nineteen ♔ brian may

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"Y/N! GET BACK HERE NOOOOW!" Brian shouted as you bolted of, clutching the lukewarm straightener close to your chest while laughing your arse off. While Brian slept you snook into his room and straightened his curly hair, and he was mad. You herd fast footsteps behind you and yo yelped, running even faster.

"ROGER! Roger!!" You panted. "Help me, please!" You shouted, looking for your brother. He ran out of his room, looking scared but you just told him to stop Brian. He looked like a lost puppy and watched as you ran by, Brian running by him a few seconds later, his hair looking like a short cape. Roger quickly woke John and Freddie up, telling them that you finally did it, straightened Brian's hair. Both of them put a robe on and hurried downstairs. You and Bri stood on either side of the kitchen table, narrowing eyes at each other, you had to force down the laugh that wanted to get out of your body.

Brian looked ridiculous, absolutely hilarious and you could't stop your laughing anymore. You hunched down over the table and laughed, your stomach aching as you did so. Never in your life had you laughed so hard. You closed your eyes, small tears running down your face. Bri took this as a chance and walked around the table, grabbing your waist as he lift you up. He threw you on the sofa and started tickling your sides, making you squeal and scream.

"AHH! HELP ME ROGER! PLEASE!" You screamed while laughing uncontrollably. Brian kept on tickling you. "Alright! ALRIGHT! I GIVE UP! SORRY! I'M SORRY BRIAN!" You screamed and he finally let you go. You looked to the left only to see Roger, John and Freddie standing with smug grins on their lips.

"Brian, you look absolutely hilarious." Freddie said, trying to keep himself from laughing. John let out a snorted laugh but covered it up by clearing his throat. 

"You just stood there, watching me get tortured!" 

"Oh please Y/n, we all know you loved having Brian's hands all over your body." Freddie said, making everybody look at him.

"Did we now?" Roger asked, looking at you and Brian. You glared at Freddie before stomping upstairs. You walked into your room, placing a record on your record player, Mr. Blue sky started playing and you laid down on your bed, gawking at the plain ceiling. 

You had told Freddie about your crush on Brian, and trusted him in not telling anyone, or more importantly, not telling HIM. But he couldn't keep his mouth shut, thirsty for drama, so he said it, in front of everyone, INCLUDING Bri.

"Y/n? Can i come in?" You herd his soft voice say outside your door. 

"No" You mumbled but he stepped inside anyways.

"Freddie told me." He said, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "That you like me more than a friend." He played with his fingers.

"Oh, joy!" You exclaimed loudly. "I'm sorry" You said, glancing his way, his made him look up.

"No, don't be sorry." He said.

"Why? I probably ruined our friendship-" Brian grabbed your hand gently.

"I like you too Y/n, much more than a friend, i have for quite some time actually." He smiled gently. You sat up, staring at him to see if he was joking, but he wasn't. "And i was hoping that we could take the next step." He swallowed nervously. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked, making you smile. You grabbed his face, kissing his lips softly.

"Yes!" You said and kissed his soft lips one more.

𝚋𝚘𝚑𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝚛𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚜𝚘𝚍𝚢Where stories live. Discover now