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The first time I entered the room, there’s only one thing in my mind. It’s too early for this. I groaned from where I was sitting. I looked at the huge window overlooking the peaceful blue ocean of New Caledonia to try to calm my nerves. I don’t even know why I’m nervous. It’s not like I would even let my parents do what they are planning to do.

“Are you listening, Yumi?” My dad said from the center of the table. We are having a “meeting” or so they say and I don’t like it one bit.

“Yes, Dad.” I answered lazily. I heard a chuckle from the person sitting directly in front of me. I looked at him and I rolled my eyes at the knowing smirk he’s giving my way.

“You know this would be good for the company, Yumi.” My dad added. Why is he so persistent?

“Only if we’re still in the 18th century.” I groaned and slumped further in my seat. We are inside one of the conference rooms in the resort. My parents suggested we have a meeting with the Weiss siblings for a possible merger. But never did I expect for them to suggest such a ridiculous idea. An arranged marriage at this age and time would be insane.

“Is it that bad to get married to me?” Richard Weiss, Ellen’s older and only brother, said while still smirking at me.

“I don’t want to be labelled as one of your conquests, Rich.” I answered.

“Yumi…” My mom warned. I hear Richard chuckle again and I narrowed my eyes at him. He’s enjoying this too much.

“It’s ok, ma’am. Yumi’s just salty because I’m not her type.” I continued glaring at him.

The Weiss siblings are known not just for their money but for their looks. Richard Weiss is the modern day James Dean. Any girl that is in the same room as him would swoon and fall on their feet to have even just a moment with him. But not me. Growing up knowing him and Ellen makes me immune to his charms. My parents’ though are so caught up with their little fantasy. Especially since Ellen expressed her interest in expanding their business in Asia.

“We don’t need to get married for you to propose a deal with them, daddy. I’ll just have Ellen talk to you. Where is she anyway? She’s supposed to be here.” I answered, completely ignoring the knowing remark Rich has said. One thing annoying about the siblings are they’re very close. I’m sure Ellen have shared a thing or two about me and Namjoon to Rich.

“Well, obviously my little sister knows about this little arrangement. That girl is obsessed with you. If she can’t get married to you, then she’ll have me marry you instead.” Rich joked. I rolled my eyes at him again and sat straight on my seat. I looked at my parents. They looked dejected. I know they don’t want to marry me off as well. I know they’re just doing this because they’re scared I’d run away again.

“What is this really about, mom? Obviosuly, we really don’t need Rich here.” I asked while sending a sharp stare in Rich’s direction. He put his hand on his chest and feigned hurt. I looked at him disgustingly and waited for my parents to answer.

“We just don’t know if you’ll be going back with us, honey.” My mom answered. I sighed and rubbed my temple. This is giving me a headache. I admit I already became accustomed to the life in South Korea that I totally forgot who I was. Going back to my country was overwhelming. Hearing my name on the news again is also overwhelming.

“I haven’t decided yet.” I answered honestly.

I hear my Dad heave a deep sigh from where he was sitting. When this meeting started, they were basically just talking about all the possibilities that can happen for the merger. It was hours of gruelling business talks that I was not a bit interested in. Rich was answering my Dad politely. Unlike me, the Weiss siblings was brought up to be basically the best young entrepreneurs by their parents. It’s not a surprise that he can answer my Dad professionally. But then the talk of the marriage was brought up and I tried not to puke. I was so taken aback that I did not even know what to say.

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