Chapter 12

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Important A/N: Ok so I'm sure all of you noticed the many more updates then usual. that's because school will be starting soon for me and unfortunately when it dose I won't be able to write as much. so I'v decided that I'd try to write as many chapters as possible before school starts. but don't worry I have full intentions of updating this when I can. anyway that's all thank you for taking the time to read this.


The walk home was very silent. partly because Hana was sleeping, partly because the air between the three people walking was awkward. one man on either side of you. finally you all got back. Dazai unlocked the door, letting you and Chuya inside. you took Hana from Chuya and carried her over to the room where you used to sleep, and tucked her into bed making sure she was nice and warm. after that you returned back to the living room. where you saw the two men glaring at each other, you sighed then walked over to them. 

"well, she's asleep. the day must have really tired her out." 

"yeah, I'm not surprised with escaping the mafia and everything. not to mention Chuya resining and becoming a traitor to them." 


Chuya gave Dazai a glare. 

"oh, was that a secret? I didn't realize, sorry~" 

Dazai said as he looked to the side from Chuya's glare. 

"Chuya, is that true?" 

he looked over to you. 

"yeah, it is. but it's one of the things I wanted to talk to you about." 

you took a deep breath in and out. 

"Osamu. I'd like to speak to Chuya alone. there's somethings we need to catch up on. also if you even try listening in, I won't make those crab cakes that you wanted in your lunch. after me and Chuya are done talking, I think it would be good if we all talked together. considering the fact that you both seem to know each other." 

 Dazai just sighed then walked out of the room. 

"are you sure he'll listen?" 

"yeah. when it comes to crab he'll listen." 

"well I guess that's good to know for the future." 

"it only works that way with Y/n!" 

you both hear a voice say from the other room. 

"Osamu, that's warning one!" 

you called back, after that there was silence. after you waited an extra moment just to make sure, then turned back to Chuya. 

"so I guess we should both begin at the beginning for each of our stories, huh." 

"I can go first if you want." 

Chuya just nodded. you both sat down on the floor next to each other leaning against the wall. 

"so I guess in terms of the beginning... I first met Osamu when I was at a cafe. I definitely didn't trust him the moment I saw him. actually, I think I punched him." 

you giggled to yourself. 

"after a while, I saw him again in the most random places. each time we talked a little more. I don't know why but I couldn't help but be curious about him. and after a while more, I realized I had feelings for him and it kinda went from there. but after the first night we spent together, he disappeared." 

Becoming Whole Again - Dazai X Reader X Chuuya (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now