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A year later

I looked up at the sky and see how gloomy it is. Dark clouds are starting to block the sun rays and they are filling the sky up faster than I can count the people passing by this slow Saturday morning. I was thinking of hailing a cab to reach my apartment faster until I heard my phone ring from my coat pocket.

“Hello?” I answered Jesse’s call, my roommate and self-proclaimed Korean-American best friend. “Yow girl, where you at?”

I roll my eyes and answer her quickly. “On my way home. Why?” I started to drag my feet and try to find a nearby taxi so I can go home and take a much needed nap.

“Oh, no. You’re not going home. Did you forget that you’re meeting me and a friend of mine today?” she grumbled over the phone. I can already see her pouting her lips and stomping her feet like the brat she is.

“Was I? Totally slipped my mind.” Not. Never even thought of showing up in the first place.

“Yumi. I told you this will totally be worth your time. Come on, please.” She dragged the last word like she always does in an attempt to get my attention.

But sorry, Jesse, not today.

I sighed and answered, “Jesse, I told you I was working on a paper that is due Monday. And ok, I’m not gonna lie to you. I finished it but I need to go home and sleep this off. I was up all night.” I can hear shuffling on the other line and I heard a car door shut. “And don’t even try to pick me up, I’m not going.” I sternly said while I hear her mumbling incoherent words over the phone.

“Fine. But you promised! So we’ll change it up a bit. How about you hang out with us tonight?”

I’m really close to hanging up on you.

Don’t get me wrong. I love Jesse. When I first moved to Seoul, I knew nothing about the culture let alone the language. I found an ad on the internet that some rich girl that owns an apartment is trying to find a roommate to occupy the vacant room she has.

I was so desperate to leave I never anticipated I would get a hyperactive person as a welcoming committee when I was trying to live my life in peace.

“You and alcohol? No thanks.” I replied. “You know, this love and hate relationship should stop. I know you love it when I give you attention. So girl, come on! A good drink and a hot guy is what you need!” I roll my eyes again as I always do when this girl tries to hook me up with random people.

“And you wonder why I don’t dare go with you and your friends? I don’t even know why you work for that company Jess. You have like a billion won in your bank account. You certainly don’t need them.” I found a taxi and hurriedly went inside as I felt droplets of rain start to fall on my neck.

“As if you don’t. Come on, please. And I promise you it’s gonna be chill. I won’t even bug you on dressing up coz you don’t need to. You’ll still be the most beautiful girl even when you show up with only your pajamas on. Second to me of course.” She giggled.

I smiled fondly thinking how this crazy annoying girl can always make me say yes in unexpected times. I stayed quite for a bit. Thinking it would never hurt to have a good time once in a while.

I sighed and gave Jesse the answer she’s been asking for. “Okay. I’ll go. But don’t pick me up. Just text me the address and I’ll be there. Now, drop the call. I need time to process why I agreed to this.” I sarcastically said. She chuckled and whispered a sweet See you later before hanging up.

I looked outside the window and saw that the rain is starting to catch up with our speed. I closed my eyes and try to drown everything out when I didn’t realize we already arrived at my apartment building. I gave the driver the money and hurriedly went inside the building greeting the doorman a quick good morning. I was waiting for the elevator door to open when I notice a looming figure beside me. I stole a quick glance, only to regret it right away.

You’re Jesse noona’s roommate, right?”


Guess who?

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