seven ♔ queen

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"Freddie, where are you going?" Freddie's mum asked him as he tried sneaking out of his house. "Is it a girl you're seeing?"

"Yeah, it's Y/n." He said, telling his mother the truth. You were his best friend and you were going to a small gig, but he didn't tell his mother that.

"Okey. Goodbye Fred. Be careful." She said, smiling slightly at her oldest child.

"Goodbye mama, of course." He said, giving her a soft kiss on her cheek. He walked out of the house and got into your car that was parked a few feet away from his house.

"Finally." You sighed, starting your car. Love me do by The Beatles started playing and you drove of.

"My mum almost caught me, don't get sassy." He said, pointing a finger to your face and you rolled your eyes.

"We're meeting them today?" You asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah, I've herd that they usually hang out behind the bar." He said, fixing the collar of his shirt as you parked your black car outside of the bar the band were playing in. You walked inside and her the music playing loudly. Freddie ordered a beer whilst you sat down at the bar next to him. You didn't drink since you were driving, but you ordered a coke. Soon, the band was finished with their performance and they walked of the stage.

You and Freddie walked towards the back after a few minutes, you still holding the glass bottle of coke in your hand, sipping on the straw that the bartender had given you. You saw a van and two men sitting in it and as you walked closer you saw the drummer and guitarist talking to each other.

"I enjoyed the show." Freddie said as you approached them, you wearing a warm smile.

"Thanks man." The guitarist smiled with a nod.

"I've been following you for a while actually. Smile, makes sense for a dental student and you're a astrophysicist, aren't you?" He asked an the dark haired man nodded once more. You cringed slightly at his words.

"Makes you the clever one aye?" You joked, trying to get rid of the awkward atmosphere.

"Yeah, I suppose it does." He answered, looking at his band mate with a slight smile. The drummer just shook his head before looking at you with a glare.

"We study design." Freddie said, nodding towards you.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah." Freddie answered and you nodded. Fred took out a paper from his pocket. "And, we write songs." He said. "Might be of interest for you?" He asked, trying to give them the small piece of paper, the two men only looked at each other. This made you frown slightly, how can someone be so rude? "Just a bit fun really." He said, putting the paper back in his pocket.

"You're five minutes to late," the drummer started. "Our lead singer just quit."

"Well then you'll need someone new." Freddie said, trying to cover the smile growing in his lips.

"Any ideas?"

"What about me?" He asked, smiling at them.

"Uhhh.." the drummer started with a laugh. "Not with those teeth mate." He laughed, making you mad.

"Hey! You want to show some respect? You don't even know him! Looks isn't everything, dumbass." You said, taking a step closer. The man looked at you with a shocked look in his eyes. And the shock got even clearer as Freddie started to sing.

"I know what I'm doing, I got a feeling, I should be doing alright." He started and soon the others joined in.

"Doing alright" they sang, laughing slightly.

"I was born with four additional teeth. It makes the tones come out in a different way" he smiled. "I'll consider your offer." He said, walking away. You quickly waved goodbye to the boys, walking after him.

"What the hell Freddie!" You hissed and he chuckled slightly.

"Uhh, do you play bass?" One of them asked and you turned around.

"No! But my friend Y/n here does." He said and you gawked at him.

"Uhh no I don't, I know like, one chord, but my brother does, John Deacon!" You said, before waving goodbye. You could only pray that they would take Freddie's offer.

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