four ♔ roger taylor

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A pain shoot through your stomach as you got up to grab a biscuit from the kitchen. You groaned and leaned against the wall, legs wide apart. You couldn't see your feet because of your huge pregnant belly. You tried to calm down by taking deep breaths, but it didn't work. Another intense cramp spread through your body and your legs almost gave in. You felt something warm run down your legs and a clear substance spread around your feet, your water broke.

"Shit!" You shouted and waddled towards the phone. Roger, the father of your child, were at the studio with his bandmates. He said that he could stay home but you didn't want to stand in the way of his career. You quickly pressed the phone number to the studio. Another cramp spread through you as John answered.

"Hello?" He said and you panted loudly.

"Hey, John, AHH SHIT!"

"Y/n? Are you okey?" He asked, a scared tone in his voice.

"Yeah, my water just broke, can you get Roger?"


"HER WATER BROKE?!" Roger yelped in the background. "Y/N! I'm coming home, hold on okey, hold on!" He panicked.

"Y/n! We all are coming! Just stay calm-" your brother started but you interrupted him.

"Brian, i am calm-"

"DON'T PANIC! It'll upset the baby! Stay calm okey! Love you!" Brian rushed before he hung up. Judging by what you just herd, they were more panicked than you were. You calmly put your shoes on, before you grabbed your coat, sliding it on as well. You sat down in the hallway, trying to calm yourself down as cramp after cramp hit you. After a minute the door flew open and Roger ran towards you.

"Y/N! Jesus Christ!" He said and helped you stand up, but right as you did, a cramp shot through your body, making you scream out in pain. A panicked look spread over his face as he quickly lift you up in bridal style, running towards the car. He sat you down in the middle seat, between him and Freddie. Brian was driving and John tried giving him directions. You screamed in pain, holding Freddie's hand in your right and Roger's in your left. You squeezed their hands as they both tried calming you down.

"Breath Y/n, in and out!" Roger tried, patting your hair as you tried doing what he told you to. The cramps calmed down for a moment, but just as you thought they had, they started again. You screamed and leaned forwards, both Freddie's and Rogers hands patting your back.

"ARGHH FUCKING HELL!" You cussed and squeezed your eyes shut. The car came to a red light and Brian had to stop.

"Brian! Hurry up for God's sake!" Roger shouted before he turned back to you, cooing calming things.

"It's a redlight! What am I supposed to do?!" Brian said in a stressed tone. The light turned green and he drove of.

"Turn right! RIGHT!" John shouted and Brian did a sharp turn as he almost missed it. "Continue up the road." He said, looking at the map he held in front of him. "Turn right by that yellow house right there, then we should see the hospital." He said, turning to you. "You'll be okey Y/n/n." He smiled. Brian soon parked in front of the hospital, allowing you and Roger to step out of the car, into the building. You did just that and soon you were laying in a hospital bed, squeezing Rogers hand as you pushed over and over again.

"Push honey! Push!" The nurse standing between your legs motivated you and you did as she said. "I can see a head! Come on, one more big push, one, two, three!" She said and soon the cry from a baby echoed through the room. "It's a boy! It's time to separate baby from mommy. Come here daddy, cut the umbilical cord." The nurse said, handing Roger a scissor. He cut it of and she wrapped a white towel around the baby's body, placing in gently on your chest as she and the other started to clean up.

"Look Rog," You said with tear filled eyes, it's our baby, our little baby." You laughed, admiring the baby's small face. Rogers eyes were glazed as he looked at you and the baby, nothing but happiness evident in his body. The nurses took the baby away from you to weigh, measure and clean him. Roger helped you stand up and change into a new hospital gown after you washed your body. Soon, you were laying in a new bed, breastfeeding your baby boy as you and Roger tried coming up with names. "What about Bill? Or Harry, Vincent? Milo?" You said, looking at your baby. "What are you little guy?"

"Jack?" Roger said after a moment of silence.

"Jack. I like that, are you a little Jack?" You cooed, laughing slightly as the baby made a face. Little Jack let go of your breast and relaxed in your arms. "Can you take him? My arm is falling asleep." You said, handing the small body to Roger. A knock on the door interrupted the calm silence.

"There are three boys wanting to visit you. Is it okey if they come in?" The nurse calmly asked and you nodded with a smile. Brian, John and Freddie quietly walked into the room, their eyes landing at the baby immediately. John and Freddie walked towards Roger who smiled proudly as he showed them his son. Brian walked towards you, asking you if you were alright and how it felt giving birth. You just chatted for a moment, before the visiting hours were over. They left after several goodbyes, you and Roger were alone again.

"I love you Roger, so much." You spoke as you laid on your side, admiring you handsome husband and beautiful son. He was humming a melody as the little baby laid on his chest. He turned towards you, smiling lightly as he caressed your cheek with his hand.

"I love you more."

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