twelve ♔ queen

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"Humpy Bong?" Brian said, not believing what he was hearing. Tim Staffell, the lead singer of your boyfriends and brothers band Smile, were leaving them.

"Humpy Bong." Tim replied with a slight smile. "They're going places, they're gonna be big!"

"Humpy Bong?" Roger, your boyfriend, exclaimed. "Are you joking?"

"Don't do it Tim," You tried reasoning with him but his mind were set on leaving Smile.

"I'm sorry guys, but, we're not going anywhere. Collage gigs, pubs, i gotta give it a go." Tim said, grabbing his suitcase before he walked away. The three of you sighed and sat down in the back of Roger's van.

"I think he's right, that sure was a load of bullocks" Roger said, slumping as he sat down. You placed a hand on his knee as you leaned your head on his shoulder.

"There was room for improvement, yeah" Brian said nodding his head slightly.

"I've got better things to do my Saturday nights, your sister for example." He said with a cheeky grin, making you gasp and slap his chest. Brian just looked at him with disgust in his eyes, but then a man approached you.

"I enjoyed the show" He said, looking at you. He was average height, long black hair and big teeth, he looked sweet and you recognized him from somewhere. You smiled at him as your brother replied.

"Thanks man." He said, nodding with a smile.

"I've been following you for a while actually, Smile, makes sense for a dental student, and you are a astrophysics aren't you?" He asked and they nodded, sharing a small glance. "Makes you the clever one then." He said and you choked a laugh.

"Yeah, i suppose it does." Brian said, looking at Roger with raised eyebrows.

"I study design here" He said and then it all clicked.

"Me too!" You said with a bright smile, "I knew you looked familiar!" You said, getting up to shake his hand. "Y/n"

"Freddie." He smiled back and you sat back down, Roger wrapping an arm around your body. "Also, i write songs, might be of interest for you." He said, fiddling with a small note in his hand. "It's just a bit of fun really." He said and put the note back in his pocket when no one looked very interested.

"You're five minutes to late, our lead singer just quit." Roger said and a small smile spread on Freddie's lips.

"Well then you'll need someone new."

"Got any ideas?" Brian asked.

"What about me?" He asked, striking a small pose.

"Uhh, not with those teeth mate" Roger said, making you elbow him with a scolding look. Freddie's smile disappeared and he nodded while looking down.

"I know what i'm doing, I got a feeling i should be doing alright" He started singing, his angel like voice echoing through the alley.

"Doing alright" Roger and Brian joined in, laughing slightly as they looked at him with amazed eyes.

"I was born with four additional teeth. It makes the tones come out in a different way" he smiled. "I'll consider your offer." He said before walking away.

"Uhh, do you play base?" Brian shouted after him.

"No." He said, disappearing from your sight.

"Why'd you say that?" You asked your boyfriend, removing his arm from your waist.


"About his teeth, poor lad, he can't help that." You said and Brian nodded.

"Yeah, that was really mean Rog." He said and Roger rolled his eyes. "Now we just have to find a bassist."

"I know a guy in my music class, his name is John Deacon. He's really good actually, should i tell him you're interested?" You asked as you stood up, placing your hands on your hips. You're brother nodded.

"Yeah, he's a nice chap, he was the guy that followed you home the other day, right?" Brian asked with a smirk and you rolled your eyes, he loved making Roger annoyed.

"Followed you home the other day?" Roger stared at you with dark eyes.

"Calm your balls Taylor, It was school related" You said with crossed arms. Roger nodded but still eyed you suspiciously. You rolled your eyes and straddles his waist, leaning your head against his chest. "I would never cheat on you" You said and he wrapped his ams around your body as he kissed your head.

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