

they both took fighting positions and ran at each other. 


Their fight lasted for a good many hours until they both couldn't stand, and collapsed breathing hard. both bruised and bleeding a bit. 

"damn it... if I could still move I would make sure you wouldn't move for the rest of your life." 

"heh dying by your hand isn't my style." 

"shut up. you know, you were expecting this so don't bother making jokes; especially after what you did." 

There was a moment of silence. 

"I truly did want to keep her in the light, to keep living without any type of darkness following her. and honestly I was scared too of the fact that I genuinely fell in love. I thought it was better that way. I never stopped thinking about her since that day. I realize now that I truly am an idiot in this case, I think you handled keeping her safe better." 

Chūya lay on his back with his arm covering his eyes letting out a deep breath that he didn't realize he was holding. 

"jeez.... why'd we have to fall for the same girl, this is such a pain." 

there was another moment of silence as Dazai thought to himself. 

"hey, Chuya." 


"I got a proposal. for now until this case is over we call a trues and fight for her after this is all over." 

"why should I believe you? you're hardly trust worthy in general." 

"I think you know neither of us would lie when it comes to her and Hana, besides...." 

Dazai got up and walked over to Chuya. 

"I have a feeling no matter who wins her heart, both of us would still be in the family, so we'd still have to put up with each other either way." 

he held out a hand to Chuya to help him up. Chuya took it without any hesitation this time. knowing that Dazai was 100% telling the truth this time. 

"man this is definitely gonna be a pain, but fine you got yourself a deal." 

he said as Dazai helped him off the ground they started heading back to the apartment. 


You woke up after falling asleep last night. you looked down next to you to see Hana. you closed your eyes smiling as you gave her a kiss on the four head, carful not to wake her. you were enjoying the peaceful moment when you heard the door open and the sound of footsteps. you picked up one of the knives you had near your stuff you slowly walked out of the room, carful to not make a sound. you hear the footsteps stop right near the corner you were hiding. in an instant you jumped out pointing the knife close to their throats, adrenaline rushing through your body ready for anything until you heard the voice of Dazai. 

"Y/n, it's us don't worry." 

you slowly lower the knife as you stared at the two. 

"Osamu? Chuya?" 

you let out a breath of relief, but it was short lived when you saw the bruises and cuts on the both of them, not to mention the small amount of blood on their clothes. although in Dazai's case there was quite a bit more on his coat from when he went to the mafia earlier. 

"what on earth happened to the both of you? were you attacked?" 

you said with worry and surprise. you were carful to keep your voice down so you wouldn't wake Hana. they seemed to pick up on what you were doing and lowered their voices. 

"you don't need to worry about it Y/n we're fine." 

Chuya voiced. 

"you both certainly don't look fine." 

"no need to worry, my dear Belladonna~ I assure you we are perfectly fine." 

Chuya shot him a quick glare when he heard the the nickname he called you. 

"well even so, we should take care of those injuries, you both have. but first a bath." 

"ohhh, Y/n you're so bold~ I didn't think you- Ow!" 

In that moment Chuya stepped on his foot and used his ability to make his foot heavier to inflict more pain for an instant. but quickly stopped before you noticed. you were confused for a moment then brushed it off and held out your hands. 

"coats, now." 


"they desperately need to be washed. they stink and you have blood all over yours Osamu. I'm not letting you both leave this house till you're both clean. you can leave your other clothes outside the door. I'll pick them up and wash them while you each bathe." 

your mom side was coming out and didn't even give them a chance to argue, as you left with their coats in your arms. once you were out of sight Chuya turned to Dazai and glared at him. 

"remember the deal. besides if you keep making inappropriate comments to her or do anything, I will use my ability. and yours won't matter as long as you're skin doesn't make physical contact. remember that." 

after that Chuya turned and started heading to the bath. 

"I'll take the first one." 

Chuya didn't even wait for a response or comment as he walked there. he stopped when a thought entered his mind. 

'wait I don't have any extra clothes...'

Becoming Whole Again - Dazai X Reader X Chuuya (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now