two ♔ john deacon

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The phone interrupted your and John's movie night as it rang loudly. You sighed and John got up to get it.

"No, I'll take it, it's probably my mum." You said and walked towards the machine. "Hello?" You said and Freddie's hysterical voice was herd on the other end.

"Y/N! DELILAH RAN AWAY! I CAN'T FIND HER!" He shouted. You had to remove the phone from your ear from his shouting.

"Oh no! When?" You asked, worry clear in your voice. Delilah was your favourite out of Freddie's many cats.  

"This afternoon," he calmed down but you could still hear the panic in his voice. "I'm so scared Y/n, what if something happened to her. She's probably freezing!" 

"Don't worry Fred, me and John will go out to look for her, she can't have gotten far away." You said. You and Freddie didn't live too far away from each other.

"Will you do that for me?"

"Of course Freddie, you're my best friend." You smiled. "Bye, take care and try to calm down."

"Goodbye my darling, I love you"

"I love you too Freddie, Bye." You said and put the phone down. You turned around and John stood behind you. You jumped and hit his chest lightly. "Jesus, are you trying to give me a heart attack?" You said, walking past him towards the door of your shared house.

"What happened?" John asked, trailing after you.

"Delilah ran away, Freddie was hysterical. I promised him that we would go out and look for her." You said and put your shoes on. "You don't mind, do you?" You asked and he shook his head.

"I'll just get the TV." He said and you nodded, putting your coat and scarf on. John came back to you and you waited for him to put his boots on. You grabbed his jacket and held it out in front of you. He turned around and looped his arms through it, putting it on. He kissed your cheek before you both walked out, him locking the door behind you.

You began walking down the street, chatting lightly as you did so, keeping an eye out for the multicolored cat. Puffs of air fell from both your and John's lips as you walked, arms looped together. You leaned your head against John's shoulder as he told you about their new album. He kissed your head softly before continuing talking about his song 'another one bites the dust'.

But in that very moment, you herd a small meow. John didn't seem to hear it as you came to an halt. He looked at you with a questioning look in his eyes, but you just put a finger to your lips. Soon the soft sound ringed through the air once more and the silhouette of a cat came towards you. The cat walked into the lights of the streetlight and you held your breath.

"John, isn't that.." you started, staring at the creature who sat down to clean its fur.

"Delilah.." he breathed out and looked at you.

"Hey Delilah, come here sweetie." You hunched down and held your arm out. The cat slowly made its way towards you, grinding against your knees. You quickly lifted her up, a small squeak escaping her lips. You hushed her and kissed her head, making her relax just the slightest. "Come on, Freddie's house isn't far away, let's walk there." You said and once again, John nodded and kissed your cheek before you started to walk.

Soon, you stood in front on Freddie's beautiful mansion. You carefully rang his doorbell and it played a small tune of Für Elise. Freddie opened the door after an few seconds and gasped when he saw his beloved cat in your arms.

"OH! DELILAH!" He shouted and took the cat from your arms. The cat snuggled into his embrace and he kissed it multiple times. "Come in come in." Freddie said and you shut the door behind you. "Y/n! I don't know how to thank you! Do you want something? Money? A piece of art?-" He rambled into your hair as he hugged you tightly.

"No no Freddie. I don't need anything." You said and he was about to say something but you stopped him, knowing it was just another offer. "It's fine Freddie, really." You said with a slight smile. "I'm just happy to know that Delilah's home with her lovely dad." You smiled. "Me and John should get going, but I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Of course. I love you my dear." He said and hugged you once more.

"I love you too Freddie, take care. Goodbye." You said and John waved slightly. You walked out the door and grabbed Johns hand. You walked back to your house, chatting lightly. You got to your house and removed your outerwear.

"Do you want some tea?" John asked and you nodded before walking back into the living room. You sat down in the sofa, wrapping yourselves in blankets. John came back in. "I put the kettle on." He said and smiled as he saw you. "You look adorable." He said and kissed your lips softly. The kiss escalated quickly and soon John was laying on top of you, fiddling with your bra. The kettle started whining and you sighed as John kept kissing your neck.

"John, the kettle." You laughed as he nipped on your skin.

"Screw the kettle." He mumbled against your skin, sending vibrations through your body.

"Nooo, I want my tea." You laughed and John sighed as he laid flat on top of you.

"I got horny for no reason then." He mumbled getting up. You grabbed his hand over the sofa.

"Maybe we can continue this after the tea. I'm just craving it." You said and John smiled before he pecked your lips.


"Promise." You said and kissed him once more, he got pulled in but you stopped him before he could wrap his arms around you. "The kettle!" You chuckled and John groaned, stomping towards the kitchen like a toddler. After a minute he walked back to you, holding two mugs of tea in front of him.

"Blueberry for you, since you don't want caffeine this late." He handed you a cup with small hearts spread across it. "With honey and milk."

"Thank you, love you." You kissed his cheek lightly.

"I love you Y/n"

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