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It's the weekend and I feel like I slept a ton after a week of continued overtime :'( but anyways, writing my books are a sweet escape from this treacherous reality. We're close to 500 reads and you don't know how relieved I am that you read this book. There aren't a lot of Namjoon fics so it really makes my heart happy. You supporting this book is also supporting Namjoon and the rest of the boys as well.

So here it is, hope you like it ❤️

I fell on my bed after an exhausting gym session today. It’s the weekend and I’m finally free from any school work. I’m quite thankful I had something to keep me occupied. But today was a free day and I had nothing to do to keep my loud head from screaming at me so I thought maybe a bit of a run on a treadmill would help to keep me at least a little sane.

I looked at my phone that is sitting quietly on my night stand. It has been a few days since I opened it. I know Jesse has been texting me nonstop. Jae has been reminding me how awful of a friend I am that I don’t reply to her. I read her text messages after that video call and I got even guiltier than I already feel. I hate that I don’t know how to comfort people so responding to her text messages is so difficult I just decided to turn my phone off for the day. A day turned into two and if I’m not mistaken, it’s close to a week now that I haven’t even touched the little gadget.

I sat up and reached my phone. I stared at it for a few minutes until I decided to not chicken out and turn it on. Thanks to South Korea’s strong network, my phone blasted with a million messages not just from Jesse but the other boys as well. I got through them one by one. I know they didn’t know what happened because all the other messages except for Jesse’s are somehow normal. Until my hand hovered to Namjoon’s contact. It was in bold. Telling me that he sent me a message. My heart stopped to beat for a second. Until it started beating rapidly again. I contemplated if I should open it. I don’t know what to expect. But the familiar sting in my chest is there again with the deafening beat of my heart.

Hey, Yumi. How are you? It’s been a while, huh. I know this message is lame. I just want to tell you that the boys and I are doing well. You’re probably wondering why I texted you. I’m just worried, I guess. Can we talk? I’ve been calling you but I think your phone is off. I just want to clarify something. Please, be ok. I’m here always, remember? I’ll be waiting for your reply.


I felt my hands tremble after reading the message. He’s worried about me but he didn’t even think of sending me a simple hello these past weeks? I know I’ve been comforting myself by saying how this is my fault. But I was already slowly accepting the idea that he got tired of me. And now this? I think I’m going crazy. This is definitely crazy. How can someone survive these kind of feelings? I feel like exploding. My mind is raising with different scenarios in my head, both good and bad. I feel like crying again. But I stopped myself and decided to reply back. If I want this to be normal, I have to act like nothing happened.

I quickly looked up the time in Europe before typing a reply. It’s 4pm where they are right now. It’s also a Saturday and they are probably preparing for another concert.

Hey. Yeah. I’m good. I was just busy with school. You don’t have to worry. Say hi to the boys for me.

I sent a simple reply hoping it would conceal all the aching I feel inside. I stood up and decided to change out of my sweaty outfit. After cleaning up, I looked at my phone that was left open on the bed and saw a reply from Namjoon.

Hi! The maknaes says hi. Jungkook said he sent you a video on your email. I think it’s one of the things he was working on while we’re here.

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