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I entered the reception area with Levi in tow. Apparently, my Dad asked him to keep me company after I instructed him to silently tell my Dad we needed to talk tonight so he can spare a bit of his time.

It's my cousin Celine's wedding and the reception area is buzzing with over two hundred people. Most of whom, I only knew as my parents colleagues in the business.

Although we weren't close, I'm happy to be able to witness Celine get married to the love of her life. A well-dressed waitress ushered me and Levi into one of exclusive round tables reserved for the family members. Levi offered me his arm as we walked through the pile of people sneaking a glance in my direction.

I feel bad. Celine should be the apple of everyone's eyes because this is her special day. But it seems like some people doesn't get the gist.

"Yumi, dear. You look beautiful today. Sometimes, I really want to snatch that assistant of yours. She never fails to make you a head turner wherever you go." Aunt Farrah, my mom's older cousin, approached me while kissing both of my cheeks.

I forced myself to disregard how she addressed Tessa. But then I realized, to outsiders, she's merely my personal assistant.

"Thank you, Aunt Farrah. You look beautiful tonight as well." I smiled sweetly at her.

Aunt Farrah got distracted with the champagne one of the waiters was passing around the guests and I hurriedly dragged Levi to the table next to us so we could take a seat.

When we got settled, I took my phone and sent a picture of Levi looking up at the dangling lights that are shining above us. I sent the picture to Tessa just to tease her when the wedding host announced the arrival of the newly-wed couple.

Everyone stood up and clapped their hands while waiting for the couple to reach the stage upfront. The band played a sweet rendition of a famous Ed Sheeran song and we watched the couple danced the night away.

It's obvious how much love they have for each other. And I wondered how great it would be to experience a love like theirs.

I brushed the thought off when I see my parents talking to one of the members of the board from across the venue. They were laughing and I smiled when I realized my dad is enjoying his time. I got a bit antsy. Nervous for their reaction when I tell them the big news I've been waiting to drop.

"It's okay, Yumi. You need this." I reminded myself.

I must have said that out loud because Levi then touched my shoulder and said, "Are you okay, miss? Are you getting tired?" I smiled at his concern.

Levi is only a few years older than me but he seems so mature and has always been a gentleman. "Yes, Levi. I'm fine. I just really need to talk to my parents now."

I stood up from where I was sitting and made my way to the other side of the venue where my parents are talking to the beautiful couple. Mom noticed me and smiled brightly at me.

Celine and her husband has their back on me so I softly tapped her shoulder and instantly offered her a hug. "The wedding looked so beautiful, Celine. And so are you." I let go of her and congratulated her husband as well.

I made a few comments about the reception before turning my attention to my parents. I smiled at them and looked at my Dad. He must've understood the look I'm giving him when he excused us from the couple and told me to follow them on one of the private rooms the venue offers.

We walked through a series of corridors and arrived at a room where a balcony is overlooking the festivities below. I made my way to the balcony, looked at how happy the guests are and turned around to look at my parents.

My mom was sitting on one of the love seats in the room and my dad is standing by the corner sipping a glass of whiskey. I took a few steps forward looking at my feet. I looked up and I know that they're waiting for whatever I was gonna say.

See, my parents are not that strict. They aren't laid back either. But since I was brought up in a family where it's closely related to how a monarch would live, I was expected to act like a respectable princess. Minus the tiara, of course.

"Mom, Dad. I love you and I'm really grateful for everything that you've given me. I was hoping you guys could do me a favour." I looked at both of them. Deciphering the expressions. My mom was confused but my Dad gestured me to keep going.

"I'd like to go to the US to study. I know you said I don't need to and I can just choose a university here so I can be closer to home. But I think it would be a good training ground for me if I can get accepted to an Ivy League school."

Lies. All lies. I feel myself trembling. My hands tightly clutched the handbag Tessa chose for me while waiting for my parents' reaction.

My dad laughed. I looked up and I saw my Mom smiling at me then she stood up to walk on my direction.

When she reached me, she held both of my hands and softly said, "Honey, what are you so nervous about? Of course, the answer is yes. We would never stop you from pursuing your studies especially if you're thinking about the company."

I looked at them and I forced myself not to cry. I felt so guilty. I expected this reaction. I know they would say yes. As long as I show interest in taking over the company, my parents are always all ears.

They never knew how suffocated I feel every time I enter the four walls of my Dad's huge office. How every time I meet a business partner, I force myself to stand my ground and not run away. How every time I sit at the dining table and my parents talk about the future of the company, it always falls down on my shoulders.

Saying all of that out loud would make me sound ungrateful. But all the damage that being an heir has given my mental health ever since I was young was catching up to me and I needed to release all the anxiety.

Seeing a therapist was never an option. Imagine what would happen if the daughter of the richest media mogul is on the headlines for depression and anxiety. It would look bad. Really bad. I couldn't care less about my reputation, but I can't imagine how much damage it would cost to my parents'. They didn't deserve it.

My dad cupped my cheeks, sensing my inner battle with myself. I've never been vocal about how I felt but my Dad always made me feel that I am his daughter, not an heir he was obligated to raise to keep the business from not slipping off my family's hands.

"Think long and hard about what you want, Yumi. Me and Mom, we might not always be there, but we're still your parents. We will always be family. We love you and wherever you choose to go always remember that Mom and Dad will always have their arms wide open to welcome you back."

I hugged the both of them. Silently apologizing in my head why I chose to lie to them. But everyone needs their time and I believe this is mine. I just really hope I'd be able to come back and choose the life my parents built for me. Or will I?

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